Ten Directions God King The latest chapter, Chapter 1, 613 Divine Sword, Astronomy
    Looking at the dirty old man outside the count, Lin Tian grinds his teeth, this old thing, inexplicably he is so unlucky, actually forced to jump off the cliff.

    "You are a cultivator?"

    He resisted the urge to shoot each other and asked.

    The dirty old man looked at Lin Tian and said: "I know the cultivator in this broken cage, and sure enough, your kid is also a cultivator!"He did not answer Lin Tian's question positively, but the meaning in the discourse was quite clear. It was indeed a cultivator as Lin Tian had guessed.

    For this, Lin Tian is naturally able to discern.

    "How did you fall into this world?"

    Lin Tian asked.

    "I was pitted by two old bastards!"

    The dirty old man rolls one's eyes and then grinds his teeth.

    Lin Tian smiled and secretly said, "Live it."

    "How do you fall in with your kid?"

    The dirty old man asked Lin Tian.

    "none of your business."

    Lin Tian Road.

    The dirty old man opened his mouth and looked at Lin Tian with a beard and a wink.

    Lin Tian glanced at the dirty old man, stood up and moved to the lower body, looked around and walked toward the distance.

    In which direction the home he built in this world is in, he naturally can see it with a few eyes.

    Kid Are you leaving? ”

    The dirty old man shouted.

    Lin Tian is too lazy to take care of each other, and the voice of the other party is unheard of. In a fixed direction, it is very far away.

    Immediately, after roughly three hours, he crossed several mountains and returned to the wooden house he built.

    "What happened?"

    Wu Yi stood in front of the wooden house and saw Lin Tian coming back. He had some scars on his body and asked Lin Tian.

    "Nothing, I met an old bastard and was implicated in the mold."

    Lin Tian smiled casually.

    Wu Yi did not continue to ask, Lin Tian and her again, and went back to the house to simply organize their own body.

    At dusk, the light fragrance came out, and Lin Tian made some cooked vegetables and placed them on the round wooden table in front of the house.

    The round wooden table is naturally made by Lin Tian. He and Wu Yi both eat at this position.

    "This, this is…"

    The familiar voice sounded, and a dirty old man rushed out and looked at Lin Tian's cooked vegetables on the round wooden table. His eyes were bright and his body shook, like the most divine Treasure found. .

    "It's you!"

    Lin Tian gritted his teeth.

    The old bastard who had been so bad before, actually followed him to this place.

    Wu Yi looked at the dirty old man who suddenly rushed out, and looked at Lin Tian. In a flash, he knew that the dirty old man was the "old bastard" mentioned by Lin Tian.

    Next to the round wooden table, the dirty old man's hand moves very fast. The wooden chopsticks that grabbed Lin Tian caught a piece of cooked cabbage on the wooden table and swallowed it. It was very familiar. Then, at the next moment, the body immediately shuddered and drew directly, sound is a little trembling, also do not know is excited to the extreme or sad to the extreme, a pair of tears to fall down the appearance: "By the two old King eight eggs pit to this piece of broken cage, swallow hundreds of thousands of years of beast poultry meat, gnawing hundreds of thousands of years of bark grass roots, swallow hundreds of thousands of years leaves grass, Finally……I finally tasted normal meals! ”

    Lin Tian: "…"

    He had to slap the old bastard directly, but listening to the mourning of the other party at this time, the moment is quite speechless. How many years have the old bastard fallen into the world? It sounds like these years have turned out to be extremely miserable.

    And almost when he thought about these things, the dirty old man’s movements were very fast. After a few strokes, he cleaned the two dishes that he had cooked, and then turned his head to look like a pair of eyes. Look at him: "Is there still?"

    Lin Tian raised a black line on his forehead, and his face followed black. When he turned back, he took the hunting knife out of the house.

    "The kid doesn't mess, the gentleman doesn't move!"

    The dirty old man glimpsed, and the wind slid away.

    Lin Tian took the hunting knife and didn't catch up.

    Living in this world, the time flies, and the blink of an eye is three years.

    In the past three years, Lin Tian is still constantly looking for ways to leave the world. The only change is that there is one more person next to him. The dirty old man always follows him. Moreover, whenever he goes back to burn the food, the other party will come out, and the dead skin will eat and drink, so that he wants to hack the other person from the beginning, and gradually becomes very helpless, because the other party is too shameless. Oh, shameless to let him believe in a popular saying…People are invincible.

    Then, he did not ask the other party's name, directly gave the other party an nickname of "old mix".

    He thinks that this is a good fit for this old bastard.

    "You have been trapped in this world for so long, and you have not found any clues to leave this world?"

    On this day, at dusk, in front of the round wooden table outside, Lin Tian asked the old mixed-race.

