Ten Directions God King The latest chapter, the first thousand six hundred and thirty-three chapters of the king of the Great Province, the first family, floating astronomy
    Lin Tian looked at the light and enchantment of the seabed, and there was a glimpse of the eye.

    He can be sure that behind this enchantment, there is definitely a Sword Soul Fragment.

    "Let's go……"

    He greeted Ling Yun and other humanities, continued to fall, came to the enchantment of light quality, and then stepped into it.

    The space was swaying, and the vision became dark for a short time. Immediately, the next moment, a new light emerged. He really walked through the light enchantment and stepped on the real land.

    Looking at it, the space is bright, and the Immortals Mountains are connected to one another, which is a huge Spirit Territory.

    "I didn't expect that there was such a big Spirit Territory under the sea."

    Ning Yueyue is very different.

    Lin Tian's eyes are intertwined, and the moment of entering this space, the Golden Immortal Divine Sense spreads out and looks the same as the Divine Sword in the Knowledge Sea.


    In the Divine Consciousness Sea, the Seven Color Divine Sword vibrates, with a glimpse of seven-colored light swaying through its Knowledge Sea, pointing to the north of this vast Spirit Territory.

    Repeat after

    He said to Ling Yun and other people, and immediately went to the north of this Spirit Territory.

    The former colorful light column, he can be 100% determined to be born by Sword Soul Fragment, and at this time, Divine Sword produces colorful light in its Knowledge Sea, swaying in the north, which is enough to show that Sword Soul Fragment Living in that direction.

    Ling Yun and others did not hesitate, and they followed him to the north.

    At a glance, the group of people crossed a long distance and traveled through several mountains.

    At this moment, a strange fragrance came from afar, and the extraordinary fairy Spirit Qi, so that the people are moving.

    "Looking at the past."White Tiger binoculars: "Absolutely immortal!"

    At this time, just smelling these strange fragrances, the pores of the whole body are stretched out.

    Lin Tian nodded, four people and one beast headed in the direction of these strange fragrances.

    He is convinced that there is a Sword Soul Fragment in this Spirit Territory, but it is not too anxious to get it right away, because Sword Soul Fragment can only get the hands of Divine Sword, he can get it, others Even if it is seen, it is useless, and you can’t take it.

    Moreover, the position sent by the incense does not deviate too much from the direction of the Sword Soul Fragment. At this time, it takes no small time to delay the small amount of time to take out the strange smell.

    Soon, four people and one beast are unusually fragrant. The front is a six-inch high-flowered flower next to a giant wood. There are two different colors intertwined. The Spirit Qi is very amazing. The rich aroma trails come straight.

    "The empty orchid."

    Lin Tian speaks to himself.

    The empty orchid, this is an extraordinary strain that allows the True Immortal peak cultivator to refine and quickly enter the Golden Immortal realm.

    At the same time, Ning Yueyue and others were moving, and clearly recognized this empty orchid.

    Lin Tian's hands are intertwined with Jin Mang, and all six empty orchids are caught in their hands. They are assigned to Ning Yueyue and Hai Jingyao, both of which are in True Immortal peak. Youlan can directly enter the Golden Immortal. The rest of the four strains, he was all thrown to the White Tiger, this thing, and he and Ling Yun have no effect, because he and Ling Yun is already in the Golden Immortal level.

    "Thank you Lin Tian, ​​brother."

    Ning Yueyue is happy.

    "What kind of politeness to me."Lin Tian smiled and said to Hai Jingyao, who was ready to thank him. "You are not polite. You are a friend of Yue Yue, my friend."

    "That is, you are welcome, you will be happy and refining."

    White Tiger laughs, it doesn't have the slightest politeness to Lin Tian.

    Lin Tian tilted the goods and then looked at the direction of the north, greeted the group and continued to rush there.


    At this moment, the sword was piercing, and a large piece of sword light came from a distance.

    Jianguang is extremely fast and powerful.

    Lin Tian turned his head and waved his hand. He also swept out a large sword light and shattered the sword glow.

    "The reaction is good."

    In the direction of the sword glow, several figures crossed out. The head was a 20-year-old man in a robe, repaired in the Half-Step Golden Immortal, followed by another seven guests. They are all at the Golden Immortal Level.

    Lin Tian looked at the people who came out indifferently, and naturally they came out. These people wanted to capture the empty orchids.

    "I originally planned to come out this time. I want to reach the Golden Immortal. I don't want to follow the colorful beams. I am lucky to find a few empty orchids. This is also God's will."In a few of you, the headed Huapao man said to himself, and then looked at Lin Tian and his party: "You, honestly, hand over the empty space of the orchids, this can make you die." some."

    This person speaks very casually, with a high-profile attitude, just like the Emperor of Ruler Immortal Territory.

    "Boy, you are very embarrassed!"

    Ling Yun sneer.

