Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 1772: unusual

   Chapter 1772 Abnormal

   "This proves that I am a threat to you, doesn't it? But you should be afraid of me, because once you get divorced, I will do whatever it takes to get Xu Qingzhi."

   He then said, and moved his direction to Xu Qingzhi's side, "Go back and hold your stomach, what if I hurt you?"

   Xu Qingzhi blinked, what he just said made her a little puzzled.

  Because in private, she never heard him mention anything interesting to her.

   Chu Yi's words made Li Mo, who was behind him, even more unbearable, stretched out his hand to grab his robe, waved his hand and smashed it down.

   Xu Qingzhi was beside him, Chu Yi didn't raise his hand, just gently pushed her into the room.

   He could only endure that punch firmly.

   A heavy punch on the stomach finally made Chu Yi bend down and spit out another mouthful of blood.

   "Chu Yi!"

   Xu Qingzhi was taken aback and hurried up to check Chu Yi's situation.

   Without even looking at Li Mo, he reached out and pushed him.

   Li Mo was caught off guard, and her long scarred body was pushed directly by her, hitting the opposite corridor wall.

   His feet had long lost strength, his back slammed against the wall, and his internal organs trembled heavily.

   He frowned, caressing his heart subconsciously, and looked up at the panic-stricken woman across from her kneeling on the ground, holding Chu Yi's face nervously.

   The anxious voice was definitely not pretending.

   "Chu Yi, are you okay?"

   Seeing the bloodshot at the corner of Chu Yi's mouth, she even raised her hand to wipe the blood away with her bare hands, her eyes filled with guilt, anxiety, distress, and... faint tears.

   The heart that had just eased a little pain saw this scene, and suddenly tightened, and a feeling of almost suffocation swept over.

   So she cares about Chu Yi, will Chu Yi be hurt, will she feel distressed, sad, or even cry?

   She can actually cry for other men?

  Li Mo stared at her and sneered.

   Xu Qingzhi, is this what you call love?

   became so fast!

   Can she love him, or she can always get away to love someone else?

   After the assistant told Chu Yi the address of the check, he also rushed over. As soon as he got off the elevator, he saw two men fighting in the corridor with strong fists and fierce moves.

   When he saw that his wife suddenly pushed her husband away and ran towards another man, looking anxious and worried, he instantly regretted his decision to follow him.

  Stand in the same place, don't know what to do?

   Mrs. moved out of the wedding room and lived with the actor?

   Is that Mr.... being cuckolded?

   He didn't know the situation when he first arrived, only that the man in front of him was wearing a bathrobe and his wife was wearing pajamas.

   "Feng Geng, go and take him to the hospital."

   The assistant who was named was stunned for a moment and looked at the man in front of his wife.

   A total of two people were injured here, one of whom was naturally the Shadow Emperor Chu.

  But... should he send Mr. him?

"Need not!"

   Xu Qingzhi's voice came down, and his voice was cold and tough.

  Li Mo looked at her coldly.

   She stood up and walked to the door, took out the down jacket from Xuanhuan, "Don't bother, I'll take him to the hospital myself!"

  She put on her clothes and didn't even change her shoes, so she pulled Chu Yi up with difficulty.

   "Xu Qingzhi," Li Mo called out her name in a deep voice. There was a tearing pain in the inner wall of his mouth, and there was a gust of sweetness in his throat, which he forcibly swallowed.

   "Don't forget that I'm your husband, and you and he haven't reached the point where you use the words 'self'."

  Xu Qingzhi lifted his eyes, his eyes were still a little red, but his eyes were cold.

   Li Mo was stabbed by her eyes, he squeezed the clothes on his chest, and then said, "Let Feng Geng send him..."

   "You thought I would believe you?"

  Li Mo's eyes froze, "What did you say?"

   "You almost beat him to death just now. I don't believe you would be so kind to let your subordinates take him to the hospital safely!"

  Li Mo stared at her, his Adam's apple rolling and rolling.

   "You think if I really want to kill him, what if you send him to the hospital?"

  Xu Qingzhi's eyes trembled, "Why are you?"

   Her face was full of icy coldness and anger. For him, this kind of face was too rare.

   He stood up slowly, put his hand down from his chest, and walked slowly to her side.

  Chu Yi's hand was wrapped around Xu Qingzhi's shoulders. She grabbed his wrist and put one arm around his waist, supporting his somewhat heavy body with force.

   Li Mo's approach made her take a step back with Chu Yi subconsciously.

  Because of her nervousness, her arms around Chu Yi's waist tightened more and more, and her five fingers gripped the robe around his waist tightly.

