Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 1442: second day back home

   Chapter 1442 The second day of returning home

   "You know I'm the second young lady of the Yuan family? Then you should have guessed that I can't cook. Being able to cook instant noodles is the limit..."

   "What books have you been reading for so many years?"

   Wen Xuchen said lightly, then picked up the chopsticks, picked up the noodles and started eating.

   Yuan Muchun pursed her lips, she was really persistent.

   "You don't look don't have money to hire a servant..."

  Wen Xuchen pursed his lips, "I have money, what does it have to do with your apology?"

   Yuan Muchun was helpless and spread out his hands, "It's alright. Eat it quickly, or it won't be delicious after a while."

  Wen Xuchen took two bites and looked up at her.

   "Have you eaten?"

  Yuan Muchun pouted, she didn't eat last night, anyway, at the police station at noon today, uncle Jingcha rubbed a lunch box, otherwise she would have starved to death.

   "I just ate a cucumber and a tomato."

  Wen Xuchen's eyebrows moved, "Can't you cook more noodles by yourself?"

   Yuan Muchun waved his hand quickly, "I'm really not hungry!"

   Besides, she rummaged through the whole kitchen and only found such a bag of instant noodles.

   I wanted to eat it, but I didn't.

  Wen Xuchen didn't bother to argue with her about this, and continued to eat his own.

   After dinner, Yuan Muchun washed the dishes and decided to leave.

   In the end, Wen Xuchen was the first to say:

   "There are a lot of rooms here. You have to decide if you want to stay there, but the premise is that you don't delay my breakfast. If you can't do that...I think your behavior last night should be called trespassing, right?"

   Yuan Muchun stared at him in disbelief, "I have already explained this matter."

  Wen Xuchen did not speak and went upstairs.

   Although Yuan Muchun was angry, she still chose to stay when she thought of going home and facing those wicked faces.

   Familiarly found the room where she lived here before, the four-piece set on the bed, and the clothes in the closet, all of which are still there.

  Today, after another day of tossing, she threw herself on the bed after washing and quickly fell asleep.

   However, she felt that she had not slept for long when the door of her room was knocked loudly.

   In the middle of the night, she was so frightened that she jumped up from the bed and heard Wen Xuchen calling her outside.

   sounded anxious, she didn't think about it for a while, she put on pajamas and ran over to open the door.

   As soon as the door opened, a tall and heavy figure rushed towards her.

   She was almost thrown to the ground, screamed in fright, and stretched out her hand to push the man on top of her.

   "You, you... what are you doing? Rogue..."

"you shut up!"

  Wen Xuchen's low voice sounded completely gnashing his teeth.

  Yuan Muchun just noticed something was wrong when she heard Wen Xuchen's voice ringing in her ears again.

   "Damn, did you poison me?"

   Yuan Muchun was stunned, "Huh?"

  Wen Xuchen really didn't have the strength to appreciate how cute she was at this moment. With his last breath, he said:

   "Quickly dial the emergency number."

   So, on the third day after Wen Xuchen returned to China, Yuan Muchun successfully got him into the hospital.

   Yuan Muchun didn't know Wen Xuchen that well, so he didn't know anything about his assistant secretary.

   Seeing that the man's tall body fell on his body like a puddle of mud, Yuan Muchun finally believed that the man was not a hooligan.

   hurriedly pushed the man aside, found his mobile phone and dialed the emergency number.

   Watching the doctor push Wen Xuchen into the emergency room, Yuan Muchun sat in the waiting chair outside the emergency room with a look of hopelessness.

   The whole person turned pale with fright, and he almost sat there weakly.

  The doctor just came out and said that the man had food poisoning and asked her what he ate today...

  What did you eat?

   He didn't eat at the police station all day, so he ate the bag of instant noodles she cooked for him tonight.

   But a good instant noodle, how come food poisoning?

  What's going on with her these days?

  Why do so many unfortunate things happen to her one after another?

   There are a lot of messes in the house. She still doesn't know what to do. In the morning, she brings people into the situation, and in the evening, she directly brings people to the emergency room.

   looked up at the three big red letters on the door of the emergency room above her head, the trembling of her hand holding the phone could be seen clearly.

  No, if this man really cares...

  What happened next, she didn't know anything, she flipped through her phone, eager to find someone to help. -

  When Yuan Muchun saw Shen Fanxing, it was as if he saw a steady backer, and tears suddenly flowed out of his eyes.

   That's right, she didn't look for anyone in the Yuan family, the first thing that came to her mind was Shen Fanxing.

  Because of the feeling Shen Fanxing gave her, she was too reliable, and she felt that whatever happened to her would be solved easily.

   In this world, there is almost nothing difficult to get her.

   "Mu Chun?"

   Shen Fanxing's familiar cold voice sounded, Yuan Muchun raised her head, stared at the "pink polar bear" in front of her for a few seconds, and blinked.

"sister in law?"

  Shen Fanxing took two steps towards her.

"What's up?"

   Yuan Muchun confirmed that it was Shen Fanxing, and she didn't care about her dress at the moment, she stood up tremblingly, wiped her tears, and walked in front of Shen Fanxing like a child who did something wrong.

  Shen Fanxing heard Yuan Muchun's stiff and trembling voice on the phone. She didn't even have time to find her clothes. She wore the coat that Bo Jingchuan gave her today and hurried out.

   Bo Jingchuan had a cold face and followed behind with a scarf and hat.

   It was only when she got to the elevator that she was surrounded tightly again.

   "Sister-in-law, am I going to jail?"

   Shen Fanxing frowned and asked again:

   "What the **** happened?"

   Yuan Sichun choked up and told Shen Fanxing about everything that happened all day today.

   "I just cooked him a bowl of instant noodles, I didn't know such a thing would happen.

  Sister-in-law, do you think I should put the blame on the instant noodle manufacturer now? If it is because of instant noodle poisoning, it must be the manufacturer's quality problem, right? "

  Yuan Muchun was really frightened and tried everything possible to avoid taking this responsibility.

   She hasn't done anything bad in her life.

   If I had to say it, it was the night before yesterday that Yuan Sichun was pushed into Qin Zhixuan's room.

   Could it be that her present newspaper has come so soon?

  Shen Fanxing took her to a chair and sat down, and asked specifically:

   "This incident is purely an accident, and there should be no problem. But what you just said is right. If there is a problem with eating, I think there should be a problem with the quality and hygiene of the instant noodle manufacturer."

   The expression on Yuan Muchun's face relaxed slightly, and after a while, he continued:

   "Then...if he really dies...isn't I going to take some responsibility? If that's the case, I'll probably be in jail for a few years?"

  Shen Fanxing choked for a while.

   (end of this chapter)

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