Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 1778: Obedient

   Chapter 1778 Obedient

  Li Mo: "..."

  Xu Qingzhi didn't intend to pay attention to him anymore, and seeing that she was about to leave, Li Mo hurriedly said:

   "What else can I do? Wouldn't it be better if I didn't see him? Nothing would happen if I didn't see him!"

  Xu Qingzhi glanced at him lightly, didn't say anything, just opened the door and walked out.

  Li Mo's teeth were a little sour.

  This woman is getting more and more lawless.

   When he talks is he farting?

   stuffed two mouthfuls of buns, drank the porridge in a few mouthfuls, stood up, and walked out of the ward with a pale face. �

   When Xu Qingzhi arrived at the door of Chu Yi's ward, there were already many people gathered at the door of the ward.

   Most of them were young women, the door was closed, but they still went to the small glass at the door of the ward to really lean in.

   "Really? Is it really the Emperor Chu Ying?"

   "Yeah, I almost ran into him at the door just now! He's in this ward."

   "I heard that he went to Rongcheng, but why was he hospitalized?"

   "I don't know, I think he had a fight with someone, and he seems to be injured on his face and head."

   "What? Fighting?! If the media knows about this, will it make things worse?"

   "I got into trouble when I first came to Rongcheng. If this matter really comes out, the topic will definitely be hot!"

   Hearing these words, Xu Qingzhi froze in his heart, and had a bad premonition.

   A dignified international actor who fought with someone in Rongcheng and was admitted to the hospital...

  If it is just a mainland star, it can cause an uproar that cannot be underestimated, not to mention, he is also an international actor.

  How many people are waiting to catch his pigtails, if it is really exposed, it will definitely be a major blow to his career.

   looks a little ugly.

   All of this happened because of her. She couldn't blame her if something happened.

  Xu is that the situation here caught the attention of the hospital. Several security guards ran over, followed by a few people in ordinary clothes, who seemed to be Chu Yi's management team.

   The people at the door were a little unwilling to disperse. During the process, they were still inquiring about whether the people in the ward were Chu Yi.

   What happened again.

   Security and the brokerage team are unified with "no comment".

   After everyone dispersed, Xu Qingzhi came to the door. He was about to knock on the door to go in, but a force suddenly pierced his waist, and a familiar breath came.

   She turned her head and saw Li Mo standing beside her with a stinky face, her long arms domineeringly wrapping her by his side, sensing that she was looking at him, and snorted coldly.

   "Women who don't care."

   Xu Qingzhi was still thinking about the scene just now, and she felt particularly upset when she thought that he had beaten Chu Yi into the hospital, which might attract media attention.

   After he finished speaking, she pursed her lips, raised her arms horizontally, and used her elbows to hit Li Mo's waist and eyes hard.

   Li Mo was attacked suddenly, his body bowed subconsciously, his expression instantly stiffened.

  Xu Qingzhi gave him a cold look, then reached out and knocked on the door of the ward.

   "Damn woman..."

  Li Mo let out a low curse, seeing the door open, Xu Qingzhi walked in directly.

  The door was not closed, and he followed in the first time.

   Resolutely can't let Xu Qingzhi and the man surnamed Chu be alone together.

  Chu Yi's face was particularly bad. The nurse Li Mo arranged last night was still there, but his expression was a little wrong.

   There were other people in the ward, probably Chu Yi's management team.

   Seeing Xu Qingzhi, several people greeted him.

  Xu Qingzhi felt a little guilty when he saw him, "Did the doctor make rounds? How is the situation?"

  Chu Yi's assistant didn't even know why Chu Yi was admitted to the hospital. Seeing Xu Qingzhi, his melancholy face still brought out a not-so-good-looking smile.

   "Mr. Xu, why are you here so early?"

   After all, he is the current "gold master's father". With Chu Yi's character, it is more difficult than reaching the sky to please him, so to deal with these gold masters, they can only be careful.

  Chu can also have big cards, but they can't follow big cards either.

   They are not eligible.

  Although they know, they and Xu Qingzhi are completely a relationship of mutual use.

   Without Chu Yi, Zhiqin's products could not get the real new listing effect, and the sales volume was a very intuitive problem.

   However, whoever makes someone a party in the contract, they take money to do things for them.

  Xu Qingzhi smiled lightly, "Knowing that Chu Yi is hospitalized, I naturally have to pay more attention. After all, I invited him to Rongcheng, and I can't blame him for the accident."

  The assistant was terrified, "Mr. Xu is serious, it's Chu Yi who got into trouble and may cause unnecessary influence to you..."

   Xu Qingzhi pulled his lips, but did not directly say that Chu Yi was beaten into the hospital by her so-called husband because of her.

