Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 1743: evil thoughts

   Chapter 1743 Evil thoughts

   "I'm very tired, you can do it yourself."

She didn't want to talk to him too much, because she found out in the past few days that Li Mo would never have anything nice to say to her, and every sentence poked her heart with a knife, she didn't want to find the unhappy one .

   What's more, she clearly knew that so many things happened today, and he probably had a lot of anger accumulated in his heart.

   She lifted the quilt and lay sideways in. Li Mo stood at the door with a frown, in a dilemma.

   Every time we meet, her indifferent attitude towards him simply increases day by day.

   Those words that the ruffian in the hospital said were like flies, constantly flying around in his mind.

  Want to make other men a cheap dad?

   is simply whimsical.

  Tali Mo's seed, who dares to call me Laozi?

   There was a surge of anger in his heart, but Xu Qingzhi's appearance at the door of the restaurant, and what the ruffian said today, made him have some lingering fears.

  Looking at the bulge in the quilt, Li Mo squinted his eyes, but turned and left the room.

   went downstairs, took out a cigarette, and walked to the balcony, only to hear a childish dog barking at him.

   He glanced at the grinning little golden retriever, lit the cigarette in his hand, and kicked the little golden retriever aside.

   "Wang Wang Wang..."

   The little golden retriever started to roar again, Li Mo frowned, turned his head and glanced upstairs.

   took a deep breath of the cigarette, he lowered his eyes, and glanced at it with his dark eyes.

   "Call again, believe it or not, I killed you?"

   "Wang Wang Wang..."

  Li Mo pursed his lips, bent his knees and squatted down, staring at the stupid Golden Retriever in front of him for a long time, and said in a low voice:

   "The woman is resting upstairs, are you sure you want to continue calling?"

  Completely due to the aura that Li Mo suddenly suppressed, Little Golden Retriever backed away in fear, and the cry turned into a "woooo" sound.

  Li Mo sneered, "Cowardly."

After the words fell, he realized his childish behavior later, pursed his lips, turned his eyes inadvertently, but saw the dog food bowl, water bowl, and another dog in the kennel that belonged to him. Slippers, his face darkened a bit.

   He raised his hand and reached into the kennel, and threw the slipper in front of the little golden retriever.

   "Stop screaming, everything you eat, drink, play, and play is all mine, and recognize the reality! Be obedient and I will consider continuing to raise you in the future!"

   Little Golden Retriever made two "woo woo" sounds, looked at his "toy slippers" in front of him, and went into his kennel with his mouth open.

   is also considered safe.

  Li Mo looked coldly at the dog kennel, holding his own slippers and biting wildly, and his mood was also inexplicable.

  Xu Qingzhi heard Moon's cry downstairs, and was a little worried and wanted to go downstairs to check the situation, but he didn't want to meet Li Mo and give him a chance to find fault.

   Hesitantly, she heard Moon's cry and stopped. Although she was puzzled, she breathed a sigh of relief.

   I'm still a little worried that the one person and one dog who don't like each other will have a vigorous human-dog battle.


   This thought completely amused himself. The confrontation between Li Mo and Little Moon?

  It is estimated that Little Moon should be completely defeated.

   On the balcony downstairs, Li Mo stood in front of the window, the cigarette in his hand had been replaced with a new one.

   Feelings about Xu Qingzhi recently…

   The look of indifference is still the same as when she was in school.

   has been a young lady since she was a child, with the publicity and pride of Miss Qianjin, as well as being strong and bright.

   A few pairs of eyes followed her wherever she went, and the boys showed affection to her in different ways, but she arrogantly wouldn't give them a second look.

   And what he saw the most were those so-called "Miss Qianjin".

   The surface is elegant and beautiful, but in fact, it is a defiant, arrogant and domineering face.

   They are all born into capitalist families, and their ability to be hypocritical is innate, and bullying the weak has almost become their nature.

   No surprises.

   But, the family's education since childhood was the right match.

  There is no freedom in marriage, and their lives are destined to be sacrifices for the entire family.

   So in the end, it was no surprise that he wanted to marry that kind of hypocritical and pretentious daughter?

   The deep-seated rejection has long since been imperceptible.

   And Xu Qingzhi, from the first time he saw her, he was very sure that her whole person was his poisonous spot.

   If it is said that the most impossible woman to marry in this life, Xu Qingzhi is definitely on his blacklist.

   But after graduation, the two people who should have never met again, turned out to be his wives.

   This result…

   He thought it was a little funny.

   The child in her womb is his, of course he knows.

   But to say it was the seed he left in her stomach unintentionally when he got into trouble...

   Yes and no.

