Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 1773: are you afraid of me?

   Chapter 1773 Are you afraid of me?

  The air suddenly solidified, and Xu Qingzhi's wrist almost seemed to be crushed.

   "So, you just asked me that, you weren't actually worried about me, were you?"

  Xu Qingzhi looked at him, "You just said it's fine."

   "What about the beginning?"

  Xu Qingzhi pursed his lips, "Obviously, Chu Yi's injury is much more serious than you."

  Li Mo looked at her coldly, the coldness in her eyes made the strings that she had been tensing tightened even more, as if they would suddenly break if they were pulled any further.

   In just a few days, the way she looked at him changed too much.

  Before, he could clearly see how much she worried about him.

   And now, the worry on her face is for others... He doesn't allow it.

   He stared at her, his black eyes like a jar of black ink, as if he vowed to see the slightest hypocrisy in her expression.

   "Xu Qingzhi, did you do it on purpose?"

   Xu Qingzhi frowned.

   "You're mad at me like this on purpose, so you want me to agree to divorce you, right? What makes me and Mo Xiaona better, this is just a reason for you to free yourself..."

   Xu Qingzhi frowned, "You can think what you want... As long as you can get a divorce, it doesn't matter what you think..."

  She was used to it anyway.

   She is in his heart, isn't she never a good person?

   "So eager to divorce me, is it to be with Chu Yi?"

  Xu Qingzhi closed his eyes tightly, "What happens after the divorce has nothing to do with you, who I am with is my business, I can't, I will die alone."

   Li Mo's tight string was completely broken.

   He pulled Xu Qingzhi into his arms, his movements merciless, Xu Qingzhi's face turned pale, and in the next instant, she was pressed into the soft bedding beside her.

   His eyes were in a trance, and in response, the man's strong breath was suppressed.

  She widened her eyes and wanted to struggle, but her hands were pressed firmly on the top of her head, and she couldn't use any strength at all.

   "Xu Qingzhi, I warned you countless times tonight, don't mess with me! You are very good, you are really capable, and my patience was exhausted by you tonight!"

   His voice was cold and fierce, Xu Qingzhi trembled in fear, and she could clearly feel that every word of Li Mo was like mysterious ice as heavy as a thousand jins. She had a faint guess of what would happen next.

   Li Mo's chest was bulging so much, and the anger that had accumulated all night long had been aimed at Xu Qingzhi. At this moment, he found an outlet.

   He grabbed Xu Qingzhi's two arms with one hand and clasped them above his head, freeing up one hand to smash the dazzling pajamas on her body.

   As soon as he thought that she used to be so dignified, she ran into the corridor in her pajamas very naturally, and he had long planned to tear this pajamas to shreds.

   Those two people got along so naturally, he was wearing a bathrobe, she was wearing pajamas, just thinking about it, he felt a tingling in his head.

  Xu Qingzhi was so frightened that his face turned pale, "Li Mo!"

   She screamed, but Li Mo was unmoved.

   When Li Mo's body rubbed against her exposed stomach, she was stunned for a moment. She didn't know where the strength came from, and suddenly broke free of her hands, pushed Li Mo, and slapped him hard in the face.

  The sound is exceptionally crisp.

  Li Mo stopped, but still restrained her legs, looking down at her with a panicked face.

  's terrifying cold eyes flashed slightly.

   raised his hand and gently stroked her messy hair beside her.

   "Xu Qingzhi, don't you love me? Well, since you love me, why do you have to get divorced? Wouldn't it be good to continue to be with me? You finally got married with me, didn't you?"

Xu Qingzhi bit his lip, "No... They are right, I am indeed a third party with a dark mind, I just couldn't restrain myself from wanting to get you, I don't think I am worse than any woman, and I don't think I am A vicious and useless woman, I think my efforts can always settle down in your heart, but I'm too naive..."

  Li Mo lowered his head against her forehead and said in a low voice, "But I don't want to divorce you now..."

   His intimacy made Xu Qingzhi look slightly dazed.

  Li Mo lightly pecked her lips, "So don't make trouble, we still have a long time..."

But Xu Qingzhi shook his head, "I can't go on... things are far from being as easy as I thought, I thought I could, but I couldn't... I'm too greedy, I can't stand my husband, I love another woman... "

   So things were fundamentally wrong, what she thought she thought was just what she thought.

  Li Mo frowned slightly, "You mean Mo Xiaona?"

   Xu Qingzhi did not want to mention the name.

   turned his head to one side.

  Li Mo pressed her forehead tightly, forcing her to look at him.

   "Since I decided to marry you, I never thought about continuing with her. She is already in the past..."

   Xu Qingzhi moved slightly, his eyes lifted, and his long eyelashes swept across Li Mo's skin.

   "It can't get through." She said lightly, "As long as she's in your heart, we can't get through."

  Li Mo narrowed his eyes, looked at Xu Qingzhi closely, and frowned slightly.

Xu Qingzhi looked at him directly, "You don't need to tell me how I am, I admit, I knew Mo Xiaona's existence at the beginning, but I didn't want to be with her in your heart, but I wanted to gradually take her out of your heart. Knock out. But now I see that's not going to happen.