   This is a completely normal and subconscious gesture and reaction, but now in Li Mo's eyes, it is more like intimacy and dependence.

   She hugged and hugged another man in front of his husband.

   She is afraid of him, but relies more on Chu Yi.

   This recognition and the scene in front of him instantly stimulated every nerve in Li Mo's body. He clenched his fists, and the pain in his body was numb.

   He stretched out his hand and pushed Chu Yi away, Xu Qingzhi frowned and said coldly, "What are you doing?!"

   He paused, but still pulled Chu Yi apart and threw it on Feng Geng.

   Xu Qingzhi was about to walk over when he saw this, but Li Mo grabbed his wrist.

"go home with me.

  Xu Qing was trembling with anger, she glared at him, her expression was not only cold, but anger.

   "Home? Which home? Only here is my home!"

  Li Mo clenched her tightly, "Xu Qingzhi, don't mess with me again."

  Xu Qingzhi twisted his wrist hard, "Then you stay away from me, and I will never provoke you again in my life!"

   She stretched out her other hand and pushed Li Mo's body hard, then pulled her hand back suddenly, walked to Feng Geng, and stretched out to grab Chu Yi's arm.

   "Give me the man!"

  Feng Geng was embarrassed, "Madam..."

   "Don't give it to me again, be careful I will warn you of harassment!"

   "Take him away."

  Li Mo's voice suddenly remembered faintly, only a few words, indifferent and quiet, Feng Geng could hear how much forbearance was in it.

   He pursed his lips and took Chu Yi away from Xu Qingzhi with some force.

   "Don't worry ma'am, I will definitely send Mr. Chu to the hospital safely. After all, this is Mr.'s order..."

   Xu Qingzhi pulled out a sneer, "It's because of him that I don't believe you!"

  Feng Geng choked, glanced at Li Mo next to him, and quickly left with Chu Yi.

  This place really can't allow him to stay.

   Xu Qingzhi followed, but Li Mo didn't stop her this time.

   All the way downstairs, Xu Qingzhi was suddenly forcibly restrained by Li Mo and stuffed into the car.

  Feng Geng took Chu Yi's car almost instantly and disappeared without a trace.

   "Li Mo!"

   Li Mo ignored Xu Qingzhi's resistance, then got in the car with a gloomy face and started the car.

   Xu Qingzhi unfastened his seat belt, "Stop, I want to get off!"

  Li Mo ignored her.

   "I said, don't mess with me again, Xu Qingzhi, you'd better be quiet for me now."

   It was already past eleven o'clock, and there were still a lot of vehicles on the road. Li Mo's car was driving fast, his hand holding the steering wheel was tightly squeezed, his knuckles were white, and he looked at the road ahead with deep eyebrows, his eyes were cold.

   He was really in a bad mood, but Xu Qingzhi was also touched by him.

   "I'm going to the hospital."

   The car seems to be faster.

   Xu Qingzhi clenched his hands.

   "Li Mo, are you crazy?"

   "Fix your seat belt." Li Mo said.

   Xu Qingzhi couldn't be sure what Li Mo would do tonight, so he could only fasten his seat belt.

   It was rare to see her being so obedient, Li Mo was in a good mood, and the speed of the car was a little slower.

   "What exactly do you want?"

   After a few seconds of silence, Xu Qingzhi spoke.

"go home."


   for a long time.

   "I want to go to the hospital first."


   "Li Mo!"

   Xu Qingzhi growled, Li Mo suddenly turned the steering wheel and heard the car beside the road.

   His hands were clenched tightly, and Xu Qingzhi was inevitably nervous.

  Li Mo turned to look at her, his dark eyes were squinting at her, calm and cold.

   "Xu Qingzhi, who is he to make you worry so much?"

   "The death of being beaten by you for no reason is almost gone. You can be at ease, but it doesn't mean that others will too. It was I who implicated him!"

  Li Mo stared at her for a while, then drew a cold arc.

   "He confessed to you affectionately for no reason? Do you know who your husband is?"

"My husband?" Xu Qingzhi murmured, looking up at Li Mo with a sarcastic expression, "My husband has another woman in his heart, and when my husband gets married, he will leave me alone at home, my husband... just now if not Chu Yi pushed me away, my husband might hurt my pregnant husband..."

   She sneered, "I don't know any woman who would want to have such a husband. He's not even an ordinary friend, so what's the use of him?"

  Li Mo's eyes were very calm, like a secluded pool, and at this moment, it was like cracking ice, cracking a little bit.

   "I can't hurt you, it's his superfluous act. Do you believe it is an obvious move to please you?"

   "I believe it! He cares about me, and I know and understand it. It's better than doing nothing at all."

