Chapter 1777 Fraud

   "Then why are your dark circles so serious? Your face looks terrible."

  Li Mo paused.

   Looking bad?

   walked into the bathroom without saying a word.

   When I saw the tired and uninspired picture in the mirror, my eyes were swollen and swollen with dark circles.

   This sucks.

   can no longer be called a human being.

   Last night, I was worried about Xu Qingzhi running away with someone, and struggled until the next morning before barely falling asleep.

   If it’s normal work to work overtime and stay up late, it’s fine, but lying in bed last night was more tiring than he was working overtime for a week in a row.

   He clearly knew that Xu Qingzhi was a typical appearance association, and it was precisely because of this that he stayed up all night, and as a result...

   This face is so bad now, isn't Xu Qingzhi even more restless now?

   And there is an international actor living downstairs.

   His face darkened, making it even more ugly.

   turned on the faucet and washed his face vigorously.

  Xu Qingzhi put on his clothes, and opened the door of the ward. After a while, the door of the ward was suddenly opened, and a few people let out a "huh".

   "Strange, it was locked just now, how come..."

   When they saw Xu Qingzhi standing in the ward, wearing an ill-fitting suit that did not belong to a woman at all, standing by the hospital bed and watching them, several people paused.

   looked her up and down, Qiao Zhilan's eyes flashed, and then she turned to the medical staff next to her and said, "Trouble you, since the room is open..."

   "Ma'am, we're going to have a routine inspection."

   The doctor beside him smiled and said that checking the patient's physical condition in the morning is an inevitable process.

  Qiao Zhilan put the insulation box on the side cabinet and looked at Xu Qingzhi with a kind smile, "Qingzhi, where's Li Mo?"

  Xu Qingzhi blushed a little, the smile in Qiao Zhilan's eyes was too red, she knew what it meant,

   After all, they did something indescribable last night.

   " in the bathroom."

  Li Mo came out after washing up, and when he saw a room full of people, he couldn't help frowning.

   His gaze shifted directly from Qiao Zhilan's body to the thermal insulation box on the side. He opened it and took a look. The first layer was buns, the second layer was buns, and the last layer was rice porridge.

   Then he picked up the thermal insulation box, walked around the end of the bed to Xu Qingzhi, and stuffed the thermal insulation box into her.

   "Go aside."

  's voice was cold and hard, and he glanced at the sofa and coffee table behind her.

The meaning of    couldn’t be more obvious.

   Qiao Zhilan raised her eyebrows and watched Li Mo lift the quilt and get on the hospital bed.

  Lengly glanced at the surrounding medical staff, and several people hurried up to do a simple inquiry and examination.

  Xu Qingzhi stood on the spot holding the food box and watched.

   "Mr. Li, you seem to have several new injuries on your body..."

  Li Mo turned to look at Xu Qingzhi who was still standing beside him, and said, "What are you still doing?"

  Xu Qingzhi blinked, walked to the sofa with the food box in his arms, finished it, picked up an egg and peeled it.

  Li Mo then withdrew his gaze and gave the doctor a light "um".

   Several medical staff were helpless.

   "Then we need to take a detailed picture to see the specific situation."

   Qiao Zhilan frowned, "How come there is a new injury?"

  Li Mo doesn't care, "I'm fine."

  Xu Qingzhi lowered his head and took a bite of the egg.

   "Mr. Li, it happens that you haven't had breakfast yet. Do you want to check it now?"

   "It's okay, no need to check."

  The doctors glanced at Qiao Zhilan, a little embarrassed.

  Qiao Zhilan glanced at Xu Qingzhi, then nodded, "It's probably fine."

  If something really happened, how could you still have the strength to do that kind of thing?

   You can't break your arms and legs and risk your life to do that kind of thing.

   Xu Qingzhi took a bite of the bun.

   Pretend to know nothing, hear nothing.

   Be completely transparent, then everything that happened yesterday has nothing to do with you.

   In fact, she has not been involved until now.

However, in the end, the doctor gave up examining him, but said, "Mr. Li, your current physical condition does not allow you to do too much physical activity, some things should be done after you have recovered. of."

   Xu Qingzhi had just put the last bun in his mouth, and when he heard this, he was instantly choked up.


   She quickly picked up the rice porridge next to her and took two sips.

  Li Mo straightened up from the bed, and seeing that she was all right, kicked the doctor next to her.

   "What nonsense?!"

   The doctor raised his eyebrows and smiled, but he didn't care.

"You should pay more attention. Your complexion today doesn't look very good. At this time, ordinary people don't have much energy at all. In case of exhaustion... If there is an accident in the middle, wouldn't it be embarrassing... "

  Li Mo's face was particularly ugly.