   He had rubbed against her several times in the past two days, and when he saw her several times, the changes in his body were uncontrollable, and the charming thoughts involved made it a little difficult for him to face.

   Never before.

   Never felt this way about a woman.

   Of course, except when you go to school.

   But thinking about it now, it seems that this woman is the only one who can make him have this kind of impulse.

   He only said that this is what a man should feel at that age when he is too impulsive.

  The only blame is that Xu Qingzhi is good-looking, has a good figure, and is very good at dressing herself. She seems to know how to show her advantages.

   It's not unreasonable that so many boys rush to her.

   So, it was her reason, because she was beautiful and had a great figure, and she dangled around him every day without knowing it. Every day, like a butterfly, she brushed her presence in front of him and teased him from time to time.

   He repelled her, but she was always caught by her "flower wings", while she left him with "pollen" and flew away gracefully.

   Intentional and seemingly unintentional.

   So he found a woman who was completely different from Xu Qingzhi as his girlfriend.

   She put Mo Xiaona, who had ordinary family background, ordinary appearance, and ordinary dress, by her side.

   The boys and girlfriends around have changed one after another.

   He thought, as long as it's not those so-called daughters, or Xu Qingzhi, it's fine.

   is always a woman.

   However, a girlfriend is just a name.

   Xu Qingzhi obviously dangled less in front of him.

   But he didn't feel anything when he kept Mo Xiaona's girlfriend by his side, but he still had an indescribable impulse towards Xu Qingzhi.

   So her existence really made him unable to ignore it.

  School celebration, he agreed to participate.

   I heard that Mo Xiaona, who was forced away by her grandmother who wanted to live or die and refused to agree with them together, will come.

   Xu Qingzhi will also come.

   And he pushed the business to fly from Rongcheng to Pingcheng, but he didn't see her Xu Qingzhi dressed up enchantingly and holding the arm of an international actor.

   He did drink a lot that day...

   However, after entering the shopping mall for so many years, he has seen a lot of people of all kinds, and there are not a few people who have tried their best to please him. How could he leave others behind, or give some women a chance to entangle himself.

  Xu Qing knew that he broke into his room by accident, and he knew very well that it was his fault.

  The picture of him holding Chu Yi in front of him is too dazzling.

   It was also she who was dangling in front of him, always seeing that he couldn't touch it, and planting a seed that kept sprouting in his body.

  Xiao Xiang secretly, coveted for a few years, at the school celebration, under the combination of all the factors that she walked into the wrong room, it just happened... to fulfill his evil thoughts that he has been hiding for so many years.

   What the result would be, he had never thought about it at first.

   He only knew that the woman was wrapping him too tightly, and the taste went deep into the bone marrow, and the unprecedented feeling couldn't allow him to think too much.


   When I opened my eyes and saw her the next day, such a thought flashed through my mind for the first time.

   However, Xu Qingzhi's initial surprise and eagerness to distance himself from him made him think about how to think about the relationship between the two of them.

   "It's all adults, it's normal for men and women to love, you don't have to be burdened."

   Her words were indifferent and too realistic, making him look like a woman.

   At first, she was clean, generous and understanding, and she turned around and married him in the name of her child.

   Now, she feels wronged and pitiful again, he is a heinous **** again.

   But she said and did everything.

   Damn woman…

   He squinted his eyes, and there was a scalding sensation from his fingertips. He suddenly returned to his senses and snuffed out the burned out cigarette.

  The little golden retriever in the kennel curled up with his slippers and fell asleep.

   He glanced at it coldly, turned and walked to the living room, took his coat, and went out.

  Xu Qingzhi slept for more than an hour, and when he woke up, it was already dark outside.

   figured out the remote control to turn on the light, got up and got out of bed, went to the bathroom, and then went downstairs to start preparing dinner.

   Little Moon had slept a long time ago, and when he heard the movement, he squatted at the stairway and waited for her.

   Seeing Little Moon's cheerful appearance, Xu Qingzhi felt much better, smiled slightly, and suddenly remembered the man-dog battle in his mind before going to bed.

   Now I see dogs but no people.

   She paused, then turned around and went back to the room next to the master bedroom to have a look. It was still the way she cleaned it in the morning.

   pursed her lips, she closed the door and went downstairs directly into the kitchen.

   It was still her own dinner, one soup and two dishes, and Little Moon watched her finish it.

   After finishing packing, Xu Qingzhi's cell phone rang suddenly.

   When she saw the caller ID, her face suddenly changed, she answered the phone, and the corner of her lips parted with a stiff arc.