  Li Mo closed his eyes, "Xu Qingzhi, you are pregnant, I won't touch you..."

  's dark eyes suddenly opened, and a cold light flashed inside, "But this means that I won't touch others. If you care about other redundant people, I don't mind destroying them all."

   His speech was extraordinarily calm and steady, unhurried, but with absolute danger and undoubtedness.

   Xu Qingzhi's heart sank, "You are simply unreasonable!"

   "So, don't make me angry, if I don't move you, someone will pay the price."

   Xu Qingzhi frowned, looking at him almost like he was looking at a monster.

   "Are you really crazy?"

  Li Mo pulled his lips, unfastened his seat belt, buckled the back of her head, and pressed against her forehead.

   "Well. I'm not afraid of anything, Xu Qingzhi, in Rongcheng, no one can do anything to me, so I can do anything."

   His sudden close approach had an almost morbid feeling, and what he said made people feel a deep chill in their hearts.

   "If you don't want that man to really die in the hospital, just be obedient. I'm in a bad mood right now. If you keep making trouble, I can't guarantee what will happen."

   He couldn't take it anymore.

   Her attitude towards him for so many days has accumulated too much emotion in his heart.

When he found out that she had completely moved away from the villa tonight, when he saw that Chu Yi was always by her side, when he saw that only Chu Yi was in her eyes, when he saw that she was cold, alienated, indifferent and angry towards him After the look, he was filled with emotions, and he quickly entangled and collided in his body.

   If he hadn't subconsciously felt that he shouldn't scare her or hurt her, he wouldn't talk to her so plainly like he is now.

   As he spoke, the breath sprayed on her skin, Xu Qingzhi reached out his hand to his shoulder, but couldn't close the distance between them.

   The breath is inevitably intertwined.

   Such a close distance, but with a cold stalemate.

   But Li Mo touched her lips at this time, like a demon with an uncertain mind and a strange mind.

  Xu Qingzhi was inevitably scared by him tonight.

  If she had hoped and liked his touch in the past, how could she hate her long-cherished wish for so many years.

  Always now, she turned her head to avoid his kiss.

   The side face is indifferent with obvious rejection.

  Li Mo narrowed his eyes and reached out to squeeze her chin.

  Xu Qingzhi could only look at him helplessly, "What on earth do you want? Li Mo, I thought I had retreated enough. What do you want me to do so that you can be satisfied?"

   "You have so many ways to make me happy, any one, as long as you don't annoy me anymore."

   he said, let him go, the car moved, and continued to drive forward.

  Xu Qingzhi pursed her lips tightly, any one...she didn't know.

   "I don't want to go back."

   "You better stop talking."

  Xu Qingzhi closed his eyes and touched his clothes, but found that there was nothing, let alone a mobile phone.

   The car arrived at the villa very soon, Xu Qing knew that she would not get out of the car, but after a few seconds of hesitation, she was directly picked up by Li Mo.

  Xu Qingzhi bit her lip and was carried into the dark villa. Halfway through, he turned on the light in the entrance hall with his elbow, and waited for the light to make her close her eyes slightly.

   She was carried upstairs all the way and put on the bed where she slept alone for three months, looking a little dazed.

   In fact, she just moved out from here completely today, and it was the first night she had to rest outside, but she came back.

  Li Mo was wearing a suit with no buttons, the jacket and the shirt inside were messy, and there were a few bloodstains scattered on the white shirt.

   It was too chaotic in the apartment corridor just now, and she couldn't see clearly in the dim light in the car. Now that she sees it, her expression is slightly dazed.

  Li Mo saw her eyes and slightly hooked his lips, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

  Xu Qingzhi raised his eyes and looked at him, "I remember you were in touch with both fighting and judo when you were in school."

  Li Mo hooked his lips and nodded, "They all got the highest rank, isn't it amazing?"

  Xu Qingzhi's eyes flashed, and the worry in his expression seemed to be stronger.

  Li Mo stretched out his left hand and stroked her long hair on her chest, "Don't worry, I'm really fine..."

   Xu Qingzhi suddenly pushed his hand away, stood up from the bed, and walked directly towards the door.

  Li Mo's face changed, and he reached out and pulled her hard, "What are you doing?"

  Xu Qingzhi looked up at him indifferently, "Li Mo, I have to go to the hospital to see Chu Yi."

  The air suddenly solidified, and Xu Qingzhi's wrist almost seemed to be crushed.

  [Cross-legged and ask for a monthly pass ~ No. 6789 company arranged to study in Beijing, and the update is unstable. If there is no update, I will supply everyone after I come back ~ vote for the monthly vote for the goddess list~ (*︶*). .:*]

   (end of this chapter)

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