Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 1441: asking for trouble

   Chapter 1441 Asking for trouble

   Immediately after, Yuan Muchun shouted in horror from outside the door all the way to the bedside table.

   "That's right! It's him, Uncle Jingcha, take a good look and see if he is a criminal who is absconding?"

  My grandfather's house has been unoccupied for a long time, and his window must have been used as a hiding place! "

   "Damn, you're talking nonsense..."

  Wen Xuchen turned his head and just wanted to say something to the woman standing by the bedside table, but when he opened his mouth, the woman filled his mouth with something unknown.

   After that, as if frightened, he hurriedly hid beside him.

  Tight hands have nowhere to rest.

   "Police... Uncle J, I hope you can investigate well and eliminate harm for the people..."

   Wen Xuchen in the bathroom didn't even have a chance to refute, and was directly taken to the police station.

   locked up without saying a word.

   was sent to the interrogation room not long after.

   Finally, after those people were extremely impatient, he agreed to let him call a lawyer.

  Because he had just returned to China, his household registration was not local, and then as an outsider, all kinds of certification procedures were completed, and the sky was completely dark.

   During this period, including Yuan Muchun's information, he asked his assistant to check it.

   Well, as expected of the old professor's granddaughter, she grew up so much that she spent most of her time studying.

  Completed college, now in graduate school.

   But he is a graduate student anyway, how can he be so stupid?

   He is a criminal on the run?


   The day after he returned to China, he was brought into the police station, and it was still in such an embarrassing situation.

   I was taken here in my pajamas, I'm afraid no one will have such a situation.

   He has never been so humiliated in his life.

  The good daughter of the Yuan family...

   put on the clothes his assistant prepared for him, and when he came out, he saw a woman standing at the door.

   Wearing a white down jacket, the zipper was pulled to the highest level, half of his face was buried in the collar of the down jacket, his hands were rubbed from time to time, and when he saw him coming out, he was slightly stunned.

   Those eyes were filled with embarrassment that could not be concealed.

   But in the end, he gritted his teeth and greeted him.

   "That... I'm sorry, there seems to be a bit of a misunderstanding here, I apologize to you..."

   How did she know that grandfather had arranged for someone else to live there long ago.

  According to common sense, that villa...

   You can't give it to this stranger, can you?

   But since it was Grandpa's decision, she didn't have any position to say anything.

  The things belonged to my grandfather, and how he wanted to arrange it was his business.

  It's a pity that she will no longer have a place to stay in the future.

  Wen Xuchen stopped and looked at her blankly.

   seems to be waiting for something.

  Yuan Muchun bit her head and looked embarrassed with two cold gazes above her head.

"That...if there's nothing wrong, I'll go first and apologize to you again, today's affairs are completely a misunderstanding...I hope you will have a good night tonight!, bye. "

   Who wants to meet his own dark history?

   So there is no goodbye, only... farewell.

   After saying that, Yuan Muchun turned around and was about to leave.

   As a result, before taking two steps, the collar was pulled from the back of the man.

   In the end, only two legs were left and fluttered in the air.

   "Let go... let me go..."

   Looking at the woman with a little chick in her hand, Wen Xuchen frowned slightly.

   Didn't the Yuan family feed her?

   An adult in his twenties, as young as a teenager?

   However, seeing her half-hanging in the air and fluttering randomly, a faint smile flashed in her eyes.

   "Miss, your apology is so insincere, do you really want me to forgive you?"

   Yuan Muchun quieted down, "But I...but I really didn't mean it...I really didn't expect that grandpa would let you live in the villa."

   She gave up her struggle, hung her head in Wen Xuchen's hands, and looked downcast, as if she had no love for life.

   looks a little pitiful.

   turned his hand and placed her beside him.

  Yuan Muchun obediently stood there, lowered his head, and said in a low voice:

   "This time it's really a misunderstanding, you can take a boat in your prime minister's stomach..."

   "Not the prime minister."

  Yuan Muchun paused for a while, then changed his words, "Your lord has a lot of..."

   "Who told you that adults must have a lot, I'm sorry, I didn't..."

  Yuan Muchun: "..."

  Wen Xuchen glanced at her, "Just the second day after returning to China...Miss, I have never been so embarrassed."

   "Then what exactly do you want?"

  Wen Xuchen put on her collar again and dragged her towards the black luxury car not far away.

   "You... what are you doing?!"

   "If you want to apologize, you need to be a little sincere. If you make me feel so embarrassed, then make it up for me as a servant for the rest of my life."

   Yuan Muchun's eyes widened instantly!

  A lifetime servant?

   How precious is his face?

   Use her to be his servant for life?

   "Sir, sir! You may not know, I'm still studying... I don't have time to be a servant for you, why don't you think of other ways, this is really not good!"

   Even so, she was stuffed into the car by the man.

   "I'm sorry, but you have absolutely no right to say no."

   Yuan Muchun is really starting to worry now.

   "Where are you... taking me?"

  Wen Xuchen did not speak again.

   She was taken back to her grandfather's villa, where she was arranged to cook in the kitchen.

   Yuan Muchun opened his mouth, and just as he was about to say something, Wen Xuchen took his mobile phone and went upstairs.

  No way, she could only move to the kitchen.

   When Wen Xuchen came downstairs, Yuan Muchun immediately came out of the kitchen and put a bowl of noodles in front of him.

   "I didn't expect there are instant noodles here. I also put two eggs for you! I hope you have a good time."

  Wen Xuchen glanced at the bowl of noodles, frowning slightly, "You know this?"

   "Well, it's simple, convenient, and delicious. This is what I'm best at."

  Wen Xuchen raised his eyes and glanced at her, "The second lady of the dignified Yuan family actually thinks instant noodles are delicious?"

   Yuan Muchun smiled, "Yeah, it's delicious. There's no reason why the second young lady of the Yuan family can't eat instant noodles."

   Her tone was bitter.

   This so-called second lady of the Yuan family has never given her any help except for various restrictions.

   She needs to be knowledgeable, sensible, patient, courteous in all aspects, elegant, and do what all wealthy ladies should do.

   But in the end, what she can get is cowardice, and the other party intensifies her bullying...

   "You know I'm the second young lady of the Yuan family? Then you should have guessed that I can't cook. Being able to cook instant noodles is the limit..."

  【End of No.7. good night~]

   (end of this chapter)

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