Ten Directions God King The latest chapter, Chapter 1, 639, Seven Color God Light, Astronomical
    For the Emperor, Lin Tian did not think too much, then followed Ning Yueyue in the direction of the set.

    After that, about half an hour later, the group of people came to another island in the sea.

    The island is a little smaller than the other islands in this chaotic sea. The pedestrians entered the island and, under the lead of Ning Yueyue, quickly came to the a side canyon on the island.

    The canyon was hidden and arranged with some cover-up techniques. Lin Tian and others entered the area and soon came to a mountain cave in the canyon.

    "Yao sister, I am back!"

    Ning Yueyue called inside the mountain cave and took Lin Tian and others into the mountain cave.

    The mountain cave was not small, a blue woman greeted her, her delicate face was a little pale, and her footsteps were even a little vain. When she saw Ning Yueyue coming back, her face immediately smiled. Then, when I saw Lin Tian, ​​Ling Yun and White Tiger, I came out with a doubt: "Yue Yue, are they?"

    "It's all my friend."

    Ning Yueyue introduced the blue Tian women to Lin Tian and others, and introduced the blue women to Lin Tian and others.

    Hello , everyone !

    The blue woman named Hai Jingyao, politely and Lin Tian and others greeted.

    "Hello there."

    Lin Tian replied.

    "Yao sister, I found a road to play grass, and I will soon be able to cure your injury, rest assured!"

    Ning Yueyue At this time, he helped Hai Jingyao enter the depth of the mountain cave and helped Hai Jingyao heal.

    The Taoist grass is intertwined with a trace of purple and white, which has a very extraordinary effect on the treatment of trauma. It quickly caused the healing of Hai Jingyao's wounds. However, his face was still very pale and the weak breath was difficult to recover.

    "What happened, the road is clearly clear, how can the spirit of God always recover?!"

    Ning Yueyue is suspicious.

    Lin Tian stood next to him and scanned it with Divine Sense. "In addition to the road injury, her source was also hurt."

    The source is very important for any cultivator, the source is created, and it takes a long time to fix it.

    As he said, he raised his hand and Sun Nirvana Technique was running. The blood of the flames of the blood appeared and entered Hai Jingyao. It quickly made Hai Jingyao's face ruddy, and the weak breath began to gradually recover. .

    Until the last few dozen breaths, he stopped running Sun Nirvana Technique and the source of Hai Jingyao was completely repaired.

    Hai Jingyao is shocked and her own source is created. She naturally knows that she wants to recover completely, at least it takes a year, but now Lin Tian is out, but only dozens of breaths help her. Well, the trauma of the source, this means, it really surprised her.

    Thank you!

    At the same time as she was surprised, she thanked Lin Tian slightly.

    Don't be polite.

    Lin Tian Road.

    This woman is a friend of Ning Yueyue and was injured in order to save Ning Yueyue. So, he naturally wants to help. And these things, for him, really are nothing. After all, Sun Nirvana Technique is a healing sacred technique, and Sun Nirvana Technique helps the woman to repair the trauma of her own source. It is just a little effort.

    Hai Jingyao's injury has completely recovered. He looked outside the canyon and asked Ning Yueyue: "Yue Yue, what else are you doing in this area?" If not, we will leave this sea area. ”Said, he looked at Hai Jingyao and said: "What about the sea girl? Do you want to stay in this chaotic waters, or leave with us? ”

    Before leaving Ten Directions Heaven Domain, he asked Yan Ya'er to also trace the Five Elements Alligator, Little Taichu and An Shuishui, with the Five Elements Alligator as the deduction, and then learned that the Five Elements Alligator is located in Immortal. Territory's branding state, coordinates he has also kept in mind, and now into the Immortal Territory, he is going to burn Wangzhou to find Five Elements Alligator, Little Taichu and An Shuishui.

    Because, since Yan Ya'er deduced that Five Elements Alligator is on the kingdom, then Little Taichu and An Shuishui should be on the kingdom. After all, when he was accidentally separated from one person and two beasts, The three are together, after that, when they are not free to separate.

    "Leave this chaotic waters?!"

    "Do you have a way to leave the scope of this chaotic sea directly?!"

    Ning Yueyue and Hai Jingyao are both surprised.


    Lin Tian nodded.

    Immortal Territory void incredibly strong, and this piece of chaotic sea is very vast, only the strong Heavenly immortal level can break the space channel, so in a short period of time to carry out extremely long-distance movement, Heavenly Immortal class The following people, even if it is Half-step Heavenly immortal, want to leave this chaotic area of the range, it will have to fly at least a century.

    He now the cultivation in golden immortal level, distance from heavenly Immortal realm is still poor far, rely on their own strength, can not open up space channel, but, immortal Emperor Tower is still have a lot of The power of faith, with the power of such faith, even though he is now in Golden Immortal, is enough to break out of the space channel, and then in an instant out of this chaotic sea, with the coordinates of his known Wangzhou, into the Wangzhou.

