Ten Directions God King The latest chapter, The 1970th Imperial Sky Snake, Astronomy
    For four years, Lin Tian has forgotten many things about his own repairs. Now, when he sees Wu Yi treating him, he sees Divine Power again after four years. He thinks again. When you say such words, it seems a bit uncomfortable.

    "It's good to be alive."

    Wu Yi is like this.

    Lin Tian barely smiled: "Is this comforting me?"


    Wu Yi Road.

    The house was small, the only person who remembered it, and Lin Tian was in a good mood, but it was just a trace.

    The two stayed in the house, Wu Yi's words were still not much, and most of the time Lin Tian was talking, and soon it was an hour.

    After an hour, Lin Tian and Wu Yi went out. He knew that everyone in the village was still worried about him, and they had to be assured.

    "never mind! Great!

    Seeing Lin Tian coming out, all the villagers were relieved.

    Subsequently, all the villagers were surprised and stunned, showing a strange expression. First, Lin Tian just said that the injury was so heavy, but now a short time, it is completely good, and this speed is too fast, Quickly makes them difficult to understand.

    At the same time, Lin Tian and Wu Yi had blood on their shells and had a lot of blood. But now, the clothes of the two have not changed, but the blood on them is not even visible.

    Lin Tian can feel the doubts and surprises of the villagers, but they have not explained anything. Some things are not explained better.

    Wu Yi knows that Lin Tian wants to settle down the world's beasts and know that he wants people in the village to have a truly stable life. He did not leave the topic of Lin Tian and lived in the village.

    People in the village can see that Wu Yi and Lin Tian are related. They started to build a new house in the village in just one day, because Lin Tian used to live in a place that was too small. Two people were too crowded.

    Time, the passing of the day.

    When there were no wild animals outside the village, Lin Tian would, as always, go to the mountain outside the village to build an unknown tomb. The only difference is that he used to be a person. Now, Wu Yi is with him.

    However, Wu Yi just looked at it quietly and never mentioned it to help. Just wait until Lin Tian wants to go back and go back to the village together.

    Time flies and it is another year.

    In a year, the world's wild beasts are more and more comfortable. More and more wild beasts appear outside the village, and there are wild beasts with extremely high intelligence. Even some wild beasts can spit. Human language.


    "The demon…monster

    "It is said that there are wild beasts in some fierce mountains that can morph the human form, and there are wild beasts who can spit out words, the original…It turned out to be true! ”

    People in the village are naturally surprised by this.

    Then, as these conditions become more and more frequent, as more and more savage beasts can be heard, the villagers will no longer be shocked, because they will get used to it.

    Lin Tian has never been surprised by this. Under normal circumstances, Monster Beast can be transformed into a human figure after reaching Imperial Sky Realm. To Divine Pulse peak, some special Monster Beast can speak and speak. It is normal.

    Again and again, he took the young and middle-aged people in the village to resist the wild beasts. Wu Yi did not help, but occasionally stood outside the village of Lin Tian with the solid walls built by the villagers, quietly watching the Lin Tian battle, in Lin Tian When the injury is very heavy, I will go to the village to help Lin Tian return to the village, and Divine Power will treat Lin Tian, ​​because every time Lin Tian is the heaviest, every time Lin Tian will always be together. They resist the deadly attack.

    Ordinary herbs, in many cases impossible to cure Lin Tian's injury, can only help with her Divine Power.

    She just helped Lin Tian to heal her wounds and never shot because she knew that there were some things that Lin Tian wanted to do.

    Time flies, blink of an eye, and two years have passed.

    Sister-In-Law NoOh no! Tian Ge was taken away by the monsters in the savage mountain! Let, let you go to the wasteland…"

    On this day, with Lin Tian, ​​a group of youths who often resisted the wild beasts knocked on Wu Yi's door, and looked anxious.

