Ten Directions God King The latest chapter, the first thousand eight hundred and thirty-five chapters Ancient road end, floating astronomy
    The annihilation of the immortality of the sacred sacred sacred, with the help of Lin Tian, ​​the Buried Dragon Scripture can not mobilize all the power of the annihilation of the fairy squad, but the Chaos who are still surviving are not at all difficult.


    A wave of killing light rushed toward the other side, all of which were constructed by the power of the Derivatives Bureau, which shattered the emptiness of the ten parties.

    Chaos Zi four people do not dare to have the slightest care, all support the strong divine ability to compete, intertwined one Chaos rune.

    However, Lin Tian's power of the Immortality Bureau mobilized by Buried Dragon Scripture is too strong, just for a moment. The violent divine ability of the four people is directly crushed, and then one after another. The demise of killing and glory continues to press on four people.





    Blood mist The blast of the road, Chaosz four people can not stop this force, the first time is to collapse the Mortal Body.

    The blood mist floats in the air, and the stars are a little bit touching.


    "All killed!"

    Five Elements Alligator and others sneer and feel very cool.

    Awkward, flesh-and-blood sounds, Chaos did not die, and Immortal's Divine Soul shook and quickly re-aggregated the Mortal Body.

    Four people bite their teeth, and their faces are ugly.

    Like them, Chaos World's top ten God Child has the strength to kill the Initial Stage God King. It is obviously higher than Lin Tian. The real combat power is stronger than Lin Tian, ​​but it is again and again by Lin Tian. The peculiar power was suppressed, and then ridiculed by Five Elements Alligator and others who were weaker than them, which made their hearts extremely uncomfortable.

    "What do you rely on external force? Can dare to compete for real combat power! ”

    Chaos stared at Lin Tian.

    "Yes, you suppress it to a realm with me, I crush you with one finger!"

    Lin Tian Road.

    Joke I step by step cultivation, why should I suppress it and fight with you? ”

    Chaos is cold.

    Lin Tian disdain: "This external force is that I pull it out by my own means. Why should I rely on it to fight with you?"

    Chaos Zitt’s words, Lin Tian actually pressed him with what he said.

    "Okay, I am too lazy to talk nonsense with you."

    Lin Tian Road.

    As the words fell, his soles were shocked, and more and more of the demise was intertwined in an instant, pressing straight toward Chaos.

    These annihilation and killing speeds are too fast, the breath is too strong, and the slamming sound is the crushing of the crushing, and this time, even the Soul Body has been greatly inflicted, and it is covered with one after another cracks. .

    "Almost, die."

    Lin Tian Road.

    With the words falling, his hands were printed, and the Dragon Mark was intertwined, which led to the evolution of a thousand Great Dragon.


    The Great Dragon roared in the sky and pressed straight toward Divine Soul in Chaos.

    Chaos Divine Soul trembled, and even the Mortal Body had no time to reunite, directly dragging the broken Divine Soul to dodge.

    In addition, several other living Chaos God Child helped to stop the Divine Soul from the Great Dragon bombing Chaos.

    However, the power of this Great Dragon is too strong, and the help of these people has no effect at all. The divine ability that was sacrificed is instantly crushed, and all of the Mortal Body each and everyone blasts.

    At the same time, a screaming sound, Chaos Divine Soul did not evade the bombardment of the Great Dragon, and was directly hit, in the next moment, the God Soul Body collapsed directly.

    To entirely exterminate body and soul !

    Suddenly, Chaos Clan came to the ten God Child and there are still Chaos and three people left. After reorganizing the Mortal Body, the expressions are very ugly.

    "It's up to you."

    Lin Tian didn't give them a time to breathe. Buried Dragon Scripture was running to the limit, and a core Secret Technique in Buried Dragon Scripture was used to directly transform the intensive sword of the rain.

    Chaos 谛 and other three Chaos Clan God Child immediately became stunned, and they all felt the extremely devastating atmosphere of destruction. They all contend with each other, even burning a glimpse of life to forcibly enhance their combat power.

    However, they are already at the end of the moment, the speed of burning the source of life is too slow, and is directly interrupted by the Four Form Seal, which was spurred by the demise of the immortal, and then the demise of the blockbuster is straight toward the third. The person crushed and fell.




    Blood blasted, and all three were crushed. One of them went directly to the whole of the exterminate body and soul. The other two survived, but they were weak to the extreme. The Soul Body was full of cracks and hard to reunite the Mortal Body.

    "Why waste your strength and repair your body and die directly."

    The sound of Lin Tian sounded.

    Rumbled, Buried Dragon Scripture re-runs, and the surging force of the annihilation of the fairy ruthlessness is ruthless.

    This time, the two were inevitable, and the flash was not flashing. It was directly drowned by the raging demise, and disappeared directly between the heavens and the earth.

    "All gave up!" Good.

    White Tiger laughs.

    "Chaos Ten God Child, all died on this Ancient road, Chaos King is expected to cry."

    Five Elements Alligator Road.

    Lin Tian shook his head: "Not necessarily."He said: "Chaos 恁 ten people are very strong, they are blocked by Chaos God Child, and it is a big loss for Chaos Clan. It is like the ancient existence of Chaos King. It is really not because of death. Ten God Childs have big mood swings."

    Five Elements Alligator thought about it and said: "This is also true."

    Chaos King, the peak God Emperor before the ancients, the king of the family, really does not seem to be distressed because of the death of ten generations of genius.

    "Okay, don't discuss this, we rushed to the end of Ancient road."

    Lin Tian Road.

    Chaos Clan entered this ancient road. Now, except for Chaos King, all the others died, and Chaos King was blocked by the old gangster. At this time, he took this great opportunity to rush to the end of Ancient road and try to get it. World Seed there.

    He greeted Bai Ziqi and others, and he was very fast and went to the end of Ancient Road.



    Ancient road More in front of the position, Chaos King and the old gangster are still fighting, the battle is very forced, God Emperor breaths everything.

    "Hey, I don't feel that there is no old Chaos. I said good to the old man. You are the ten geniuses of Chaos Clan. They are all gone."

    Old mixed laughter.

    Chaos King's eyes are cold and cold, and it feels like the atmosphere of Chaos and others has disappeared and they have been killed.

    However, apart from his eyes being cold, he did not show any anger, and there was no big emotional fluctuation. Obviously, the death of ten people, such as Chaos, made him feel pity, it was a loss in the family, but it was not Think of this as one thing.


    His whole body diver light swelled and swayed. He went to the end of Ancient Road and personally took the World Seed there.

    The old gangsters naturally know what the other party is paying attention to and directly shoot out the big film to kill the light: "Don't be my old man is the air."

    Rumble, the two peak God Emperor collided, the atmosphere was extremely impressive, and the space broke into pieces.


    Lin Tian erased Chaos and others, and the speed was very fast. He called a group of people to the end of Ancient Road.

    Time and blink of an eye are the past few days.

    On this day, the space in front of it became chaotic, like the water ripples, and there was a thumb-sized light group in the depths, intertwined with a touch of glory, as if gestating everything.

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