   "The important thing is that people are okay."

   "Fortunately, nothing major, we will definitely be able to catch up with our new product launch."

"That's good."

  Chu Yi gave her a cold look.

  This woman is indeed a vicious capitalist, she bears the brunt when there are interests, and once there is a conflict, she must be the one who escapes faster than anyone else.

   He became like this, why doesn't she know?

  Easy to avoid the heavy and not too obvious, okay?

"Did you eat breakfast?"

   Xu Qingzhi asked softly.

   "Chu Yi has a bad temper and doesn't have the habit of eating breakfast..."

  Xu Qingzhi glanced at Chu Yi, whose face was particularly ugly, and suddenly remembered a taboo that he must not touch casually.

   That is about getting up.

   His waking up spirit is definitely no secret.

   When I saw her before, I could still pretend to be gentle and affectionate, but now, I don't have any.

   raised his eyebrows, "Chu Yi, you must have breakfast..."

  Chu Yi glanced at her sideways and said nothing.

   "If you don't eat, you have no energy, you will still lose in fights... Li Mo just ate a lot..."

   Chu Yi's mouth twitched.

   This is to stimulate him directly?

   As if she was completely cooperating with Xu Qingzhi, the protagonist in her mouth appeared in front of her the next second.

  Assistant had no idea why Xu Qingzhi persuaded Chu Yi to have breakfast to mention the fight and President Li. Seeing Li Mo at a loss, he quickly smiled and greeted Li Mo with a smile.

   "Mr. Li, thank you so much for coming to visit Chu Yi..."

  To talk about Rongcheng, who doesn't know the existence of the Li family.

  Chu Yi was almost **** off by the assistant's reaction.

  Li Mo had a dignified and noble attitude, nodded lightly, and glanced at Chu Yi, "After all, he is the spokesperson of my wife's company, so it is appropriate to come and see."

  Chu Yi: "..."

   These **** couples are more hypocritical than the other.

   The anger in my heart was hard to subdue, but when I saw Li Mo's somewhat bad face, the corners of his mouth twitched, but he still laughed out loud.

   "Did you have your soul sucked by a goblin last night, and your face looks embarrassed like that?"

  Li Mo's face suddenly sank.

   Everyone looked at Li Mo's face, and sure enough...

   held back his laughter, not daring to make a sound.

   "Xu Qingzhi is a typical appearance association, you look like this, be careful that she really dumps you because of your face."

   said, Chu Yi turned to look at the assistant next to him and stroked his face, "How is my face?"

   "Emperor Chu's face is always perfect, even if he is injured now, he is impeccably morbidly handsome."

   Chu also hooked his lips in satisfaction.

   Indeed, although it sounds hypocritical to say what the assistant said, it is also the truth.

  Chu Yi's face is indeed, even though his head is wrapped in a circle of white gauze, and his face is even painted, but the heroic facial features reveal a kind of wild beauty at this time.

  Looking at him, it was like seeing the handsome boys fighting and hanging out in school. The bad looks are what many girls are tempted to look like.

   Now his status does not allow it, otherwise, there must be many girls and women vying for the first, and they have to serve him even if they are broken.

   "Xu Qing knows what you said, is he right?"

  Chu Yi turned around and asked Xu Qingzhi.

  Xu Qingzhi nodded, "Yes."

   The voice fell, and Xu Qingzhi felt that a cold gaze was stabbing at him beside him.

  Chu Yi's sense of getting up seemed to have dissipated, and he turned his eyes to look at Li Mo provocatively, only to see that the already ugly face was even more ugly at the moment, and finally he couldn't help laughing.

   "Hahahaha, Xu Qingzhi, I really think you can completely empathize and stop falling in love! Come on, open your big dark and bright eyes and see, me and him, who is worthy of your liking?"

  Chu Yi's words made Li Mo's face almost indescribable.

   And the assistant next to him, his feet were weak, and he almost fell to the ground.

   What the **** is this fairy dialogue?

  What is called God and Mr. Li, who is more worthy of Mr. Xu's love?

  The family is an upright husband and wife, **** it!

  What did he mean by that?

   Do you know what the terrible social reaction would be if it got out?

   Does he think his career is too smooth?

   He looked around the entire ward with some fear. There was only one nurse, and there was always a cloudy expression.

  Xu Qingzhi glanced at his assistant in embarrassment and helplessness, but did not speak.

  Li Mo stepped forward and took Xu Qingzhi into his arms.

   squinted and stared dangerously at Chu Yi, "If you don't want to put yourself in a morgue, it's better to talk over your head!"

The assistant    grabbed the railing at the end of the bed.

