Ten Directions God King The latest chapter, the first thousand six hundred and twenty-two chapters of the unscrupulous old bastard, floating astronomy
    Leaving the village and moving in the night, because of the many things, the speed of the footsteps naturally cannot be compared with the normal situation. Until the past, more than a day, Lin Tian and Wu Yi entered a mountain. Come to the center of the mountain.

    Looking at it, this place is flatter than other places. There is a wooden house in front, there are many green plants nearby, and there is a small stream flowing over a hundred feet. Because of the relationship in the mountains, the water flow is very clear. Clearly see a piece of stone at the bottom of the stream.

    Wu Yi swept around, his eyes finally fell on the wooden house in front, and the wooden house was never luxurious, but it was undoubtedly many times better than the houses of the 30 families in the previous village.

    "In the future, here is our new home in this world."

    Lin Tian laughed.

    He greeted Wu Yi into the house, and then he quickly released some of the daily necessities that he brought from the village.

    After that, I simply took a break for two hours, and Lin Tian took the cookware and walked to a large open space not far away.

    What to do

    Wu Yi asked him.

    "Make some fruits and vegetables, etc."Lin Tian smiled and said: "We are now suppressed into ordinary mortals. We need to eat like ordinary people, and we don't know how long we will be trapped in this world. Therefore, we must have basic food sources."

    Before leaving the village, he exchanged the meat and other meats that were hunted in the mountains, and the villagers exchanged rice and fruits and vegetables that did not need to be bun in a short period of time. At the same time, they also exchanged some basic fruits and vegetables, many seeds. Now, I am ready to plant some seeds that can be planted at the moment.

    As for the method of planting and harvesting, he naturally knows very well. After all, he had been growing on Earth for 20 years before he climbed the cultivation road. The cultivation and harvest of simple vegetables and fruits is very common in Earth.

    In this place, the open space of the open space is very large. There are many kinds of grasses. He used the cookware brought out from the village to dig some weeds on the open space. The soil below is not very fertile, but it is not very fertile. It is also said to be good, which is roughly related to the fact that this place is in a deep mountain and there is a flowing stream nearby.

    The weeds are removed and he trims the soil to make the soil loose and then prepares to plant the vegetables.

    How can I help?

    Wu Yi looked at him and asked.

    Lin Tian Wei Wei: "Will you?"

    "you teach me."

    Wu Yi Road.

    Obviously, she won't.

    Lin Tian squatted and smiled: "Yes."

    This is not difficult, and Wu Yi is very intelligent. After he briefly introduced some summaries, Wu Yi learned.

    About three hours later, the two stopped.

    Each of the vegetable and vegetable seeds that can be planted and harvested very quickly has been planted.

    “After roughly a dozen days, you will be able to harvest some fresh vegetables.”

    Lin Tian told Wu Yi.

    With this in mind, looking at the land that was opened here and the soil on his hands, he couldn't help but laugh. Their two powerful cultivators, a True Immortal, a Half-Step God Sovereign, now open the field. dish.

    However, this is also very interesting.

    The sky gradually darkened, and the black soon descended. The stars were soon dotted on the sky.

    After a temporary stay in the mountains, a few days later, Lin Tian went to other places and continued to explore the world.

    In this way, the day and night alternate, the seasons change, since he and Wu Yi were involved in the beginning of the world, in the blink of an eye is the past three hundred years.

    In the past three hundred years, he has walked through more parts of the world and has never given up the way to find the world. Unfortunately, there is always no clue.

    On this day, he explored a certain area and then went back. When he was in a large mountain, there were very dense beasts coming out in front of him, and the ground was rumbling by the earthquake.

    He looked there, an old man was being chased by hundreds of wild beasts, about sixty years old, wearing a dirty shirt, and screaming from time to time.

    "This person…"

    Looking at the old man who was dirty all over the body, Lin Tian couldn't help but frown, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes.

    The other party was chased by hundreds of wild beasts at this time. It looked very embarrassed and screamed from time to time, but there was no fear in the eyes. Moreover, from time to time, the smaller beasts that rushed to the front could be overwhelmed.

    These things can definitely not be done by ordinary hunters of hunting beasts. They don’t mention that the other party’s swords and spears without any hunting and the small beasts that can rush to the front are overwhelmed and thrown away. In the case of being pursued by hundreds of beasts at the same time, the slightest fear has not been revealed, which is enough to show that the other party cannot be an ordinary person.

    "cultivator !"

    Looking at each other, his scorpion is slightly condensed, and in a blink of an eye it is enough to be sure that this old man is definitely a cultivator.

    Thinking of this, he was a little moved.