   "Xu Qingzhi." The other man's voice didn't sound very good, "Leave me here by myself, don't listen to me, do you want to die?"

  Chu Yi is in a particularly bad mood now. He thought that on the first day as a neighbor, why couldn't Xu Qingzhi show it?

   I was hungry and waited until it was seven o'clock, but there was no greeting.

  Xu Qingzhi laughed dryly, "I'm sorry, I'm not feeling well today, so I neglected you. Next time, I will definitely compensate you more."

   "What about me now? Your spokesperson, your cash cow, is about to starve to death, you know?!"

  Xu Qingzhi looked down at the pajamas she was wearing, and thought about the cold weather outside. Laziness allowed her to come up with thousands of solutions.

   "It's really not convenient for me today, or I'll order you some takeout?"

   "I came to you, you let me eat takeout?"

   "No, I'll ask the company's employees to bring you the best meals in Dingrong City, and you'll be wronged for one night..."

   "Xu Qingzhi, just this time, you won't want me to continue working with you again in the future."

"Don't, Master Chu doesn't care about villains, let alone a pregnant woman. On behalf of myself and your nephew, thank you first. When your nephew comes out, I must tell him. , how powerful is his Uncle Chu!"

  Chu Yi twitched the corners of his mouth, **** **** nephew!

   Did he agree? Uncle Chu!

   "Okay, I'll arrange dinner for you, you wait a moment."

After    finished speaking, he hurriedly hung up the phone and immediately called his assistant.

   When everything was ordered, she breathed a sigh of relief.

   tapped his head.

   Such a big Buddha can be forgotten, Xu Qingzhi, are you afraid that you are not pregnant and pregnant?

  Little Moon squatted in front of him, looking up at her puzzledly with his little head raised.

  Xu Qingzhi took a deep breath, walked to the sofa, and turned on the TV.

   I specifically found a variety show with a good reputation, and with guilt towards Chu Yi, I happily watched an episode.

   After estimating the time, he went upstairs to wash up.

   Little Golden Retriever remembered to eat and beat, and followed her upstairs again, only to be washed a few times by Xu Qingzhi with the shower head.

   Seeing it being bullied and screaming, Xu Qingzhi laughed outrageously.

   Buying the little Moon back is really the right thing to do.

   Even though so many things happened today, she can still be in a good mood.

   She doesn't have much time to think about the people and things that make her feel bad.

   When Li Mo came back with a bag, he could hear Xu Qingzhi's laughter from upstairs as soon as he opened the door.

   frowned and went straight upstairs.

  Xu Qingzhi came out of the bathroom with Little Moon in his arms, wearing a white bathrobe, and was wiping Little Moon's body with a towel at the moment.

   "Actually, I didn't plan to wash it for you this time. Did you accidentally spill it yourself?"


   Little Moon shivered, protesting Xu Qingzhi's open-eyed nonsense.

   "Okay, okay, I won't wash it for you next time... Hold on, I'll make you comfortable in a while..."

  Li Mo heard the words "make you comfortable" as soon as he entered the door, his face sank, and he followed the sound to find someone in the bathroom.

  Xu Qingzhi was facing him and didn't know what to say?

  Little Moon was shivering coldly, but when he heard the movement, he was still agitated and shouted towards the door.

  Shen Fanxing was puzzled, turned his head, and saw a man standing at the door of the bathroom.

  Li Mo glanced at her, and then his eyes shifted to her hand, it turned out to be bathing the dog.

   He put his eyes on Xu Qingzhi's face again, and in an instant, he seemed to suddenly think of something, and his eyes suddenly fell on her hand again.

After   , he took two big strides to reach Xu Qingzhi.

   raised her hand and picked up the towel she was wiping the dog's body.

   Xu Qingzhi immediately reacted when he saw this. He opened his mouth to cover up, but it was too late.

   "Xu Qingzhi!"

  Li Mo's voice was not very loud, but it was so deep that her heart trembled.

   "Don't tell me, this is the towel I used last night."

Xu Qingzhi's eyelashes trembled, and she lowered her head slightly, probably thinking that the contrast between Li Mo's indifference looking at her with this towel while wiping her hair last night was too great, she couldn't hold back, and tugged secretly. Pull your lips.

   She lowered her head, so that the raised arc on her lips made Li Mo think it was just her own illusion.

   kept watching that arc seemed to be getting bigger and bigger, his eyebrows sank, and he reached out and hooked her lower jaw.

   The smile on Xu Qingzhi's face was revealed in front of him at this moment.

  【Thank you for your support, monthly and recommended tickets are on the rise, and then I will write fat again in this chapter hahaha~~Good night~~]

   (end of this chapter)

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