   His legs were shaking.

   This obviously covets someone's wife, so it's no wonder they're not angry.

   They are mixed in the entertainment industry, and they look superficial, but they are also the ones with the most weaknesses.

All aspects of    are infinitely magnified. If you are not careful, you may lose all your achievements.

  If you offend the powerful capitalists, minutes can bring you back to before liberation overnight.

Their family Chu Yi has a really arrogant personality, but they have been filming abroad for so many years, and have not offended anyone. In China, they have just returned, and nothing has stabilized. If you come to Rongcheng, you will get offended. Such a big trouble, how can they live?

   "Don't be angry, Mr. Li, Chu Yi, he's just joking."

  Li Mo gave him a cold look, "I have eyes, I don't know if he is joking?"

  Assistant was about to cry.

   "So don't take it seriously."


  Li Mo sneered, turned his head to look at Xu Qingzhi who was beside him, "Did you read it?"

  Xu Qingzhi looked at the assistant beside him, "Are you sure that Chu will not delay the launch of the new product?"

The assistant    said quickly: "I have confirmed with the doctor, there is absolutely no problem."

   "When I just came in, I saw a lot of people gathered outside the door. Regarding Chu Yi's hospitalization, have you thought of any countermeasures?"

Assistant    nodded, "We have informed the PR department about this, and the plan will come out soon, so there shouldn't be any major problems."

  Xu Qingzhi was a little worried, but Li Mo, who was beside him, said coldly:

   "If... if some media say that Chu Yi is a third party, have you figured out how to deal with it?"

  The assistant staggered.

   "Mr. Li, Chu Yi, he can't..."

   Li Mo sneered and turned around with Xu Qingzhi in his arms, "Who do you think beat him up for the reason he was hospitalized?"

   The voice fell, and he had already walked to the door with Xu Qingzhi.

   There was a "pop" sound behind him, and the assistant was completely paralyzed to the ground.

   looked at Chu Yi in horror.

   "'t really..."

  Chu Yi was choked up by Li Mo's last words, "Bring me your breakfast!"

  Assistant: "..." �

   Back in the ward, Xu Qingzhi wants to go home.

  Li Mo refused to let her go.

   blocked the door, not giving her any chance to leave at all.

  Xu Qingzhi stood at the door, looking at the man in front of him, with anger and laughter in his heart.

   "Li Mo, don't you think you're a rogue now?"

  Li Mo's face didn't change, "The rogue was also forced out by you! Who makes you always restless!"

   Xu Qingzhi was angry, "Why am I restless?! Even if I was restless, you forced it out! So in the end, you forced yourself to be a rogue! Maybe you are a rogue yourself!"

   "Ha!" Li Mo sneered, "Yes, I'm a rascal, did you know that on the first day? But you still love me until now!"

   "Who said I still love you now! You were so excessive before, why should I love you from the beginning to the end."

  Li Mo's face sank, "Who doesn't love me?!"

   "There are so many handsome guys in the world! There are so many more handsome than you! Who do I love bad, but I love you, a man who only knows how to pierce my heart from beginning to end?"

Li Mo straightened his body, and his dark eyes locked Xu Qingzhi tightly, " **** dare to love someone else! I have already confessed to you, but you actually wanted to quit halfway through. Did you not get enough work last night? !"

  Xu Qingzhi's face turned red, "Shameless!"

   "You want to have a son?!"

   Xu Qingzhi choked, "...Get out of the way!"


   "Childish, shameless!"

  Li Mo snorted softly, "Xu Qingzhi, don't be stubborn, you just love me! You will die if you admit it?"

   "Won't you die? You didn't say anything for so many years?!"

  Li Mo: "..."

   "Xu Qing knows that you are getting more and more presumptuous recently!"

   "Then you divorce me!"

  Li Mo frowned, his expression a little stiff, "Can you stop mentioning these two words, I don't want to make trouble with you now."

   "Then let me go back now."

   "What are you doing back home?"


   "Rest here."

   "Li Mo..."

   Xu Qing knew that he was helpless, but Li Mo suddenly stood up, put his hand around her, and lowered his head to peck her lips.

   "Stay with me, eh?"

   Xu Qingzhi didn't expect that he suddenly changed his attitude and hugged her endless kiss.

   She dodged sideways, "You..."

   "I don't want to lose sight of you... It's weird, I just want to look at you all the time... darling, you darling, stop tossing me..."

[I always want Li Zuozuo, Aojiao, Poison Tongue, Mo to reveal his nature a little bit, to show his unique way of getting along with Qingzhi, and he is now forced by Qingzhi to jump and helpless every time~ Very broad love, duck~~]

   (end of this chapter)

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