    He knows that the swords that had been smashed to them before were made by the robes, and it was very uncomfortable, and the other party’s words made him even more unhappy…It is clear that this empty orchid is what they found. Lin Tian took the hand and gave it to Ning Yueyue, Hai Jingyao and White Tiger. The Chinese robes here said that they "have honestly handed over the empty space." It seems that this empty orchid is regarded as a thing of its own, and, in the words, even if they hand over the empty orchid, the other party will kill them.

    Huapao youth looked at Ling Yun. It was obviously dissatisfied with Ling Yun’s attitude towards him. Coldly’s commanded one of the seven people behind him: “Kill him.”

    With his words fell, behind him in the seven youth, immediately a person across, in the Golden Immortal Initial Stage, the expression of indifference toward the Ling Yun, and then directly raised the Ling Yun, his fingers interwoven between the heads Light, is apparently to cast some kind of tyrannical divine ability.

    Lin Tian looked at this person and had not waited for Ling Yun to take it out, but he directly took out a golden Pure Heaven sword.

    The speed of the sword is so fast that it is just the blink of an eye that the man's eyebrows pass through in the blink of an eye. In his wrong expression, the Mortal Body collapses instantly, along with its Divine Soul, and is also buried. Under this sword.

    Good.So strong ! ”

    Both Ning Yueyue and Hai Jingyao were shocked. A strong Golden Immortal was actually a whole body of soul by Lin Tian.

    At the same time, Huapao Youth and others were also moving, apparently shocked by the strength of Lin Tian's performance.

    Then, soon, the face of the robes youth became cold and cruelly staring at Lin Tian: "I am a man of Mu Family in Wangzhou, you dare to kill?!"

    Listening to these words, White Tiger and Ling Yun have no reaction, because the power of Immortal Territory is not clear, but Ning Yueyue and Hai Jingyao are all moving. They are all born in Immortal Territory. Mu Family…Immortal Territory One of the Great Provinces of the forty-nine kings, Mu Family is the first family in the kingdom of the kingdom, and the king is in the kingdom of the kingdom. In the entire Immortal Territory, it is also the second level of the great power. The strong is more scary.

    Lin Tian has been to Immortal Territory once and knows Mu Family on Wangzhou. But this time, the expression is unchanged.

    He looked at the robes, his expression was calm and indifferent, the next moment was direct, the golden Divine Power vibrated, the illusion of the golden handprint, the speed is very fast, the breath is strong, the other six Golden Immortal youth behind the robes are not able to react. In the case, one will grab the robes and then directly arrest them.

    The robes youth immediately became shocked, and the six Golden Immortal grades were also visually discolored.

    "Let the two young masters!"

    Six people angered.

    Huapao Youth was arrested by Lin Tian. At this time, it was difficult to move, and his face was shocked, but more of it was stern, screaming at Lin Tian. "My Mu Family is a tyrant, my brother is in the ranks." Hundred Immortal List, how dare you do it to me! simply……Ah

    The singer's discourse of Hua's robe turned into a scream, and Lin Tian's expression was indifferent. He grabbed the divine light of the robes and smashed his Mortal Body, and only his Divine Soul survived. Was protected by a god of light, without breaking.

    "Heavenly Immortal breath."

    Lin Tian swears that someone has left a Heavenly Immortal-level seal in this robes to protect the other's Divine Soul.

    These gods are very tyrannical, even though the general Profound Immortal can't be broken, but he doesn't care, the faith in Immortal Emperor Tower is surging, turning into a faithful blade, blinking sound The smashing of this god of the gods, and then in another scream of screams, directly smashed the robes of Divine Soul.

    This robes youth is a direct young master of Mu Family, he can see, and Mu Family is strong, he is also very clear, but that does not let him give birth to any trace of jealousy, since the other party is now seeking him When he comes to the treasure and wants to kill him, he has nothing to hesitate, directly killing it, and how strong the family behind him is.

    "Kill, kill directly…"

    Ning Yueyue and Hai Jingyao shook a bit. That robes youth, it seems that it is a direct young master of Mu Family, the first family in Wangzhou. Lin Tian actually killed him without hesitation.


    The six Golden Immortal strong men with the robes together were so angry at this moment that they didn't even think of it, Lin Tian actually killed the robes directly.

    They are also Mu Family people, but they don't have a status in Mu Family. With the Chinese robes youth came to this place, it is just the guardian of the robes. Nowadays, the robes youth were killed before their eyes, and they were unfavorable for guarding them. They could not avoid the responsibilities, and they could not be better afterwards.

    "The young master left a god seal in the second young master, and the second young master was killed. The young master must have known it at the moment!"

    "Damn damn damn!"

    "kill him! No, don't kill him for now! The young master is also in this chaotic waters, suppressing it and bringing it to the young master! ”

    The six guests were angry, one of them was at the Golden Immortal Initial Stage, and the others were at the Golden Immortal Intermediate Stage. At this time, they were killing intent, and then all moved, and they were suppressed to Lin Tian.

    PS: What, the update time is far from the expected deviation, sorry!

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