Ten Directions God King The latest chapter, the first thousand five hundred and eighty-six chapters of the true Golden Immortal, floating astronomy
    The blood splashed in the air, and Li Ye, who was mixed with the real treasure, fell to the ground, and the breath of life disappeared all at once, and he died.

    Time, blue clothes, you, Chen Yuhe and the other six mixed realism disciple simultaneous eclipse.


    One of them was shocked. Li Ye, who attacked Lin Tian, ​​was not weak. He was about to reach the True Immortal Intermediate Stage. Now, in the case of Divine Ability, he was even given by Lin Tian. Lost.

    "He is only True Immortal Initial Stage, how…How can I give Li Ye so easily, give…"

    The other person was also shocked.

    The blue dress youth Chen Yuhe's face is so heavy, he just said that Li Ye's sword is enough to smash Lin Tian, ​​but the next moment, Lin Tian is to kill Li Ye, this is simply hitting his face. .

    "How far is it, how far it is, otherwise it is like him, all died here."

    Lin Tian indifferently swept the body of Li Ye, and seven people like the blue dress.

    He directly smashed Li Ye, and did not explain why he killed Du Family and Du Qingzhou, because it is clear that the other party will not care about the five mixed treasures that he killed him the other day. His explanation is that he only wants to kill him, and the other seven people with Li Ye are the same. Therefore, after he has now smashed Li Ye, he only gave the other seven people a warning and did not make any explanation about "why he killed Du Family."

    In fact, he did not have the necessary and obligation to explain to these people.

    The seven people of the mixed Zhenbao listened to the voice of Lin Tian. The previous shock disappeared and turned into chill and anger.

    “True Immortal Initial Stage, first killing the relatives of the elder brothers, and now killing me with the authenticity of the real-life discipline.”

    One of the seven men was cold, and was on the True Immortal Intermediate Stage. At this time, he stepped out and forced him to Lin Tian.

    Its body is intertwined with brilliance, with a killing intent, and it appears in front of Lin Tian, ​​and a palm is taken to Lin Tian.

    This is not a simple Physique attack, but a Divine Ability. It carries True Immortal gas in the palm of your hand. It is a slap in the palm of your hand. It completely blocks the space around Lin Tian. It does not give Lin Tian a chance to dodge. Li Ye's Spirit Immortal sword is powerful enough to be more than a slogan, and it seems to be able to break everything.

    With the palm of his hand pressed down and looked at Lin Tian, ​​this man’s nephew is very cold: "The soul is broken, the palm is broken, and it is…"


    Lin Tian said that if he interrupted this person, he would shoot it directly.

    His slap, it is pure Physique force, but its prestige is ten times more than the number of broken souls of the men in yellow clothes. In a blink of an eye, it is the palm of the man who defeated the yellow man, and then the slap Fall on the other side.


    The man in yellow clothes screamed and was directly crushed by this palm. Only Divine Soul barely pulled out and looked scared.

    Lin Tian's expression is indifferent, the flick is flicking, and the power of Five Thunder Shake Heaven Secret Art is turned into a silver sword light.

    The man in the yellow coat, Divine Soul, trembled, and felt the horror of the silver sword light that was coming, and immediately flashed fear.

    However, the silver sword that evolved from Five Thunder Shake Heaven Secret Art was very fast, and it was only a moment before it came to its front, and the life was passed through its Soul Body, in another scream of despair. Directly crushed its Divine Soul.


    In addition, the other six people, except the True Immortal peak blue, you Chen Chenhe, the other five people are face changes, can not help but tremble. The True Immortal Intermediate Stage's yellow clothes, even so easily, were killed.

    Lin Tian glanced at six people, and his expression was still dull: "Give you another chance and leave. Otherwise, all dead. ”

    Kill True Immortal Initial stage of Li Ye and true immortal intermediate stage of the yellow coat youth, he does not have any emotional fluctuations, because, for him today, to kill such level of People are really too simple, and chopping wood chopping no difference, after all, he is the strongest samsara Body, all the way through Heavenly tribulation to the present, and before refining the immortal Dao ling root such things, enhance the true immortal gas and immortal Dao Law, now, under Half-step Golden Immortal, he can absolutely invincible.

    There are still six left in the eight people who come here, except for the blue-shirt youth Chen Haohe, the other five, the two are at the True Immortal Initial Stage, and the three are at the True Immortal Intermediate Stage. See you at this time. The terrible power of Lin Tian, ​​the face is not very good-looking, it is too strong, far beyond their imagination.

    At this time, a coldly snorted sounded, and the blue-colored youth Chen Yuhe stepped out and his eyes were cold and arrogant.

    "Chen Chen!"

    "Mr. Chen is going to shoot?!"


    Just five faces of the real-life treasures that were not very good-looking, this time the expression directly became cold.

    Chen Yuhe is very strong, at the level of True Immortal peak, and has reached the Half-Step Golden Immortal Level. Now, Chen Yuhe wants to take the shot. The five of them believe that Lin Tian is going to be miserable, and will be Chen Yu in a blink of an eye. He Zhen was crushed.

