Ten Directions God King The latest chapter, Chapter 1 836 Resonates with World Seed, Astronomy
    A touch of sacred brilliance, but only the size of the thumb, but it seems to be gestating all possibilities.

    This is … …That World Seed? ! ”

    The group was shocked.

    At the end of the ancient road, the chaotic twisted space interweaves such a thumb-sized light group, a hustle and bustle, surrounded by vastness and richness to the endless atmosphere, so that the pedestrians only thought of what it was.

    Such a thumb-sized thing, intertwined with such a vast divine ability, is not a World Seed at the end of this Ancient road, but what?

    Lin Tian's eyes are intertwined with the light, looking at World Seed in the chaotic space, and immediately greeted the group of people moving forward.

    The group nodded and stepped forward, and then, the next moment, except for Lin Tian, ​​everyone was trembled, all stopped in shape, and even cold sweats fell on the forehead.

    "What happened?"

    Lin Tian naturally sees the strangeness of a group of people.

    Bai Ziqi, Ni Yaoyao, Fan Yingxiong and Yang Qí all looked at Lin Tian and White Tiger asked: "You don't feel?"

    "What does it feel?"

    Lin Tian slightly condenses the eyebrows.

    A group of people looked at Lin Tian, ​​they were moving, Five Elements Alligator said: "Great pressure! Just like when I faced Order Tianjing, no, it was a lot more than the pressure at that time. Now, Uncle Alligator can't feel any more. ”


    Ling Yun opening.

    Bai Ziqi and Ni Yaoyao did not say anything, but from the eyes, they can see the same meaning.

    Even Little Taichu couldn't help but scream, as was the case with Five Elements Alligator.

    At this time, they felt that if they stepped closer, they would face even more horrible pressure. It seemed that they could easily crush them and make them feel a sense of death from their instincts.

    Lin Tian is a little bit moving, and everyone has such pressure? However, he did not feel anything.

    "Do you really feel nothing?"

    White Tiger asked Lin Tian again, it was really looking at Lin Tian's relaxed face at this time.


    Lin Tian shook his head.

    This makes the pedestrians move, this situation, how to look is somewhat unusual!

    At this time, in a chaotic space at the end of the ancient road, World Seed trembled and swayed with even more brilliance, as if it were the vast original light of the earth, the vast and vast people.

    At the same time, almost at the same time, Lin Tian in vitro, a faint sacred manifestation, also intertwined with vast and vast, seems to be able to cover everything between the big heavens and the earth.

    Lin Tian immediately stunned, and with the World Seed trembled in the chaotic space at the end of Ancient Road, his nameless path was self-motivated at this time, and the power of a glimpse of the law was intertwined and seemed to resonate with World Seed.


    Bai Ziqi and others are moving again. Naturally, they all saw this scene, and naturally they felt that it was not ordinary.

    "Your strange way, it seems, and that World Seed…Resonance

    Five Elements Alligator blinks.


    Little Taichu is also full of round eyes, with a surprising color.

    Lin Tian sensed that the unknown path in the body was intertwined, and the World Seed trembled at the end of the ancient road. The resonance between the two became more and more obvious, and the shock in the eyes could not help but become stronger.

    This is a nameless way, he realized when he entered the Half-Step Grand Dao. He never knew what it was. He didn't expect to enter here at this time. This way he resonated with World Seed.

    This really shocked him, looking at the World Seed, it was a bit embarrassing.

    Five Elements Alligator and others reacted at this time. Five Elements Alligator stared at World Seed in front and licked his paw against Lin Tian. "Kid, go ahead!" Uncle Alligator thinks that you can get the World Seed! Absolute

    "True." Go quickly! Grandpa Tiger has the same feeling! You must be able to take World Seed in your hands! ”

    White Tiger followed.

    At this time, they can feel the great pressure from the world seed, not even close to do, but Lin Tian is not affected by the shred, and its body of the Tao even independent and world seed resonance, the two are intertwined with the same vast and vast, This is already a sign, which makes it reasonable to believe that Lin Tian will definitely take the world Seed.

    Lin Tian's eyes are intertwined, in fact, this time is all on the World Seed.

    He took a deep breath and moved immediately, step by step toward the chaotic space that shrouded World Seed.

    His footsteps are gentle and powerful, and he is carefully guarded, because the chaos is terrible and has a devastating destructive power, even though he does not feel the tremendous pressures like Five Elements Alligator and Bai Ziqi at this time, despite The unknown in the body is resonating with World Seed, but he is still very careful.




    The heavy footsteps sounded together, and after dozens of breaths, Lin Tian came to the edge of the chaotic space wrapped around World Seed. After a moment, a foot straddles it, and then it enters into it safely.

    This makes his eyes bright, no problem!

    The next moment, he once again stepped out, his body completely immersed in the chaotic space, and the destructive power of the monks who originally belonged to the chaotic space did not fall.

    At the same time, he still did not feel the pressure from World Seed, the invisible path in the body and the resonance of World Seed became more intense, and the mansions were stronger.

    "Safely gone in!"

    Five Elements Alligator and others stared straight ahead, with amazement in their eyes, and with deep expectations and excitement.

    In the chaotic space, Lin Tian was very close to World Seed at this time. After taking a deep breath, he began to walk in front of this chaotic space. After roughly a dozen breathing hours in the past, he finally came to World Seed.

    Come here at a close distance and look around. World Seed is like a crystal pearl. There is no divine mark on it. Some are pure radiance, some are just innocent, and only the size of the thumb is clear. It is involuntary to give birth to a feeling that is even more vast and vast than the Grand World of Immortal Territory.

    Moreover, as he leaned closer to World Seed, his innocence in the body was more shocking, and the radiance of World Seed was more intense. The nameless and World Seed radiant and swayed each other.

    The next moment, the two brilliances collide, and then begin to blend directly.


    Even more amazing, the vastness of the atmosphere, for a moment, this place, chaotic space began to collapse, turned into infinite force into the World Seed, then, a striking light column rushed straight, Lin Tian and World Seed simultaneously shrouded The vastness and vastness of the atmosphere seem to be going through the big heavens and the earth.

    Suddenly, the entire Ancient road, the Chaos King in the confrontation and the old mixed-simultaneously shocked, all looked at the end of Ancient road.

    "That kid…Really got that World Seed? ! ”

    The old gang has widened his eyes.

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