Chapter 1744 Compensation

   The smile on Xu Qingzhi's face was revealed in front of him at this moment.

  Li Mo's face darkened immediately.

   "What are you laughing at?" The voice was just squeezed out of the gap between the teeth.

   was dismantled by the man, Xu Qingzhi simply did not force himself to suppress it, and let out a low "poof" laugh.

   "I also gave Moon a bath yesterday..."

  Li Mo paused for a second, and Jin Ning's eyebrows suddenly widened again, "So you used my towel to wipe its body last night."

   Xu Qingzhi kept laughing in front of him.

   "Otherwise, what else can I use to wipe it, look at it, how pitiful was it when it first took a bath?"

   The blue veins on Li Mo's forehead jumped fiercely. It's pitiful, what does it have to do with him?

   "Xu Qingzhi..."

  Xu Qingzhi took back the smile on his face a little bit, "It's okay, it's okay, I'll pay you the big deal, don't yell at me..."

   As she spoke, she took the towel in Li Mo's hand and continued to wipe Little Moon's body.

  Li Mo's breath was suffocated in her chest because of her sudden braking attitude.

   looked fiercely at the squinting and whimpering dog being served for a long time before he said angrily:

   "Pay me! I'll use it tonight."

  Xu Qingzhi's movements stopped, and he looked at this man who was standing beside him suddenly acting as a rogue.

   She looked around. Anyway, there was really nothing about him in the bathroom except the towel left for Little Moon.

   "You'll have one night tonight, and I'll buy it for you tomorrow..."

   "Then what shall I use tonight?"

   Xu Qingzhi hesitated for a while, and handed the towel on the dog to him.

   "How about I wash this..."

  Li Mo's eyes narrowed dangerously.

"Do you think that's possible?"


   The towel that I wiped the dog's body, even if she washed it a hundred times, he might not use it.

  Xu Qingzhi pursed his lips, a little tangled.

   But where is she going to find him a new towel now?

  Li Mo looked at her for a few seconds, and then said: "Hurry up and pack up, go out and buy it for me now."

   Xu Qingzhi frowned, just because of the big Buddha Chu Yi, she didn't go out because of the cold.

   Now for a towel...and she just took a shower.


   "You want to refuse?"

   Xu Qingzhi was speechless, she really didn't want to go out.

  Li Mo couldn't help but say, Shen Sheng left the word "hurry up" and took the lead in leaving the bathroom.

   When Li Mo left, Xu Qing rubbed the little golden retriever with a towel knowingly, and muttered with his lips, the target was obviously Li Mo.

   Drying Little Moon, she felt her hair down again, casually found a shirt, a sweater and a down jacket to put on, and went downstairs with a sullen face and reluctance.

  Li Mo was sitting on the sofa in the living room watching TV. When he saw her coming down, he looked her up and down before picking up the car keys on the coffee table and stood up.

   "Let's go."

  Xu Qingzhi glanced at him in surprise, "Are you going too?"

  Li Mo glanced at her coldly, "I'm very worried about you, who knows what you would do to my things secretly?"

   Xu Qingzhi twitched the corners of his mouth, this fellow must have persecution delusions.

   She didn't speak, she put her hands in the two pockets of her down jacket, walked to the entrance, grabbed the key, and opened the door.

  In the cold winter of the night, as soon as the door was opened, a chilly and cold air rushed in.

   Xu Qingzhi couldn't help shrinking his neck.

   is really an enemy.

   But she was also to blame. I didn't know where the impulse came from and threw all Li Mo's things away.

   But it was a relief at the beginning.

   Forget it, what happened is what happened, she dared to do it.

   not just buy him a new one.

   Never thought about all the excuses she made when she was discovered by Li Mo.

  Li Mo changed his shoes behind her, put his long arms over her head, pushed the door open, and pushed her out.

   "Hurry up!"

   Li Mo's car was parked in front of the door. With his long legs, Li Mo stepped in front of Xu Qingzhi in a few steps.

  Xu Qingzhi was forced to pause for a while, and pouted his lips in disdain.

  The legs are amazing.

   She has it too!

   looked down at his lower body, the down jacket covered two-thirds of his legs.


   Speechless, Li Mo had already opened the co-pilot's door and turned back to urge her impatiently.

   "Get in the car quickly!"

