Chapter 1495 Guilt

"What's up?"

   Yuan Sichun raised his eyes and saw Yuan Zhengchong, and smiled even more happily.

   She pointed at the computer screen and giggled:

"I really didn't expect that Brother Bo would have lost his mind for a woman. He withdrew the news of attacking Shen Fanxing for no reason. He never thought that this would anger these brain-dead netizens even more? I think she really I was fascinated by that vixen!"

"Oh... No, it's not a vixen. Saying she's a vixen just flatters her... If it is, why couldn't even my fiancé keep it in the first place? Brother Bo treats her as a treasure for something that other men don't want. ...that's crazy and stupid!!"

   Looking at Yuan Sichun's crazy appearance, Yuan Zhengchong frowned tightly.

   "How could he do such a reckless thing, don't be too complacent!"

  Yuan Sichun sneered, "Look at it, after withdrawing, the scolding is even more fun."

  What Yuan Sichun said is not wrong at all, the online remarks about Shen Fanxing are indeed even more excessive.

   "What's going on here, is this a guilty conscience? You dare to do this, why can't people tell me?"

   "You can only listen to good things, but you can't let people tell the truth?"

   "Suddenly I felt that the behavior of scolding others for her on the Internet was so stupid. Just help her to slap others, and don't allow others to slap her! Hehe..."

   "Nothing else, forcing the old man to go to court to self-destruct and testify to her is just a guilty conscience."

   "A matter that can be solved with a little money, she is satisfied with the two old people being forced into what they are now?"

   "A hard-hearted woman, I saw her vicious selfishness today..."

"Fortunately, I used to take her as my goddess, but looking at it now, I think it was really funny that I was partial to her before. Thinking about everything she does, it feels absolutely amazing! It's all forgiving. And forgive me, she doesn't leave any room for people every time, it's really cruel..."

  Yuan Zhengchong took a cursory glance, and most of them were such remarks. Although they were not the same, they were all similar.

   Naturally, there are netizens who have been speaking for Shen Fanxing, but the proportion is obviously in a weak position.

   He frowned, having some doubts about Bo Jingchuan's move.

   Could it be that he was really bewitched by that woman and couldn't see her being a little wronged?

   So doing things so recklessly?

   According to him, because of that woman, it is not impossible for him to hurt Sichun to what he is now.

   shook his head, he sighed softly.

   It's really a pity for such a rare talent.

   "Tomorrow night will be a business banquet. I will personally go to Bo's house in the evening to invite the old man of the Bo family and Bo Yuelin. If you are done with your work, go back first."

   Hearing the Bo family, the smile on Yuan Sichun's face narrowed.

   "Grandpa Bo has officially retired now, so he probably won't participate..."

Yuan Zhengchong snorted coldly, "His precious grandson made you look like you are now, this is our Yuan family, he hasn't explained anything yet, last time I asked him to help a bunch of Yuan's family, but in the end it didn't work. And back, inviting him to a banquet today, he should not refuse to give this face."

Yuan Sichun nodded, "If Grandpa Bo, who is the backbone of the Bo family, appears, he will surely be a reassurance for those investors who have been waiting on the sidelines. "

   "Well. If a business banquet is really going to be held, it must be used to the extreme."

   Yuan Zhengchong added, his eyes glanced at the computer screen in front of Yuan Sichun again, and doubts flashed in his eyes for a moment.

  Why does he always feel that Bo Jingchuan's behavior is so brainless and abnormal?

   Are you really fascinated by a woman like this?

   But for a moment, he put this matter behind him.

   At most, it is to protect a woman, no matter how big it is.

   He also doesn't need to care about such trivial matters. -

   Go to the thin house at night.

   Mr. Bo has always had a gloomy face about the cancellation of negative comments on Shen Fanxing on the Internet.

  Although Bo Jingchuan threatened to quit the Bo consortium, he was still his grandson in the final analysis.

   Doing such a mindless thing regardless of the consequences, and being influenced by a woman to this point, is completely contrary to the teachings he had told him so many times.

   The more he is afraid of something, the more something will happen.

   Originally didn't want to bring up this topic, but Yuan Zhengchong seemed to be deliberately blocking the old man.

   After a few people sat in the living room and watched the TV report about today's lawsuit between Shen Fanxing and Jiang Rongrong, Yuan Zhengchong shook his head and sighed.

"The development of this matter is very surprising. This Miss Shen is really more ruthless than a man. However, since she can do it well, why should you be afraid of outsiders saying a few words? Jingchuan cares too much about her. , to actually do such a reckless thing... When you temporarily withdraw, didn't you think that the consequences would be more serious?"

   After he finished speaking, he shook his head and sighed, "Jingchuan is the only capable child I've seen over the years. I didn't expect... Heroes are sad for Meirenguan. He was actually bewitched by a woman and turned into what he is now..."

   Mr. Bo's face was even more ugly. The dinner he just used seemed to be choked in his stomach, and he couldn't digest it.

   On the side, Bo Yuelin narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard the words, and then a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and the corners of his lips were slightly hooked, which was fleeting.

   Yuan Zhengchong saw that Mr. Bo's face was not very good-looking, and his mood was relieved. He reached out and put the two invitations on the coffee table.

   "Tomorrow night, Yuan Shi will hold a business banquet. As for the purpose of this banquet, I believe that both Uncle Bo and Yue Lin know what it is, and I hope the two of you must arrive."

  Bo Yuelin glanced at the invitation letter, and there was a hint of irony in his eyes.

   "I heard that you are trying to let your eldest daughter manage the company?"

Yuan Zhengchong paused, "...I just let her join the company and get familiar with the business. After all, the project in hand is so important, I will definitely not quit at this critical time. Sichun still has a lot to learn. , I hope Uncle Bo and Yue Lin can help you more when necessary."

  Bo Yuelin smiled lightly, "This is nature."

   Mr. Bo never said a word from beginning to end.

   Yuan Zhengchong deliberately came to block him, but he couldn't see it.

   And those two invitations were there, and he didn't even ask, and he didn't even have a chance to refuse.

  Is this because he felt guilty about the things that Bo Jingchuan did to Yuan Sichun, so he acted so recklessly and defiantly?

   However, what Jingchuan did to Sichun, torturing a good-looking girl like that, the Bo family always owed the Yuan family.

   Yuan Zhengchongning held his handle, and for the guilt in his heart, he could only participate.

   (end of this chapter)

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