Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 1438: Scum-sucking male physique

   Chapter 1438 Scum-sucking male physique

   "Grandpa is so fond of the relationship between the two families, he must help him, but it depends on whether he can help."

   Several reporters were stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly asked:

   "Mr. Bo, what do you mean by saying this? Does it mean that even if Mr. Bo wants to help the Yuan family, he is powerless?"

   Bo Jingchuan said indifferently:

   "I have left the Bo family's consortium. Whether he wants to help, whether he wants to help, whether he can help or not has nothing to do with me. Get out of the way."

   A few words are indifferent and outrageous!

   But no one dared to go forward again.

   stayed in place one after another, letting Kailu watch Bo Jingchuan and his party leave.

   It wasn't until they were far away that no one couldn't help but wonder.

   "By the way, who is the woman in Mr. Bo's arms? Two people are so close, what should President Shen do?"

   "I don't know, I'm also wondering, what the **** is going on?"

   "Is it possible that Mr. Shen has been wearing a green hat again?"

   "Ah?! No way, in that case, Shen isn't always a sucker for scumbags?"

   "It's really sad..."

  The news was sent out amid the doubts of everyone...


  Bo Zhai, Yuan Sichun spoke slowly after the living room was silent for a long time.

"Grandpa, I think you also know that the Yuan family's current situation is not optimistic and needs a lot of money urgently. I'm here today, and I just want to ask you to help the Yuan family. The relationship between the Yuan family and the Bo family for so many years, You definitely wouldn't have the heart to watch the Yuan family ruined like this, right?"

   Mr. Bo has been sitting on the sofa in silence. After Yuan Sichun finished speaking, he slowly opened his mouth in the long silence.

   "The Yuan family is now...really in danger?"

Yuan Sichun nodded hurriedly, "First the contract was robbed, then the investment funds were robbed, and coupled with the scandal of Lehua Entertainment, Yuan's market value has evaporated nearly 30 billion out of thin air... Now the only way is to The project invests funds to develop, so there is still a chance of life..."

  The contract was robbed.

  The funds were robbed.

  Lehua Entertainment Event…

   These few things that completely put Yuan Shi in a desperate situation, each of which has the shadow of her Shen Fanxing.

   He really underestimated this woman and her mother.

   After hearing them say that they would take the Yuan family over as a dowry, at first glance, he was full of laughter, laughing at their arrogance and their oversight.

   The huge Yuan family has a century-old foundation, even if they really make up their minds to destroy it, they are afraid that they will exhaust their life.

   But they did.

  The matter of the contract being robbed is fine.

   But she actually had a way to grab the 20 billion funds later on. This was something he could not even imagine.

   Winning 20 billion by gambling, even if she owns the casino, she won't win as much as she wants?

  20 billion, how could such a thing happen?

   Who is this woman?


   Mr. Bo's silence made Yuan Sichun couldn't help calling him again.

   "Now the Bo family is our only hope. I hope that grandpa will help us because of the friendship between our two families for so many years."

   "How much do you want?"

  The words of the old man made Yuan Sichun overjoyed and said quickly:

   "Twenty billion!"

  The old man nodded, "Okay...I told your second uncle to arrange this matter, 20 billion...I will help you."

  Yuan Sichun was so happy that he wanted to stand up directly from the wheelchair.

   "Thank you grandpa, thank you, thank you so much."

   Facing Yuan Sichun's excitement, Mr. Bo showed no expression on his face.

  20 billion is not a problem at all for Mr. Bo.

   For the Yuan family, he could not stand by and be criticized.

   A piece of news was suddenly inserted on the TV. It was a picture of Bo Jingchuan being surrounded by reporters at the airport for an interview.

   The attention of several people was taken away by this news.

   When he heard Bo Jingchuan say that he was sure that the old man would definitely help Yuan Shi, the old man Bo was full of dissatisfaction, and he hated the feeling of being seen through.

   However, his next sentence made several people in the living room have to pay attention.

   "Let's see if he can help..."

   What does that money mean to Mr. Bo?

   How could it possibly not help?

   But his words always made Mr. Bo feel uncomfortable.

   He thought about it, and immediately called Bo Yuelin.

   The phone was connected, and Mr. Bo went straight to the point.

   "You must know the current situation of the Yuan family. It is 20 billion yuan. The Bo family should help out the money first."

   The other end of the phone was silent for a few seconds, then smiled:

   "Dad, instead of caring about the Yuan family, it's better to be concerned about the current situation of the Bo family..."

   Mr. Bo frowned, "What's the matter, what happened?"

"It's nothing, it was Jingchuan who invested all the company's revolving funds into the cooperation project with Shengshi Group before he left office. Now Bo's family is very poor, not to mention 20 billion, but not even 200 million. ."

   The huge Bo's consortium, one of the world's largest groups, can't even get 200 million yuan from the company...

  Oh, if this kind of thing spreads out, it will make people laugh out loud.

After   , Bo Yuelin sneered.

  This nephew of him is truly amazing.

   He was afraid that he had long expected that the Yuan family would eventually find the Bo family again, so he invested all the working capital in advance.

  The woman Shen Fanxing cut off the 20 billion given by Ye, and he directly cut off Yuan's thoughts.

   It's really a bad boy, his nephew!

   is always calmly arranging everything in advance, preempting any possibility that others can think of.

   Mr. Bo naturally thought of this in an instant.

   He said that in the days when the board of directors was held, Bo Jingchuan was still busy with work every day, just like a normal person. It turned out that he was implementing this matter.

  Cooperation with Shengshi Group...

  Presumably, it should not be just a simple small investment.

   "Then what about the company's earnings in the past few days, isn't there 20 billion..."


Bo Yuelin suddenly interrupted Mr. Bo's words, "I am in charge of the company now, so don't worry about it, the company really can't get the funds that the Yuan family needs now, let alone such a big Bo family's consortium. use money?

   I just took office, and now I have to make performances. Several investment projects I like also need money, so I can't do anything about it, so let's just leave it at that, I'm very busy right now. "

   Mr. Bo was obviously displeased with Bo Yuelin's perfunctory attitude.

   But his words are not without reason.

  Bo's big company also has to operate. Naturally, they can't be so selfless and stop their projects to help Yuan.

   hung up the phone, Mr. Bo sighed lightly.

   "Sichun, this money, Bo's family can't get it now."

   Yuan Sichun's expectant smile froze when he heard this sentence.

   (end of this chapter)

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