    Listening to Lin Tian's affirmative answer, Ning Yueyue and Hai Jingyao are still surprised, but they are not doubtful.

    "Yue Yue has nothing to do, feel free to leave."Ning Yueyue said, then look to the side of Hai Jingyao: "Yao sister, what about you? We are all together in these years, will we continue with Yue Yue? ”

    Hai Jingyao looked at the sea and then looked at Ning Yueyue and said, "Well."

    Ning Yueyue is very happy, look at Lin Tian: "Lin Tian brother, Yao sister continues to leave with Yue Yue."

    Good.Lin Tian nodded and said: "You all retreated to me, I will open the space…"


    Suddenly, the entire sea was shaken, and his words interrupted him.

    Looking around, a place far away from this place, a seven-color beam of light rushing up, dazzling, mixed with the breath of the amazing road, vicissitudes and vastness.

    Lin Tian immediately moved: "That is?!"

    He is so familiar with these seven-color lights, exactly the same light as the Seven Color Divine Sword in his Knowledge Sea.

    And, as the seven-color beam rushed, the Seven Color Divine Sword in his Knowledge Sea shook directly at this moment.

    At the same time, next to Ling Yun, White Tiger, Ning Yueyue and Hai Jingyao are also moving.

    Good.So terrible Dao Power! ”

    "Where, is it…Is there something amazing about Divine Object? ! ”


    Ning Yueyue, Hai Jingyao and White Tiger are all looking at the colorful light column.

    Next to it, Ling Yun was even more surprised. He looked at Lin Tian: "The kid, that is…"

    For these Seven Color God Light, Ning Yueyue, Hai Jingyao and White Tiger were the first to see, but he was not. He had seen it at Ten Directions Heaven Domain. At that time, it was a large burst of light. These colorful lights came out, and then the light source was taken away by Lin Tian at the time. He learned at that time that it was very important to Lin Tian.

    At this time, in this chaotic waters, I saw the same Same Color God Light as the original light source. He naturally could not help but be surprised.

    Lin Tian looked at that direction, and his eyes were intertwined.

    "Sword Soul Fragment !"

    He said to himself.

    Such a scene, so breathless, there will never be a mistake, there is Sword Soul Fragment in this chaotic sea!

    Just in the position where Seven Color God Light rushed!

    He took a deep breath and said: "For the time being, I will not leave this sea area. I have to go there to find something."

    His eyes were sharp and he looked at the place where the colorful light rushed.

    "It should be! Producing such a vision, there is definitely a treasure in that place Divine Object! Since I saw it, I naturally want to get it! ”

    White Tiger howl.

    Ning Yueyue and others naturally cannot have opinions and they nod.

    "Let's go……"

    Lin Tian Road.

    At the moment, the four people and one beast headed him, the Imperial Sky, and went to the position where the seven colored beams rushed.

    As the four people and one beast went to that place, along the way, there was a wave of echoes around them. A group of cultivators and them were also going to the place. Everyone was surrounded by excitement and excitement.

    “Colorful brilliance, unparalleled in the world, is definitely Divine Treasure in Divine Treasure!”

    Many people are whispering and clenching their fists.

    The colorful light column rushed from this chaotic sea area, and it disappeared after a few breathing hours, but it still attracted the attention of countless powerful people in this chaotic sea area. It was really the smell of the road intertwined when the colorful light column rushed. And, surrounded by the sacred Spirit Qi, the strongest people can not help but move.

    For a time, in this sea area, one after another strong, moved, and went to the position where Seven Color God Light rushed.

    Lin Tian looked at the position where Seven Color God Light rushed for a moment, and the speed couldn't help but get a little faster.

    Soon, more than a moment passed.

    After more than a minute, Lin Tian and his group finally came to the position where the colorful light column rushed, and looked at it. This place, the waves swept hundreds of feet high, and the waves were turbulent, each and everyone cultivator rushed here, and it simultaneously plunged into the sea from here. Next, in this place, the sound of "噗通噗通" sounded.

    "We will continue."

    Lin Tian Road.

    The four people and one beast wrapped their bodies with divine light and plunged into the sea together.

    The divine light separates the sea water. The four people and one beast are like the other cultivators that are plunging into the sea. They are all going to the bottom of the sea, and they are rushing to the depth of the sea floor for more than a thousand feet.

    Then, as time goes by, when it is half past hour, there is a glimmer under the sea floor, which is a transparent film of grayish color. There are many cultivators, which are integrated into this transparent film and then disappear instantly in the original place. .

    That's…Enchantment? ”

    "There is an enchantment under the sea, and it seems to be naturally formed."

    "The cultivators have entered the other side of the enchantment. Is there another space? Was the previous colorful light coming out from the enchantment? ”

    Ling Yun and others are moving.

    PS: The second is about 21 o'clock in the evening.

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