    Shortly after the appearance of Wu Yi, they called Wu Yi as “scorpion”. They felt that Lin Tian and Wu Yi did not live together in a room, but they were definitely the kind of relationship.

    Wu Yi nodded, no expression changes, just nodded lightly, covered the door and walked outside the village.

    In this group of mouths, the "falling wilderness", she knows where it is, about a few miles away from the village.

    The young and middle-aged villagers all took weapons, and all went up. Even some middle-aged and elderly people in the village heard that Lin Tian was caught by the monsters. They were all anxious and worried, and they were going to help them together.

    For them, Lin Tian has not only helped them to resist the heroes of the wild beasts, but also the relatives of everyone in the village.

    "I am going alone."

    Wu Yi's voice was very light, and there was no turning back. Then, at the next moment, many villagers stunned and lost Wu Yi.


    There are clouds in the sky, dozens of miles outside the village, a mountain is horizontal, very embarrassing, surrounded by a black mist, there is a large area of ​​wilderness outside the mountain, specifically do not know how much scope.

    On the wasteland, at this time there was a strong demon fog in the air. The roughly 10,000-headed beasts gathered together, and the black pressure was very infiltrating. The head was a charming woman with a very exposed dress.

    "This king is going to have a look, how beautiful is the human being in your mouth!" Some people even said that this king is not as good as it! ”

    The woman sneered, for a snake demon, repaired to reach the void 5-layer, for the king of the fierce mountain behind him, for the king of the beasts here.

    Haven'tNo, nothing like that. The absolute queen of the world is the most beautiful and noble! Humans in the district, can you compare with you? It’s those little demon eyes that have problems! ”

    Next to it, a monkey demon is busy.

    In the past few years, many of the mountains have opened the savage beasts who have spoken and uttered their words to attack the villages that are dozens of miles away. They saw Wu Yi, and they were amazing. They often talked about the women who are more than the charming women. Still beautiful, I was heard by the charming woman who had just left the customs before three days, directly killing a group of Monster Beast who talked about these words, and then ordered to bring the humans in the group of Monster Beast to her eyes.

    "This human man seems to be a couple with the human woman. This person is in our hands and the woman will come soon!"The monkey demon has the cultivation of the Knowledge Sea 9-layer Heaven, respectful and charming to the charming woman: "We have specially put a group of humans back to inform the human woman, please wait a moment for the girl."

    The charming woman is coldly snorted, looking at Lin Tian, ​​who is holding the two bears of the Knowledge Sea 7-layer Heaven, and said: "Humans are all greedy and afraid of death, will the woman really come? Why not just grab it! ”

    "This…"The monkey demon paused, said: "I don't want the queen, there is a village there, and a strong defensive wall is built outside the village. It is difficult for us to rush in to catch people."Said, it looked at Lin Tian and said: "It seems that this human being was built with other humans in the village. Moreover, this person is not very simple. Some of our Divine Pulse peak brothers are not his opponents. ."

    Said, the monkey demon looked at Lin Tian, ​​his eyes were very gloomy. In the past few years, Lin Tian took the people in the village and blocked the raids of the wild beasts again and again. They have not tasted human flesh and blood for many years, and they have lost a lot of damage. The same kind, if it is not to lead the woman from the village in Lin Tian, ​​it has already killed Lin Tian.

    "Oh ?" A human being in the area can block me from the same family as Divine Pulse 9-layer? ”

    The charming woman was surprised and looked at Lin Tian with a slight gaze.

    "It is true, I dare not deceive the Queen! This human being is very strong! ”

    Monkey demon.

    The charming woman is coldly snorted, but she is very strong, but she is just a husband.

    Lin Tian was caught by two bears. When listening to the monkey demon and the charming woman, she didn't care. It was just bitter. One day, she would be unable to resist by the power of several Knowledge Sea Realm.

    Coming Queen, come! ”

    Suddenly, there was a Monster Beast opening, pointing to the distance, where a white woman appeared, and the steps were gentle, coming towards it.

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