Ten Directions God King The latest chapter, the first seven hundred and sixty-four chapters and three chapters are all separated, floating astronomy
    As Lin Tian appeared next to Ni Yaoyao, with Samsara Chart pressing Yuan Yunfu, the time made Yuan Yunfu move.

    After all, Ni Yaoyao itself is very strong, and Lin Tian is also very strong, although this time has not been in the state of peak, but with the divine ability of Bai Ziqi and others to show King's domain Samsara Chart, it is still very awkward.

    At the moment, Yuan Yunfu retreats and evades Samsara Chart.

    "What are you going back?"

    Lin Tian cold road.

    He stepped on the Heaven and Earth Step, step by step, and turned to Yuan Yunfu, Samsara Chart once again propped up.

    At the same time, Ni Yaoyao swayed a large amount of water mist, interweaving the water of Immortal Dao, and also fell down toward Yuan Yunfu.

    Yuan Yunfu's face was cold and cold. He was alone on Lin Tian and Ni Yaoyao. There was a huge pressure on him. It was impossible to block Lin Tian at the same time.


    On the other side, the sound of the air broke, the big divine turbulence, Lan Tianzhen stared at Lin Tian and sent it to the Immortal Emperor Tower at the top of Little Taichu. The eyes were intertwined and screaming, supporting the Knowledge Sea Divine Ability. Little Taichu shrouded away.

    At the same time, the law of Immortal Dao is surging, turning into a large handprint of the immortal, straight to the Immortal Emperor Tower.


    Little Taichu screamed angrily and spurred Immortal Emperor Tower with six-color divine light. The first time, the purple glory broke out, and Immortal Emperor Tower, which was less than half of Divine Power before Lin Tian, ​​did not. Knowing how many times stronger, the first time the crushing of the Knowledge Sea vision of Lan Tianzhen was crushed, and the large handprint that was imaginary with the Immortal Dao rule was shattered.

    Lan Tianzhen moved and then headed towards Little Taichu again, offering a more powerful Divine Ability Secret Technique to the Immortal Emperor Tower.

    From the scene just now, he felt the power and value of the Immortal Emperor Tower.

    The next moment, a bang, almost at the same time, Yuan Yunfu forcibly opened the distance between Lin Tian and Ni Yaoyao, and also rushed to Little Taichu, the first time to sacrifice the powerful Divine Ability, to the Immortal Emperor Tower.

    Lin Tian coldly snorted, stepping on Heaven and Earth Step, with Five Thunder Shake Heaven Secret Art, one step is to cross the past, intertwined with the purple lightning of the sky, and Yuan Yunfu and Lan Tianzhen are covered together, the thunder of the Thunder .

    At the same time, Ni Yaoyao started, a side of the huge watertightness emerged from the air, Yuan Yunfu and Lan Tianzhen enveloped together.


    Little Taichu made a sound, and the wings behind it shook, directly propping up the vision of the four spirits. For a time, the dragon roar was shocked, and the phoenix was smashed. With the purple thunder of Lin Tian and the water jail of Ni Yaoyao, they attacked Lan Tianzhen and Yuan Yunfu. .

    Moreover, Little Brat propped up the Immortal Emperor Tower together, causing it to erupt even more horrific.

    Yuan Yunfu and Lan Tianzhen discolored at the same time, each supporting the divine light defense.

    However, none of Lin Tian, ​​Little Taichu and Ni Yaoyao are weak, and Little Taichu still has a strong treasure weapon attacking Immortal Emperor Tower. It is terrible, but it is smashed in the blink of an eye. Yuan Yunfu and Lan Tianzhen propped up the divine light defense, and the big killings fell on the two.



    With two pieces of blood mist blasting, Yuan Yunfu and Lan Tianzhen did not have a good one, and they all exploded at the first time.

    However, after all, the two are the top ten superpowers on the Hundred Immortal List. Divine Soul is completely innocent, but in a blink of an eye, the Mortal Body is re-aggregated and his face is a bit unsightly.