  Some things are known only after you have tried them, and only when you understand them will you give up. So I've tried it now, I've worked hard, I understand, and I've given up..."

  Li Mo's eyes suddenly turned cold, "I didn't understand before, but now I suddenly understand? If it wasn't for Chu Yi, would you still not understand?"

   Xu Qingzhi bit his lip, "Whatever you think. As long as you feel better."

   The blue veins on Li Mo's forehead jumped, and the bottom line of temper that had not been touched for many years was trampled by this woman again and again.

   He stared at her with cold eyes, but after seeing the nervous timidity and fear in her eyes, he suppressed those emotions deeply.

   "Are you afraid of me?"

  Xu Qingzhi lightly bit her lip and did not look at him, but her eyelashes trembled slightly, revealing her real state at the moment.

  Li Mo leaned down gently and touched her lips lightly.

   Gently left Xu Qingzhi in a trance for a long time.

   "You're my Mrs. Li, I won't do anything to you, be nice, eh? I'll only love you and love you in the future..."

   His low-pitched mellow voice was full of bewitchment, with seduction and such gentle intimacy, Xu Qingzhi did not return to his senses for a long time.

   His mind was blank, but his eyes turned red unconsciously.

   He said he loves her and loves her...

   It's really something I can't even imagine in my dreams...

   The relaxed body under him made Li Mo more and more satisfied.

   His hand slowly covered her slightly bulging belly.

   "This is our child, our son, do you think he will be like me when he grows up? Huh?"

  Xu Qingzhi murmured almost subconsciously, "...Yes."

  Li Mo smiled lightly, "Well, whatever you say is what you say, but he looks so ugly..."

  Xu Qingzhi blinked, and the next second, his lips lightly pressed on the slightly bulging belly.

   His body trembled suddenly.

   "But no matter how ugly he is, he is also our son. I will give him the best things, any..."

  Xu Qingzhi's eyes slowly became hazy.

  These words he said tonight, no doubt, all poked into her heart.

   He said he loved her and loved her, he said the best for their son...

  Her family of three is warm and happy. She once thought about the most beautiful picture in the future.

   He asked her in a low voice, "Do you like it?" Xu Qingzhi bit his lip and closed his eyes, ashamed to answer.


   He pressed her again.

   with a little strength.

  Xu Qingzhi suddenly opened his eyes and met Li Mo's smiling eyes.

   She opened her mouth and seemed to be struggling to say something, but a series of phone rings suddenly rang.

  Xu Qingzhi quickly pursed his open lips and swallowed the words.

   turned his head and looked to the side, it was Li Mo's mobile phone who had just been thrown onto the bed in the chaos.

   You can faintly see that the caller ID is a text note, not a string of unfamiliar phone numbers.

   As for what was written, Xu Qingzhi could not see it from the side.

   She turned her head to look at Li Mo, her expression already clear.

  Li Mo hooked his lips, "Don't worry..."

   Xu Qing knew that it didn’t matter.

   But the phone rang over and over again, hung up and called again, and couldn't sleep.

  Li Mo was so annoyed by the noise that he couldn't help but pick up the phone with a cold face.


   "Mr. Li."

   is the voice of assistant Feng Geng.

  Li Mo was in a bad mood, "You'd better have someone's life at stake..."

   "Mr. Li, Miss Mo almost jumped off the building just now, and she's in a bad mood now..."

  Li Mo's eyebrows instantly wrinkled, "Jump off the building?"

   In a room with only two people, it was as quiet as only air.

   The voice from the microphone clearly reached Xu Qingzhi's ears.

   Just for a moment, all the enthusiasm just now seemed to be suddenly poured into a bucket of ice water.

   from head to toe.

   Looking at the posture of the two at this moment, she pursed her lips.

   In his heart there is a kind of laughter against his heart.

  Xu Qing knew that he was so confused by a man in just a few words, really... stupid.

   "I told you to look at people, you almost looked at people to death?"

   His voice was cold, obviously displeased or even angry at the incident.

   Anyone can hear it, Mo Xiaona's life and death is definitely not a trivial matter to him.

   "Sorry, Mr. Li, it was my negligence. It was Miss Mo who suddenly said she wanted to eat fruit. After I bought it, I found that she almost jumped out of the window..."

   "Then how is she now?"

   "It's been making trouble again, Mr. Li, why don't you come here...Miss Mo can't listen to anyone now. If she finds another chance..."

  Li Mo looked down at Xu Qingzhi who was lying down, but saw that she was looking at her calmly.

   "You first look at people closely, I'll go right over."

   Xu Qingzhi had a faint smile on his lips.

  Li Mo hung up the phone, lowered his head and kissed her lips.

   "Something happened to Mo Xiaona. I have to go and see. You wait for me at home."

  【I think I have to change the text...】

  【Also, don’t worry about the plot, you guys are in a hurry to solve Mo Xiaona, so there must be a process, right? ya da~]

   (end of this chapter)

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