Ten Directions God King The latest chapter, the first seven hundred and sixty-three chapters Ye Yinshang 遁 away, floating astronomy
    Little Taichu blocked the 19th Lan Tianzhen of Hundred Immortal List. Ni Yaoyao stopped Yuan Yunfu of Hundred Immortal List Eighth. At this time, he didn't need to scruple the two, and once again, stepped over to Ye Yinshang.


    At this time, he also operated the Immortal King-class spear and the Immortal Emperor Tower, both of which were lightly illuminating and simultaneously suppressed against Ye Yinshang.

    Ye Yinshang The scorpion is deep and cold, and the whole body is intertwined with evil spirits. The Immortal King-level treasure prints run again, exploding divine divine ability and welcoming Lin Tian.

    In a twinkling of an eye, the two collide, and Divine Power and the yin turmoil together, completely covering the entire space of this place.


    A loud sound, Lin Tian's spear and Ye Yinshang's treasure prints collided together, and the spear and the treasure were flying at the same time.

    Lin Tian stepped, Immortal Emperor Tower intertwined with purple glory, and he was fully motivated by the current divine ability. The first time, the divine light broke out, and the ten-party space was completely collapsed.

    At the same time, Immortal Emperor Tower intertwined with a thunderous light, squeaky, breathtaking, with the breath of Heavenly Tribulation, just like a Heavenly Tribulation was condensed into the tower.

    Ye Yinshang whispered, holding up the extremely powerful Divine Technique for the first time, bursting out of the divine abilities of the sky, and propping up the Knowledge Sea vision and the Immortal Dao rule, welcoming the Immortal Emperor Tower, which fell from Lin Tian. on.


    A whisper, as the Immortal Emperor Tower fell, a force that was like a cosmic force was pressed, and the first time was the crushing of the Divine Technique Immortal Dao and the Knowledge Sea of ​​Ye Yinshang.


    "This is the treasure weapon forged by Hongmeng Tianjing.Sure enough! It is only the Immortal King level, but it can block the power of killing the Heavenly God Initial Stage, and the attacking power is so strong. Ye Yinshang's Divine Technique Immortal Dao and the Knowledge Sea vision are instantly The pressure is fragmented, this is simply…"

    Seeing this scene, within the Emperor God Academy, all the disciples were shocked.

    "Hong Kong Tianjing forged treasure weapon, I really envy."

    Ni Yaoyao smiled and said, the waves of mist and water, the Immortal Dao with amazing water, kept Yuan Yunfu aside.

    "Step aside!"

    Yuan Yunfu’s voice was cold and the divine light shook. While attacking Ni Yaoyao, he looked at Lin Tian’s place and stared at Immortal Emperor Tower.

    "If you want to go, rely on your own skills, you can beat me."Ni Yaoyao smiled and said: "But you shouldn't be able to do it."

    Yuan Yunfu's eyes are cold, bursting out even more amazing divine ability, violent impact, but it is still difficult to cross Ni Yaoyao.

    At the same time, on the other hand, Lan Tianzhen is also staring at Lin Tian's Immortal Emperor Tower, and his eyes are also intertwined. He wants to go in that direction again and again, but unfortunately he does not open the barrier of Little Taichu.

    At this time, the rumbling, Lin Tian's Immortal Emperor Tower fell straight to the top of Ye Yinshang's head, and the power of the monks directly sealed everything.

    Ye Yinshang Low drink, the Dead Sea Blood and the Knowledge Sea vision merge again and meet towards the Immortal Emperor Tower.

    This time, the Immortal Emperor Tower was blocked and it was difficult to fall.


    When the sound broke, Lin Tian used the Control Weapon Technique to control the Immortal Emperor Tower. He stepped on the Heaven and Earth Step and walked over a hundred feet in a moment to prop up the Yin-Yang Lotus Sea and Samsara Chart. Ye Yinshang's talent Divine Ability and the Knowledge Sea vision came to the other side.

    Ye Yinshang, a scorpion, with a hint of horror, quickly receded.

    However, Lin Tian is much faster than him. He blinks to his front and swings directly to Chaos Emperor Fist, and the purple Thunder Shake Heaven Secret Art's purple thunderous force surrounds the fist, making the punch of this punch even more Strong.


    Blood Sputtering, Ye Yinshang did not avoid, directly cracked by the fist of the fist.

    Lin Tian stepped forward and did not give the other person a chance to breathe. Five Thunder Shake Heaven Secret Art moved, and there was a purple lightning voltage falling all over the sky, shrouded Ye Yinshang.




    The purple thunder is powerful and unmatched, and the life of Ye Yinshang's Mortal Body smashes, only the Divine Soul is preserved.


    Its Divine Soul shines brightly, and a killing light directly rushes out, intertwining with amazing soul power, and it is almost like Lin Tian's eyebrows.

    Lin Tian's thoughts were fretting, and Immortal Emperor Tower dropped a purple mang, and the slamming smashed the soul.

    At this time, the opposite Ye Yinshang has re-aggregated the Mortal Body, the scorpion is cold, staring at Lin Tian for a moment, and his figure is rapidly blurred. "Take your head next time! ”

    He is a strong, a keen and wise, and this time he saw it. It is impossible to kill Lin Tian now. The Immortal Emperor Tower is a little troublesome.

    As the words fell, his body became more and more blurred, and the next moment disappeared silently in the original place.

    Lin Tian did not have time to stop, seeing the other party disappear, directly open the Breaking Delusion God Eye, but unfortunately still can not see the other's body shape, and even the breath disappeared.

    “Move directly to Dead Spirit World with the dead soul altar in Dead Spirit World?”

    He frowned.

    He had previously searched the Dead Sea World for an Immortal King cultivator's Knowledge Sea. Knowing the things of Dead Spirit World, the world's first king is in the yin, with a side dead soul altar, with a mysterious power, can be This freedom moves from the other Grand World to the altar, and the idea is moving.

    This soul can only be controlled by the Dead Spirit World and the descendants of the future generations. Ye Yinshang, as the next leader of Dead Spirit World, can naturally use the soul.

    He wants to come, the other side should have just moved to the Dead Spirit World directly from the soul.

    "Ye Yinshang, disappeared…Actually, have you retired? ”

    "The Lin Tian is even stronger than the Hundred Immortal List's ninth deadline Bloodline Ye Yinshang?!"

    Inside the Emperor God Academy, a disciple was shocked, even though the elder of the True God peak was also moved.


    Divine ability Shake, Little Taichu and Lan Tianzhen are still fighting, Ni Yaoyao is also fighting against Yuan Yunfu, four different atmospheres intertwined, very horrible, that place, the sky and the surface are shaking, constantly cracking.

    Lin Tian looked at Lan Tianzhen and Yuan Yunfu. One step was to enter the Emperor God Academy and come to Bai Ziqi and others: "Let me all your Divine Power demon power."

    Bai Ziqi and others nodded, did not ask anything, directly diverted the body of Divine Power to Lin Tian, ​​in the blink of an eye is Lin Tian's spirit is very strong, the body's strength reached about 60% of peak.


    His eyes flashed in the eye, and one step was to step out of the Emperor God Academy.

    His thoughts moved, Immortal Emperor Tower flew to the top of Little Taichu, let Little Taichu bombard Lan Tianzhen, and he himself stepped around Yuan Yunfu, directly propped up King's domain Samsara Chart and pressed to the other side.

    (End of this chapter) 8)

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