    Lan Tianzhen is squatting, staring at the Immortal Emperor Tower on the top of Little Taichu, paused, straight back, intertwined with the shadows of the sky, and disappeared.

    At the same time, Yuan Yunfu's soles have strange paths appearing, and the next moment is also disappearing, and the speed is somewhat amazing.

    Both of them are very strong. At this time, Lin Tian, ​​Little Taichu and Ni Yaoyao combined, plus the strong treasure weapon such as Immortal Emperor Tower, they could not win.

    "Run very fast!"

    Lin Tian scorpion micro-condensation.

    He looked at it, and the two men also had special means. They left in the blink of an eye, and he had no time to chase.

    Inside the Emperor God Academy, a collection of disciples was also surprised.

    “Ye Yinshang, Lan Tianzhen, Yuan Yunfu, actually ran?!”

    These cultivators are shocked.

    Even the emperor of True God, who is True God, is also moved, and then paused, leaving the original place.

    As the elder of the emperor, if there is an Emperor God Academy disciple in the emperor's court, he should stop it in time. If it is outside the Emperor God Academy, the emperor will not care.

    However, although you don't care, there are some things that you still have to report to the top of the Imperial Academy.

    Outside of Emperor God Academy, Lin Tian spit out a sigh of relief, and the Immortal Emperor Tower and the spear were collected at the same time.

    Little Taichu screamed at the milk and flew down to his shoulder.

    Lin Tian smiled and then looked at Ni Yaoyao and thanked him again. Today, if Ni Yaoyao suddenly appeared help, he was really dangerous.

    "I have said no thanks."

    Ni Yaoyao looks a little charming and looks like a smile.

    Lin Tian is another smile, said to Ni Yaoyao: "You should also be obeyed by the emperor? Going in together? ”

    Ni Yaoyao, the seventh Young Supreme of the Hundred Immortal List, is definitely the obsolete emperor.

    Ni Yaoyao nodded, and now the two quickly entered the imperial court.

    In front of the emperor's court, there was a lot of disciples in the emperor's court. At this time, Lin Tian and the two men entered, and they were allowed to leave on both sides. After all, Lin Tian, ​​Ni Yaoyao and Little Taichu were too strong. There is definitely the power to kill the powerful Initial Stage True God, especially Lin Tian, ​​who previously engraved the horror Killing Array and smashed True God from the Intermediate Stage.

    Such a few strong people come face to face, where these ordinary emperor disciplines may not give birth to taboos?

    Lin Tian saw the movements of these people, but he didn't care much. He had already been used to it.

    Together with Ni Yaoyao, he soon met with Bai Ziqi and others, and then invited Ni Yaoyao to the gathering area of ​​their group to gather.

    Ni Yaoyao is very generous, and he did not choose a good place in the Emperor God Academy. He nodded at the moment and soon went to the residence area of ​​Lin Tian's group of people.

    Lin Tian opened the introduction of Bai Ziqi and Fan Yingxiong to Ni Yaoyao, and then Bai Ziqi and Ling Yun and others introduced Ni Yaoyao.

    "you are……Water god reincarnation? ! ”

    Ling Yun was surprised.

    “It’s no wonder that Grandpa Tiger was very familiar before, and it’s very similar to the ancient water gods that were found in the sea.”

    White Tiger winks.

    Even the calm people like Bai Ziqi and Yang Qí can't help but move at this time.

    In front of this Ni Yaoyao, is actually an ancient person? !

    "Most of the previous things are not remembered. Today, I am just Ni Yaoyao."Ni Yaoyao smiled and said: "For the past, there are only some very vague impressions."

    “What are the vague impressions, but can you remember what is hidden in the Heavenly Treasure?”

    White Tiger asked.

    "That's not there."Ni Yaoyao shook his head, paused looked at it and squinted: "However, when I found the ancient elephant I used to be in the sea, I remember that you seem to want to hide it."

    PS: The second is probably around 23:30 in the evening.

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