   God **** caused an accident in the middle!

   What accident happened? !

  Xu Qingzhi covered his mouth, his ears turned red.

   Are all the doctors today so unscrupulous?

   Dare to say anything?

  Although there is no gender in front of the doctor, is this kind of private matter not taken seriously?

   Seeing that Li Mo was about to get angry, the doctor smiled and led a group of medical staff away.

  Qiao Zhilan was a little embarrassed, after all, she had been reserved for a lifetime, especially when she heard the private affairs of her son and daughter-in-law, she was a little embarrassed.

  The room was awkward for a while.

   Xu Qingzhi blushed and ate another bun.

  Qiao Zhilan saw this and broke the embarrassment, "How did the new injury on the body come from?"

  Li Mo pointed at Xu Qingzhi, "She caused all the trouble."

  Xu Qingzhi got a blank look from Qiao Zhilan.

   "Are there any prospects? Do you sue your daughter-in-law in front of your mother every day?"

"This is a fact."

Qiao Zhilan snorted, "...Since it's so worrying to marry a wife, I, as a mother-in-law, can't tolerate it, let's get a divorce! I can't afford a daughter-in-law who makes trouble in such a different way. Divorce, Marrying a man and a woman is irrelevant, she likes to go to whomever she likes to find!"

   Typical image of an evil mother-in-law who is not easy to get along with.

  Li Mo frowned, "Don't you like her very much?"

Qiao Zhilan's face was taken for granted, "But you are my own son after all, the flesh that fell from my body. As for her, at best I don't hate her, no matter how much I like her, I can't compare to you! I think your happiness is the most important thing. If you really don’t like Qingzhi, we won’t stop you from getting a divorce. And Mo Xiaona, you can marry her if you like it. We promise to let her marry into the Li family. , I will never wrong her, as long as you are happy, we are willing to compromise with you."

  Xu Qingzhi slowly raised his head and looked at Qiao Zhilan.

  Li Mo's face was unspeakably ugly.

   "It's okay, you can go!"

   This is specifically to block him.

   Think he's not annoying enough? !

   Qiao Zhilan raised her eyebrows, "What's your attitude? Before we stopped you from being with that Miss Mo, you were unhappy, but now we agree, you are still unhappy. What do you want?"

   "Since I'm married, I don't plan to divorce again."

   "That won't work!"

Qiao Zhilan immediately said crisply: "You don't like clear knowledge, and you make trouble every day, obviously not my good daughter-in-law, but it doesn't mean that others don't love her, she can't be someone's mother-in-law's good daughter-in-law. A marriage without love is unhappy. Yes. Even if you don't want to get divorced, you can't stop Qingzhi from being happy for a lifetime. Don't harm others. They don't owe you anything!"

  Li Mo's cheeks were tight.

   "If you have nothing to do, just leave!"

   Qiao Zhilan ignored him, but looked at Xu Qingzhi and said directly:

   "Qingzhi, since Li Mo doesn't love you, then I don't think it's necessary to continue this marriage. As a mother-in-law, I'm very dissatisfied with your life being so chaotic. Divorce is the best choice!"

Xu Qingzhi stood up slowly, "Mom, I am indeed not a qualified daughter-in-law, I have disappointed you, I am very grateful for your care for me these days... You are right, a marriage without love will not be happy, since Li Mo has someone else in his heart, if he doesn't love me, I won't force it..."

  Li Mo jumped up from the bed.

   "Are you amnesia?!"

  Xu Qingzhi frowned in doubt, "What?"

   "I clearly said that I love you, I love you, and the person I love is you! You can forget such an important thing, Xu Qing knows that your brain was eaten by a dog?!"

   Xu Qingzhi couldn't help but tug at the corners of his lips.

   Qiao Zhilan raised her eyebrows at Xu Qingzhi,

"What? You just said you love Qingzhi? Li Mo, don't be ridiculous, don't say such insincere words in order to take into account the influence of the Li family. You have clearly loved that Miss Mo for so many years, and you fell in love with Qingzhi when you said you fell in love. Who will believe it? Qingzhi himself doesn't believe it! Do you think you can deceive her?"

   "Who am I for the Li family? How vulnerable is the Li family, but if they get divorced, can the Li family collapse?!"

   "Since it's not for the Li family, doesn't it seem absurd that you fall in love with Qingzhi overnight?"

   "I've never loved anyone else!"

  Li Mo is impatient!

   His own mother sings against him every time.

  Qiao Zhilan's face was gloomy, "What do you mean?"

"Li Mo, if you don't make it clear today, I will not accept Qingzhi and continue to be my daughter-in-law! Even if you refuse to divorce, I will not let her enter the door of my Li family again in the future! Do you not? Do you know too much about the impact of a good or bad relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law on a family?"