    "Nope."The old man shook his head and looked at Lin Tian. "It’s not the old man. I am hitting you, boy, wanting to leave from this broken cage, basically it can be said that it is not realistic. At the beginning, when the old man I was just plunged into the broken cage by the two old kings, it was like you are now, looking for ways to go out without interruption. It’s a tens of thousands of years, but no matter how you look for it. It’s nothing, it’s impossible to leave this broken place. ”

    Lin Tian hearing this, can't help but frown.

    Next to it, Wu Yi is very calm, or she says that she has been calm for being trapped in this world.

    The old gangster looked at Lin Tian and said: "So, kid, you still give up, no matter how you look for ways to leave this world, you can't find results in the end. Don't waste time in meaninglessly. An An heart and a little red face next to you have lived a simple day. After a while, regenerate a baby or something, isn’t it much more wasteful than your endless waste?"

    Lin Tian hearing this, immediately could not help but blink, looked at Wu Yi next to the eye, squatting old and mixed: "What do you say!" We are not that kind of relationship! ”

    "No."The old gangster also blinked, looked at Wu Yi next to Lin Tian, ​​and looked back at Lin Tian: "You see this little girl's eyes with a very strong feeling! How could it not be that relationship? ! ”

    Listening to the old gangsters saying such straightforward words, and still speaking in front of Wu Yi himself, Rao is Lin Tian has lived for hundreds of years, cheeks can not help but red: "You read it wrong. !"

    "I read it wrong?! No way!! How can I say that my old man has lived for so many years? ! ”The old gang did not feel the guilty conscience of Lin Tian at the moment. In order to prove that he was not mistaken, he glared at Lin Tian. "Do you dare say that you don't like this little girl?" Give an oath to listen, if there is a difference, the day is thundering and breaking the grandson! ”

    Lin Tian shook, almost blurted out a "my day", the old bastard killed this day is too vicious!

    "Come, you have an oath to listen!"

    The old gang is trying to prove that he is not mistaken.

    Lin Tian's double-handed slamming sound, turned and pulled a spear from the house.

    Older mixed eyes are bigger: "Kid, what do you want?!"

    Lin Tian clenched her spear and stepped forward to the old gangster.

    At this time, the old gangster finally felt the guilty conscience of Lin Tian, ​​and then recalled what he had just said, and could not help but squat, and then immediately sneaked.

    Lin Tian's cheeks were black and red, and she took the spear in her hand and chased it down.

    Wu Yi sat at the round wooden table and watched Lin Tian chasing the back of the old gangster. The peaceful eyes were slightly fluctuating, and the calm face slightly became a little worried.


    Lin Tian left the chalet and stalked the old spear with his spear, and the air in his hand screamed.

    "Old bastard, don't run! I promise you will not die! ”

    He gritted his teeth and made a rare swear.

    "Kid, you are angry and angry!"The old gangsters, flying in general: "We can sit down and talk with anger, not violence."

    "Talk to your grandfather!"

    Lin Tian waved his spear in his hand, and a thick old wood in front of him was crushed by his cockroaches, and the wood chips splashed.

    The old-fashioned blushing eyes: "Kid, you have been suppressed as ordinary people, and there is such a great strength?!"

    The diameter of the old wood is enough to be crushed. The ordinary Knowledge Sea Realm cultivator is difficult to do. However, Lin Tian, ​​who is now suppressed to the ordinary level, actually turns it into a broken piece. The slag makes him cool on the back.

    Lin Tian gritted his teeth, glared at the old gangster, chasing with his spear in his hand, and the space was screaming.

    Facing Lin Tian's anger, the old punk shuddered: "Calm! Kid, be calm! Calm is a blessing! ”

    Lin Tian is silent, chasing with a spear.

    The mountain almost became a chicken and a dog, and the two fled, one chasing, and the other three days.

    After three days, Lin Tian didn't know where to go after the old punk. There was a strange low mountain nearby, the mountain was red, like the blood dyed by the blood, the air on the side was slightly cold, with a kind of Infiltrate people.

    At this time, after catching up with this place, Lin Tian suddenly trembled, and immediately stopped his steps, his eyes were shocked.

    After chasing this place, just a moment ago, he sensed his own Knowledge Sea, Seven Color Divine Sword at the bottom of the Knowledge Sea, and moved slightly.

    Although it was only a moment, he could no longer sense his Knowledge Sea again, but he believed that it was not an illusion! Just now, he did feel his own Knowledge Sea, and he did see the Divine Sword at the bottom of the Knowledge Sea.


    He looked at the reddish hills and his eyes could not help but blink.

    This short mountain group is unusual!

    In front, the old gangster looked like a discouraged look. At this time, Lin Tian suddenly stopped and stopped. Then I saw the shocking color in Lin Tian’s eyes. I immediately noticed an unusual smell. .

    "Boy, what happened?"

    He asked Lin Tian.

    Lin Tian didn't have time to go to the old gangsters at this time. He glanced at this group of dwarf mountains, and the spears in his hands were tighter: "Here, there are weird!"

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