   Xu Qingzhi heard the words, and subconsciously took a few steps forward.

   The first feeling after getting into the car with the down jacket is that it is so warm.

  The temperature in the car is definitely not the one you drove when you just got in the car.

   And obviously, Li Mo hadn't gotten into the car at all.

  So, he should have turned on the air conditioner in the car long ago.

  The temperature in the car seemed to flow into my heart, bulging warmth.

   She is so unpromising, Li Mo is a little caring, and with her, it is almost magnified a hundred times.

  Because, it’s so rare.

   "Boom", the car door closed, Li Mo also walked around the car body and drove the main driver, started the car skillfully and left the community.

  Xu Qingzhi didn't speak the whole time, it was rare for the two of them to be alone in such a calm state, and she didn't know what to say to him.

  The apartment is on the edge of the city center. Those who can afford the apartment are undoubtedly rich or expensive, so there is no shortage of large supermarkets.

   It's just a few minutes' drive to the supermarket.

   Xu Qingzhi unfastened his seat belts and the two got off the car at the same time.

   They all walked to the supermarket gate together in silence.

  Xu Qingzhi took a few steps first and pushed the cart at the door.

  Li Mo pursed his lips and looked at her back with a calm expression.

  The entrance is the snack area. Xu Qingzhi drove the cart around here for a long time, potato chips, dried fruits, hawthorn slices, spicy strips... I watched all the way and swallowed all the saliva.

   In fact, food safety should be strictly controlled now...

   She was slowly standing in front of a row of potato chips, and when she slowly reached towards the bag of barbecue-flavored potato chips, she was suddenly slapped on the hand.

   To say that the pain is not very painful, but I still feel it.

   "What do you want to do?" Li Mo looked at her deeply and said, "Don't forget what you came for."

  Xu Qingzhi touched his hand that was beaten by Li Mo, "I'm here anyway, shouldn't I buy something else by the way?"

   "By the way?"

  Li Mo snorted coldly, "You've been wandering around here for 20 minutes."

   Xu Qingzhi: "..."

   "Go quickly."

   Xu Qingzhi's gaze reluctantly moved back from the shelf.

   That look is really pitiful.

  Li Mo glanced at the bag she was about to grab, and pursed her lips, "These things are not healthy."

  Xu Qing knew that she was in a low mood, but she did take a chance just now, and felt that eating occasionally would have no effect on the baby.

   But if she is really addicted to her mouth, she will definitely regret it later.

   No longer in the snack area, Xu Qingzhi went directly to the daily necessities area.

   She only wanted to buy a towel for Li Mo. Even now, she felt that Li Mo did it on purpose today.

   picked out a gray towel suitable for men for him. No matter the material or the price, she naturally chose the best and most expensive one, just to prevent Li Mo from looking for trouble again.

   "Can you see this one?"

  Li Mo glanced at it, "Did you buy things or did I buy things?"

   "I bought you something."

   "So you have the final say."

   Xu Qingzhi paused, then threw the towel in his hand into the basket.

   "Okay, let's go."

  Li Mo stood there and looked at her coldly, "Are you kidding me?"

   Xu Qingzhi: "What's wrong?"

  Li Mo's brows furrowed tightly, "You threw away my things, but you only bought me a towel?"

  Xu Qingzhi picked it up slightly in his heart, " you want those keep at home?"

  Li Mo's face was so heavy that he could drip, "Otherwise what would I use?!"

  Xu Qingzhi's eyes trembled, pursed his lips, and went back silently, toothpaste, toothbrush, toothbrush, facial cleanser, razor, drinking cup, dishes, slippers...

  The things she threw away, she bought them all without falling.

   What kind of mood do you have?

   Hopeless hope.

   I wonder if he wants this kind of thing, will he live at home often in the future...

  Li Mo has been following behind her, watching her stand in front of the shelf and study carefully every time she buys something, she is surprisingly calm.

  In his impression, he has almost never been to the supermarket.

   Not to mention that he would have so much patience to accompany people around for more than an hour.

  Xu Qingzhi bought all the things and some fruits, then finished shopping, and the two went to checkout.

   There were not many people in the evening. Li Mo always followed Xu Qingzhi, watching her take out things one by one to scan the code.