    Apart from him and Wu Yi, are there other cultivators trapped in this world? !

    "Kid, help me!"

    Almost as he stared at the dirty Old Man, the other party found him and yelled at him and ran straight in his direction.

    And as the other party ran towards him, the hundreds of beasts chasing each other naturally rushed toward him, and the surface of the earthquake could not help but shake a bit, splashing a smog of dust. .

    "I …

    Lin Tian couldn't help but swear and ran.

    This old thing actually came to him with hundreds of beasts, and it was forced to pull the disaster to him!

    He is now suppressed as an ordinary person. He can easily deal with a few beasts, but if you encounter hundreds of them at a time, it is definitely a catastrophe and you can't cope. Moreover, although he is still an eternal life, he will not die under normal circumstances, but if he is swallowed by a group of beasts, he will definitely die.

    "Kid, what are you running!"

    "Don't run, help!"

    "Kid, you are a strong and strong young man. Now you are watching a violent old man being besieged by a group of crazy beasts, but you don't help, turn around and run, will the conscience not feel pain?! ”

    The old man yelled as he ran towards him.

    "Fuck off!"

    Lin Tian shouted.

    This old thing ran faster than him, and the distance between him and the distance between him was fast, and it was still a good idea to say that the elderly are old!

    "I actually said to a weak old man? Don't know how to respect the old and love the young? ! ”

    The dirty old man shouted.

    "Respect your grandfather!"

    Lin Tian wants to lick this old thing.

    He drummed his feet and rushed forward quickly. The dirty old man was always running behind him. He changed direction, and the other party followed the direction. The hundreds of beasts naturally followed him behind the dirty old man. Rushing.

    The rumble of the ground, the ground was stunned by the earthquake, the ash and soot spattered more, and some of the less sturdy trees were broken by hundreds of beasts.

    The dirty old man quickly catch up with Lin Tian, ​​while running and leaning on Lin Tian: "The kid, the road is not the same as the knife, but you are only one person to escape, it is not kind to the danger of my old man."

    Lin Tian gritted his teeth and wanted to kill him.

    Behind him, hundreds of wild beasts roared, madly rushing, and the ground of the earthquake shook more violently.

    Lin Tian looked back and shook hands again to speed up the pace, and at this time there was no way to care about the unscrupulous old bastard next to him. After all, being crushed into ordinary mortals, being chased by hundreds of beasts, can almost be called a dead end, because those beasts are all very fierce, and the speed is not slow. If it is really caught up, the ending will definitely become the belly food of these beasts.

    He tried to run forward, after dozens of breaths, the road ahead was suddenly broken, and it was a cliff.

    "Kid, this road is too bad for you!"

    Next to it, the dirty old man blinked.

    "Fuck off!"

    Lin Tian wants to kill him more in a mood.



    The beast was piercing, the surface roared, and hundreds of wild beasts rushed over here, and each and everyone seemed even more ferocious.

    Lin Tian looked at the scene and then looked down at the cliff. Without any hesitation, she jumped straight down.

    This cliff is a few dozen feet deep. For him who is now crushed into an ordinary person, jumping at this height can be said to be very dangerous. However, if he does not jump and is rushed by hundreds of wild beasts behind him, then The custody will be a dead end, so at this time, jumping down the cliff is a wise choice and the only choice.

    In addition, under this cliff, he saw many lush trees, with the branches of these lush trees as a buffer, the risk will be pulled down, plus he is the body of eternal life, so jump like this There is absolutely no danger of life. Of course, it is inevitable that some injuries will be inevitable.


    Almost as soon as he jumped off the cliff, the old man who was dirty was also jumping.

    Hundreds of beasts saw Lin Tian and the dirty old man jumped off the cliff and slowly stopped. Although they are just ordinary beasts, they have no wisdom to match humans, but they are not as stupid as they are going to jump down the cliff.

    Then, in the next moment, hundreds of wild beasts suddenly smashed each other out, even if there was a beast blood splash.

    After all, these beasts are not the same ethnic group. After losing the common target of attack, they are naturally incapable of killing each other.


    After Lin Tian jumped off the cliff, the distance of several dozen feet was the past, and this time it fell to the bottom of the cliff.

    As he expected, there were branches of lush trees under the cliffs as buffers. He jumped from dozens of feet to the body of today's mortal level. Although he suffered some injuries, he did not have any serious problems, but only a little pain. .

    "The kid, if you are in trouble, you will have a blessing!"

    The dirty old man jumped off the cliff with him and landed on him. Some of his teeth screamed toward him, apparently like him. He was injured some time.

    "Old bastard!"

    Lin Tian grinds, this old guy is not a thing.

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