Ten Directions God King The latest chapter, the 1st, 1975, the tremors of the heavens, the astronomical
    Out of the village, Wu Yi arrived, and came to the land of the wilderness, the steps were very gentle, and the expression on his face was as peaceful as ever.

    "Wu Yi."

    Lin Tian was stunned by two bears. The body was stained with a lot of blood. The spirit was very weak. Even the view was very vague at this time. Many things could not be seen clearly, but Wu Yi was still recognized.

    Around, many wild beasts gathered, watching Wu Yi come, many of the already wise Monster Beast could not help but stunned, watching Wu Yi in a blink of an eye, all was shocked by the face of the world.

    The charming woman couldn't help but stunned. Before she reached Imperial Sky Realm, she saw a lot of human women. The fascination of the demon body was natural and very confident. However, now, watching Wu Yi come and see With that kind of beauty, she was almost petrified at one time, and it is hard to believe that there would be such a person in this world.

    She wanted to pick some out, but it was completely futile. In any case, she could not find a little bit of embarrassment. She first realized the meaning of the word "perfect".


    Wu Yi stopped at the outside of the group and looked at Lin Tian, ​​who was caught by the two bears. The eyes fell on the charming woman.

    With her intelligence, it is natural to see that the charming woman is the king of the group demon.

    The charming woman returned to God and her face became a little unsightly. Her subordinates discussed that Wu Yi was more beautiful than her. She shot directly, obliterated the subordinates, and then ordered other subordinates to take Wu Yi to see if Wu Yi is Really glamorous than her.

    She doesn't believe that there are people in the world who are better than her. Even if there is, she will definitely be only a little more beautiful than her. But now, when she really sees Wu Yi, she finds that her appearance is fundamentally compared with Wu Yi. There is no trace of comparability, it is completely the difference between heaven and earth, and this feeling makes her extremely uncomfortable.

    "It is beautiful! Sure enough, beautiful! ”

    Her sneer sneered, and the breath of the body became cold.

    Facing this kind of atmosphere, next to the Mountain Sea Realm's monkey demon immediately trembled, for fear that the charming woman was implicated by their anger, and quickly screamed: "There is no queen beauty!"

    ‘Yes! No Queen is beautiful! ”

    "The queen is the most beautiful! Right! The queen is the most beautiful! ”

    Other each and everyone The wise Monster Beast also follows, and like the monkey demon's mind, it is naturally impossible to tell the truth about Wu Yi beauty and the king of himself and others, it is completely looking for death.

    "The queen is the most beautiful!"

    The group enchanted.

    The charming woman is guilty of knowing that the group demon is afraid of her, but it still makes her comfortable.


    The voice of Wu Yi rang again, looking at the charming woman, the expression did not change at all, still very peaceful.

    She wants to save Lin Tian from this group of Monster Beast. It is easy and can be done with a look of eye, but she didn't do it.

    This is different from the situation in which she once helped Lin Tian. On several occasions, Lin Tian’s repairs were still there. In several encounters, he was repaired as an enemy stronger than him. Now, Lin Tian’s repair is gone. It was suppressed by several of the Seaster Beasts of Knowledge Sea Realm. If she started at this time, she would save Lin Tian from the hands of several of Knowledge Sea Realm Monster Beast, which Lin Tian grabbed, which would stimulate Lin Tian. Lin Tian may have more sadness. She doesn't want to be like that. In the past few years, Lin Tian's sadness and pain have accumulated enough.

    The face of the charming woman sank, Wu Yi's beauty made her uncomfortable, even dare to be more beautiful than her!

    Wu Yi's serenity also made her uncomfortable. A human woman in the district faced her imposing Human Sky Great Monster, but she didn't have a slight panic!

    She is very uncomfortable!

    "District humans, dare to talk so quietly with this king!"She looked at Wu Yi and glanced at Lin Tian with a sneer. She took a pair of shou and threw it at Wu Yi's feet. She said: "I can see that he is very important to you. He wants the king to let him go, yeah, kneel down. Ask the king, then put a few knives on his face, and the king will let him go."

    The beauty of Wu Yi makes her very uncomfortable. However, she will not immediately shā shou, she has to play with it, first destroy Wu Yi's face, and then kill it.

    And let Wu Yi destroy her face by herself, which makes her feel very much better than she does.


    Wu Yi's expression has not changed. It is still such a word. I didn't even look at the bi shou at the foot.

    This kind of calm is undoubtedly making the charming woman even more unhappy. She stared at Wu Yi and still didn't have shā shou. She had to play with torture and Wu Yi to do it again, so that she could get rid of it.

    Looking at Wu Yi, she smiled flatterly and walked over to Lin Tian. She said to Wu Yi: "This is your man, right?" I don't know, this king will absorb his yang in front of your eyes, what reaction will you have? ”Her charming smile has become a bit sullen: "The way to meet."

    As she said, she put out her tongue and looked at Wu Yi in a sullen manner. She slowly licked her face on Lin Tian and sipped her saliva on Lin Tian's face.

    Lin Tian immediately trembled, and the fists couldn't help but hold them up, and the nails fell deeply into the flesh and blood.

    Why did he have suffered such humiliation? !

    The tranquility of Wu Yi gradually dissipated, and a hurricane was born on her side, and the skirt was swaying.

    The sky with the white clouds turned dark and inky in a blink of an eye. The thunder and thunder exploded in the sky, and the whole wild world shook it. It seemed that the next moment would collapse, and a breath that made the world tremble from her. Open, the endless soul is fearful.

    For a moment, the heavens and the world vibrate, each and everyone slept in the endless years of the old antique living fossils awakened, all shocked, all shocked.

    At the same time, in the vast and unknown Grand World, Immortals Mountains, Shenyue Qingtian, Shenhe ancient flow, produced a breeze, so that a plant Traverse Heaven ancient tree branches and leaves, the flow of clouds accelerated.

    Then, a pair of scorpions squatting to the extreme, as if to see the reincarnation of the universe, which is intertwined with unspeakable shock.

    "This breath…Half-Step God Sovereign ? ! ”

    "Half-Step God Sovereign, the breath can penetrate this Void Heaven, how is it possible?! Peak God Emperor is impossible! ”

    A pair of deep scorpions, the light can not help but violently beat.


    In the wild world, the situation is abrupt, the entire Grand World trembles, the endless darkness envelopes the whole world, the sky, the rolling thunder, as if a deadly Heavenly Tribulation emerges.

    Lin Tian's tight fists couldn't help but loosen. He looked at Wu Yi in front of him. He forgot the important relatives and friends of each and everyone, but remembered Wu Yi's business. This is the first time he saw Wu Yi. Give birth to such a big mood swing.

    (End of this chapter) (https:)

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