   Lollipops, chewing gum, chocolate, and some weird looking things…

There were several small bottles in the shape of cartoon princesses, which inexplicably attracted Li Mo. He reached out and picked it up, studied it, saw a button behind him, and pressed it. In an instant, a burst of ding ding dong dong sounded, followed by It was just a few children's songs: "Two little dolls, they are on the phone, hello... hello... hello... where are you..."

  There were not many people in the supermarket. The sound was very abrupt, and it couldn't help attracting everyone's attention.

   Xu Qingzhi also turned his head and looked at him in surprise.

  Li Mo himself was really startled, and when he noticed everyone's eyes, he pressed the button again with a livid face, and put it on the checkout counter.

  Xu Qingzhi glanced at the cartoon doll, looked up again, Li Mo had already turned his head, and took a few more things from the shelf indiscriminately.

   It was obvious that his ears were reddened.

  Xu Qingzhi twitched his lips. It was rare to see his embarrassed appearance, and he really thought...a little cute.

   Finally, Li Mo threw a bunch of things on the cashier counter. Seeing that the people around him were still paying attention to him, he pursed his lips and said to the cashier opposite:

   "Look at what? My wife is pregnant, can't I buy a toy for my daughter?"

  The checkout clerk smiled awkwardly, lowered his head again and continued to scan the code.

   No one said no?

   Until all are swept, three large bags, and finally a small black bag.

   These days, girls are generally bold. When they see handsome guys, they dare to flirt with them on a whim.

   Handed the last bag to Xu Qingzhi, but looked at Li Mo and said with a smile: "Although my wife has just passed the first trimester of pregnancy, you still need to control that kind of thing, for the sake of the baby! I wish you happiness."

   Li Mo frowned, are all these girls so cheeky now? Dare to say anything outside?

  What is just past the pre-pregnancy period, so you need to be restrained.

Xu Qingzhi didn't know why the checkout clerk suddenly said this, but when she told the private matter between the two people, she had experienced that once in her life. being ridiculed by others...

  Some felt the feeling of the stars.

   Who does the sky bypass?

  Li Mo didn't bother to pay any attention to these cheeky women, raised his feet over Xu Qingzhi, lifted the three full bags next to him, and said "go away" in a huff, then strode away with a livid face.

  Xu Qingzhi hurriedly followed with the black bag.

  Li Mo put several bags in the back seat, turned around and threw the black bag in Xu Qingzhi's hand into another bag.

  The two got into the car.

   When he got home, Li Mo threw the bag containing the fruit into the kitchen, carried the remaining two bags directly upstairs, and entered the bedroom.

   When Xu Qingzhi went in, he had already put the two bags on the cabinet beside the bed.


   Xu Qingzhi probably guessed what he meant.

  Li Mo said lightly: "The things are returned to their original places."

  Xu Qingzhi was silent for a long time, but still walked towards the two bags.

   After cleaning up, things belonging to Li Mo were re-clothed in the bathroom and bathroom.

   Xu Qingzhi was a little dazed, but in just a few days, when she saw these things reappearing in their original positions, she actually felt that everything was full.

  It's something, the sense of existence is still so strong.

  Li Mo "supervised" the whole process, and when he saw the final result, he nodded with satisfaction.

   That's the truth.

   There are still half a bag of things outside, which should be his dishes, drinking glasses, slippers, and those toys he last took, chewing gum, chocolate, etc.

   walked out of the bathroom again, and packed up the torn box and label. Seeing the toy that Li Mo bought, he couldn't help but pick it up.

  Li Mo came out on his hind feet and heard a harsh sound.

  Xu was thinking of Li Mo's embarrassment in the supermarket, Xu Qingzhi couldn't help but smile.

   saw him come out, turned off the music, and waved the gadget in his hand at him.

   "Not a daughter, but a son."

  Li Mo looked at the toy in her hand with an ugly face, "What?"

   Xu Qingzhi stroked his stomach and said again: "He is not a daughter, but a son."


  Li Mo's eyes were on her stomach, and there was an inexplicable feeling running in his heart.


   Little Moon ran to the bed at some point. While they were talking, he took aim at the black bag thrown on the bed and bit it...

  【Sorry, the chapter is late in the afternoon~~ Don’t wait for the early morning, I write very slowly, it will be very late, see tomorrow~~ I hope everyone will not stop~~]

   (end of this chapter)

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