Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 1437: hahahah

   Chapter 1437 Hahaha hiccup

  Shen Fanxing moved his mouth, didn't wake up, didn't want to speak, just blinked.

   "Continue to sleep before waking up."

   The tone of speaking, from last night to today on the plane for nearly ten hours and now, is still as stiff as ever.

  Although Shen Fanxing once wanted to find him a step down, the provincial people have been so tense and exhausted.

   But nothing seems to change anything.

  The man's energy is still tense, but despite this, he still takes good care of her and can't find any faults.

   There's really nothing she can do about it.

  Bo Jingchuan looked at the sleepy and dazed look of the woman lying on the soft slump, and couldn't help reaching out and caressing her smooth face.

   Such a soft and beautiful appearance, no one can see it.

  Shen Fanxing turned slightly sideways, reached out and climbed onto Bo Jingchuan's shoulders, buried his face in his chest, sighed softly, and rubbed in his arms.

   Bo Jingchuan's heart, which has been deliberately tough, softened when he saw her subconscious intimacy.

   "Are we there yet?"

  Bo Jingchuan rubbed her hair and said softly:

   "Don't be in a hurry, just keep sleeping when you're sleepy."

  Shen Fanxing shook his head, "I want to go home and have a good rest."

  Bo Jingchuan was silent for a while, picked up Shen Fanxing from the soft couch, and then began to wrap Shen Fanxing in three layers and three layers out.

   Thermal underwear, cotton clothes, scarves, hats…

   So much so that in the end, Shen Fanxing only left a pair of bright star eyes outside, looking at the man piercingly.

   His hands swayed back and forth beside his body, appearing a little clumsy and cute, and his mouth buried in the scarf made a muffled sound.

   "Am I looking like a polar bear now?"

  Bo Jingchuan couldn't help hooking his lips when he looked at his bloated appearance.

   "Have you ever seen a polar bear with pink?"

  Shen Fanxing looked down at her eye-catching pink, her delicate eyebrows couldn't help jumping.

  What did he think, the jackets, scarves and hats prepared by people were all pink?

   Also, what about the two furry globes on the hat?

  How do you feel that she is dressed like this, but she has become a big girl of Sixteen or Seventeen?

   This makes a mature woman who is in her twenties and a few years away from reaching the 30th mark so embarrassing, okay?

   Isn't this what others see...pretending to be tender?

   doesn't match her current style at all.

   However, the main thing now is to keep warm and cold.

  Out of the rest cabin, Bo Jingxing and Yin Ruijue stood at the door of the cabin waiting for the door of the plane to open.

   When they saw Shen Fanxing, who was wrapped tightly and covered in pink, the two of them blinked, and Bo Jingxing burst out laughing.

   "Fuck! Sister-in-law, why did you suddenly change your style?"

  Yin Ruijue looked up and down at Shen Fanxing, restrained his smile and said:

   "This is... a cute and cute pet style? Brother Bo, do you have a strong taste?"

  Shen Fanxing raised her eyebrows, lowered her eyes slightly for a few seconds, and suddenly leaned against Bo Jingchuan's arms, raised her head, and only looked at the man with big watery eyes.

   "Is it really ugly to dress like this, or why would they all laugh at me?"

   Bo Jingchuan stretched out his arms and hugged her tightly, and replied softly:

   "Not ugly."

After    finished speaking, he raised his eyes and glanced coldly at the other two.

   Yin Ruijue: "..."

   Bo Jingxing: "Hahahaha...hic..."

  The two shrank their necks, just at this moment the cabin door slowly opened.

   Without the slightest hesitation, the two of them hurriedly got out.

   Now it is Brother Bo's eyes, and it will be Brother Bo's fist in a while.

   For so many years, the reason why they have grown up healthily under Brother Bo's eyes is the key to their perfect ability to see faces.

   "Ho! It's so cold."

   "Hurry up and go, it's almost frozen into an ice sculpture."

  No need to listen to Bo Jingxing and the others, just as the cabin door was opened, Shen Fanxing noticed a cold air blowing towards his face.

  It is also fortunate that Bo Jingchuan wrapped her tightly, otherwise, the sudden cold air would have caught a cold if it was not kept.

   Noticed Shen Fanxing's indiscernible shrinking, Bo Jingchuan hugged Shen Fanxing a little tighter.

   protected her, and got off the plane carefully.

   It was still evening outside, and the sky was beginning to get dark.

   When a few people left the airport, it was inevitable that they would be hit by a reporter who was squatting at the airport.

  Shen Fanxing was covered tightly, leaving only a pair of eyes, and others did not recognize her at all.

   In addition to her pink and tender clothes, she looks like a pink polar bear. No one will associate this really cute bear with the Shen Fanxing who lives in the legend.

   Except for Shen Fanxing, the legend himself, Bo Jingchuan, the conspicuous existence, will definitely not be left out.

   Seeing his appearance, the reporters rushed to meet him.

   Few bodyguards, but the reporters did not dare to approach him too much.

   It's just that too many eyes are aimed at the woman in Bo Jingchuan's arms.

   I have never seen Bo Jingchuan in close contact with a woman other than Shen Fanxing.

   Now suddenly seeing him hugging "another woman" intimately, everyone's strong gossip soul quickly ignited.

   However, no matter how you look, you can only see a pair of eyes at most.

  The reporter could only focus on Bo Jingchuan.

   "Mr. Bo, what is your specific plan to encircle the Bo family? How do you plan to drive the Bo family to a desperate situation?"

"Mr. Bo. Yuan's investment was cut off by President Shen, and now the entire Yuan family is in jeopardy. We got the exact news that Miss Yuan has now gone to Bo's house with her mother to ask Bo's father for help. Do you think your grandfather would agree to this? Can you help the Yuan family get through this difficult time?"

  Shen Fanxing was slightly raised by the dark eyebrows covered in the hat, and she pursed her lips and said nothing.


   Of course I would agree.

   He kept saying that the friendship between the Bo family and the Yuan family was so good that the marriage between the two families was his favorite thing.

   His own grandchildren can be willingly handed over, not to mention that it is only money now.

   It's just that the Yuan family still became this vampire.

  Daughter was abandoned by the eldest grandson of the Bo family, and with a project in front of the Bo family, she has been showing off her power for so long,

  's face was also given to the Bo family, and the sense of superiority also showed ten percent in front of the Bo family.

   As a result, in the end, I still have to ask the Bo family for help.

   is really useless enough.

   She pursed her lips and sneered.

   If you agree to invest, then there is no big problem.

  Think about it, she still earned it.

   As one of the shareholders who owns more than 30% of the shares, if the project does come true, she would have to be grateful to Mr. Bo for his generosity.

   However, although there is no hurry to overthrow the Yuan family, if you miss this opportunity, it will be more difficult to attack the Yuan family again.

  【End of No. 5. Hahahaha, I slept last night. I'm sorry everyone~(ˊωˋ*)]

   (end of this chapter)

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