Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 1496: are you a rich man

   Chapter 1496 Are you a local tyrant?

When    sent Yuan Zhengchong away, Bo Yuelin walked with him all the way to the gate of Bo's house.

   "I heard that Jingchuan invested most of his capital into newly developed projects before leaving Bo's?"

   Bo Yuelin pursed his lips, and a gloomy look flashed in his eyes.

"I'm really sorry I didn't help Yuan Shi at the beginning... I didn't expect him to keep this hand. As far as I know, the project was only planned to be developed two months ago. From design to planning, everything is It came from his own hands, and there has never been a second person involved. Come to think of it, he had planned to set me up for a long time.

   I knew that Mr. Bo would end up in my hands, and even that Mr. Yuan would talk to Mr. Bo when he was desperate, so he gave out the money for the project early on. Oh, regardless of his young age, his methods and thoughts are not as meticulous as he was once. Without making a sound, Yun Danfeng lightly did things without leaving a little retreat for others. "

   For this nephew, I didn't find anything before, and now I don't think there is anything at first, but there are some details that I really think about.

   Such a thoughtful junior is really something people have to care about.

   Yuan Zhengchong laughed at his words.

"No matter how powerful Jingchuan is, he will be nothing if he leaves the Bo family, and he will not be able to set off any storms. Even if he has the ability, starting from scratch... smart people will not give him a chance to stand up again, will they? ?"

   Bo Yuelin smiled, "This nephew of mine is young and energetic, but it's good to experience more things while you're young."

Yuan Zhengchong smiled, "Yeah, it's time to frustrate his spirit. It's enough to encircle and suppress the Bo family. If you really want to do it, how can it be so easy? I see, he I've been thinking about women lately, how can I have time to fight against Bo?"

   Sent Yuan Zhengchong away, and Bo Yuelin stood at the door of Bo's house for a long time.

   Maybe Yuan Zhengchong is right!

  Since he left the Bo family, he is nothing.

   No matter how powerful his ability is, even if he wants to start from scratch, he can't give him this chance?

   However, the old man's recent thoughts and attitudes seem to have always reserved a crucial position for him in the Bo family.

  The rights of the head of the family are still in the hands of Bo Jingchuan.

   Once the old man really can't hold back his strength, he will call Bo Jingchuan back, this Bo family, can't escape, it's still his.

   squinted his eyes, he had to grind the idea of ​​the old man for a while. -

  Shen Fanxing won the lawsuit, but lost the heart.

   In addition, Bo Jingchuan temporarily withdrawn the negative comments about Shen Fanxing on the Internet, and now the trend on the Internet is almost one-sided.

   Netizens who used to stand in a neutral position, or those who supported Shen Fanxing, have defected to a certain extent.

   In just one afternoon, the negative comments that Bo Jingchuan had just removed, like bamboo shoots after a rain, sprang up all over the mountains and plains again.

  Bo Jingchuan looked at some remarks on the Internet with a gloomy face. He couldn't help but switch his big V number again and planned to go to the sea himself, but his phone was taken away halfway.

   "Okay, if you know it's annoying to watch, then don't watch it."

  Shen Fanxing was wearing pajamas, pressed against Bo Jingchuan's back, chin resting on his shoulder, glanced at the above remarks, and hooked his lips ironically.

  Bo Jingchuan grabbed her waist, took her to him, trapped her in his arms, and cold anger flashed in his black eyes.

   "What is it like being scolded? You can still laugh?!"

   The sound is as deep as a muffled drum, the volume is not large, but it is enough to hit the heart.

The smile on Shen Fanxing's lips deepened, "You haven't seen me being scolded worse, right? Back then there were rumors in the school that I stole Shen Qianrou's fragrance recipe, and when I seduced the judges, I haven't experienced any ugly words? These are just seen but not heard, compared to the beginning, these are not painful at all!"

   Bo Jingchuan's face was still very ugly.

"Their mouths are not open, and what they say will be fulfilled. Otherwise, they would have made a fortune and become the richest man in the world. No matter how they scold me, in fact, will they all have a good life with me? It doesn't matter. If so, don't worry so much."

   Bo Jingchuan's face was heavy, and he reached out and poked her in the forehead.

   "Don't you feel that your words are contradictory? Who asked me to help you deal with it in the afternoon?!"

Shen Fanxing smiled, "It's me, but all of a sudden I just want to make those people who are used to being bullied by me happy. This time is a rare opportunity, let them use the topic to play it. It's too long to hold back their temper. I can’t vent out, so I’m in a hurry and secretly buy a murderer. Wouldn’t it be more troublesome for me? I’m relaxed, right? Who would have known that you were so strong in action, and just wanted to go back on it, you’d half done the job.”

  Bo Jingchuan stared at her for a long time, then suddenly hummed.

   "It's half done, Shen Fanxing, you clearly got me stuck here on purpose!"

  Shen Fanxing shook his head, "I didn't..."

   "Say it again, eh?"

  Shen Fanxing nodded, "Okay, a little bit."

   "Huh." Bo Jingchuan chuckled, "Your move, this headline hit, will soon be contracted by the two of us. I didn't expect that one day, I would entrust your service and become an Internet celebrity."

   "Such a rare opportunity. It is also for you, for others, for sure..."

  Shen Fanxing blinked, her eyes were full of cunning, and most people really couldn't guess what she was thinking.

  Bo Jingchuan raised his eyebrows, then dissipated the cold anger in his eyes, and said lightly:

   "Forget it. It's up to you, as long as you have fun."

   Shen Fanxing looked at him with a moved face, "Why are you being so kind to me?"

   "What do you say?"

  Shen Fanxing thought for a while, then said:

   "It must be that you raised other women behind my back, and then felt guilty about me, so you have been pampering me like this... hey... itchy... I was wrong..."

   Before Shen Fanxing finished speaking, Bo Jingchuan's hands bent down on her waist and upper arms to knead and knead in various ways.

   Picks up Shen Fanxing's tickle flesh.

   "Besides, go on, let me listen carefully, what's the name of the woman I'm outside, how beautiful she looks, eh?"

   "Stop making trouble... I was wrong..."

  Bo Jingchuan also stopped enough, let go of her hand and carried her to the bed.

   "Go to sleep when you've had enough fun!"

  Shen Fanxing stood on the bed, looked at the ceiling, and said:

   "Let me think about it first, what will Miss Yuan family do at tomorrow's business banquet?"

   blinked, Shen Fanxing turned over, climbed onto Bo Jingchuan's stomach, and asked with a smile:

   "Are you a local tyrant now?"

   (end of this chapter)

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