  Li Mo gritted his teeth, glanced at Xu Qingzhi, and stood there with his head down silently, seemingly not caring about divorce or not.

In-law relationships……

  The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is not good, in case it will be difficult for his mother to bully in the future...

   Even if Xu Qingzhi doesn't have a divorce with him now, there is no guarantee that he will be forced to quarrel with him in the future due to the relationship between the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law.

   What a **** mother-in-law relationship!

   took a deep breath, and then slowly let out a turbid breath, trying to keep himself as calm as possible.

   "The person I love has always been Xu Qingzhi, not Mo Xiaona, so I don't want to get a divorce, can you please stop making trouble for me here?!"

Qiao Zhilan shook her head, "I don't believe it, since the person you love has always been wise, why did you want to date Miss Mo in the first place and let you both get married, why did you refuse? You have to be so indifferent and wise after getting married, and why? ?"

  Li Mo's mouth twitched.

   did not speak.

   "Look, you're lying! You don't even believe me, why would you let Qingzhi believe it?"

  Li Mo jumped out of bed angrily and drove Qiao Zhilan out.

   "It's none of your business here, so don't come over and deliver meals to me in the future. And if you embarrass her in the future, you might as well just kill me."

   Qiao Zhilan was kicked out of the ward with a half push.

  The moment the door of the ward was closed, her gloomy face suddenly changed, she took out her mobile phone from her bag with a smile, and called the old lady.

"Mom, Li Mo is finally enlightened! He has just admitted that the person he has always loved is Qingzhi... Well, really, I cheated it out myself! Yes... The two of them were together last night... When he said it, Qingzhi was next to him... But I don't know if I believe it or not... I'll tell you more about it when I get home..."

   hung up the phone and put the phone in his bag, the joy on his face could not be restrained.

   This stinky boy finally got his head.

   I used to think that the old lady was doing things very nonsense.

   But this time, it really worked.

   When it seems necessary, it is necessary to do the opposite.

   Moreover, Li Mo, a child, really owes this.

  Although the process is a bit annoying, but fortunately he is still young, it is not a big deal to toss.

   It is rare to find such a well-behaved, sensible and capable wife as Qingzhi, how can you not cherish it well? �

   Only Xu Qingzhi and Li Mo's room was left, which was a little embarrassing.

  Li Mo's face was red and his ears were red.

   Let Li Mo say some words of love and love, which is more difficult than going to the sky.

   Having said so much just now, now facing the heroine, I really feel uncomfortable all over.

   What's more, the way he and Xu Qingzhi got along from the beginning of school to the present has never been gentle and gentle, you are like me.

   **** for tat, they don't like each other, and it's true that they just say a few words when they meet.

  The two have been fighting at school for so many years, and neither is willing to bow to the other.

   In the end, it was her who confessed his love in a sentence or two!


  I didn't expect that after fighting for so long, he actually lost.

  A "loser" is naturally embarrassed in front of a "winner".

   is not reconciled, but this is the only way to clear up the misunderstanding and make Xu Qingzhi keep making trouble with him.

   pursed his lips, seeing Xu Qingzhi standing there quietly watching him, his face was inevitably more unnatural.

   "Look... what look! Bring me something when I'm full, I'm still hungry!"

   The tone is really fierce.

   Xu Qingzhi frowned, picked up the insulation box and handed it to Li Mo.

   "You eat first, I'll go downstairs to see Chu Yi."

  Li Mo's eyebrows suddenly wrinkled, "Are you finished? You always talk about him and remind me how good your market is now, right?"

   Xu Qingzhi frowned, "I said it to prove that I am open and honest with him, and there is nothing to avoid. Since you don't want to hear it, then forget it."

   She said, and the person walked towards the door.

  Li Mo was furious, "What are you doing?"

   "Go out and get some air!"

   "You're actually going to see Chu Yi, right? Xu Qingzhi is actually going to see him without telling me!"

   "So what? Tell you that you think I have a sense of existence with you, and don't tell you that you think I'm hiding something from you. What do you want?"

  Li Mo: "..."

[Li Mo's character design is very awkward, he doesn't know his love, and the way he and Qingzhi get along from the very beginning is the kind of mutual bar model that refuses to obey each other, plus the prejudice against Miss Qianjin Waiting for the reason, it feels like "admitting that you are in love with your mortal enemy". We are all bystanders. In fact, it takes a process to cross this hurdle~ Is Mo Xiaona your heart thorn now hahaha~ I want to find a way to solve her ha~ or you can make a move~~o(*≧▽≦)ツ┏━┓[Patting the table and laughing wildly!]]

   (end of this chapter)

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