    Lin Tian looks at Chen Yuhe, the other side is really not weak, but for him, it is nothing.

    "It seems that you and the two are not wanting to live."

    He is flat.

    These sounds fell in the ears of the other five mixed treasures, and the five people and everyone could not help but sneer.

    "You can kill Li Ye. You have to say that your strength is very strong, but then how, after all, it is only at the True Immortal Initial Stage. It is in this realm, and it is also a plan and a brother who is about to reach True Immortal peak. contend? I dared to tell these words with Master Chen. ”

    "boast shamelessly !"


    Five people ridicule.

    Chen Yuhe looks cold and indifferent, step by step toward Lin Tian. Every step of the way, the True Immortal gas will become stronger. When the seventh step is taken, the True Immortal gas in the body has reached a pole. High, breathable.

    Immediately, the next moment, along with the sound of the sword, there are forty-nine swords on the side of the body. Each sword is very fierce, as if it can degenerate everything. It is obviously a very sturdy kendo. Divine Ability.


    "To deal with a cultivator of True Immortal Initial Stage, Master Chen has even applied a sword directly!!"

    "This is the core of Divine Ability in the teaching of the sword. Under Golden Immortal, there are few people who can control it. It is at least a thousand times stronger than the Spirit Immortal sword Divine Ability!"

    At the rear, the other five mixed treasures of the disciples looked at the forty-nine sword glows that Chen Yuhe had sacrificed. They were all surprised.

    Immediately, the five people looked at Lin Tian, ​​and they were surprised, and the expression became a cold.

    "Let Chen Yuhe's brothers sacrifice a sword, hehe! I don't know if this is his honor, or his sorrow. ”

    One of them sneered.

    Almost at the same time, Chen Yuhe was next to him, and forty-nine Jianguang became more cold and strong.


    Chen Yuhe looked at Lin Tian, ​​with a look of a look, like the God King on the high, indifferent.

    As the words fall, the sound of 铿锵 回 reverberates, forty-nine swords light directly moved, like a general posture of the sword fight, from different directions to Lin Tian, ​​its sword is fierce, like can Split everything apart.

    "not simple!"

    Five Elements Alligator Eyebrows.

    "The Divine Ability he plays is not very general, and it is at the True Immortal peak, and the power will naturally be strong."

    An Shuishui Road.

    Lin Tian is a regular expression: "No big deal."

    Said, he directly hands, the action is very simple, a palm shot, a silver lightning on the palm.

    This is his shot with the Five Thunder Shake Heaven Secret Art and powerful Physique.




    The crisp sound came out, and the forty-nine swords that Chen Yuhe sacrificed were directly shot and shattered.

    Moreover, a Thunder vigorously spread through the void, and steadily fell on Chen Yuhe's body, and the slamming sound shook hundreds of feet away.

    "Chen Chen!"

    The other five people of the mixed Zhenbao faction, the cold taunts that looked at Lin Tian disappeared instantly, and in a blink of an eye, Chen Yihe of True Immortal peak, offering a powerful sword, it was so easy to be Lin Tian The shattered, and Chen Yuhe was shocked by the wolf.

    Even An Shuishui and others can't help but be shocked.

    An Shuishui looked at Lin Tian and blinked. "You guys, just after entering the realm of True Immortal, can you simply defeat the True Immortal peak cultivator?!"

    Lin Tian shook his head: "It's not very simple, I also used Divine Ability."

    In the distance, Chen Yuhe, who was shocked, stabilized his body shape, and his indifference disappeared. At this time, he looked at Lin Tian and showed a shocked expression…Just now that the sword was a sword, he had already used 90% of the combat power, because it was easy to kill Li Ye before Lin Tian, ​​which made him see that Lin Tian is not a normal True Immortal Initial Stage cultivator.

    However, what he never imagined was that the 90% of the strength of True Immortal peak was defeated by Lin Tian, ​​and he was so far away from the earthquake. Suffered some injuries.

    He looked at Lin Tian, ​​his eyes were shocked and cold, and True Immortal peak, he was defeated by a cultivator of True Immortal Initial Stage, and he was still in the presence of several other mixed treasures along with him. The face, this is undoubtedly a shame for him: "You this…"


    Swords pierced and directly interrupted the next words of this person.

    Lin Tian raised his hand, did not talk nonsense with this person, one-handedly printed, a very strong killing of Divine Ability in Pure Heaven Sword Scripture immediately, a huge lightsaber gathered out from behind him, entraining unparalleled sword intent, Straight toward Chen Haohe.

    The lightsaber is extremely fast. In the twinkling of an eye, it is coming to Chen Yuhe. Chen Zhenhe, the mighty Sword's True Immortal peak, couldn't help but tremble. In the eyes, he couldn't help but yell: "stop!"

    Lin Tian's expression is dull, and it is impossible to stop.

    "The word before, to you…Dead

    He calmly said.

    With a bang, the Pure Heaven lightsaber he had made became more fierce, carrying the peerless sword, and ruthlessly.


    Accompanied by a fierce and unwilling scream, Chen Yuhe was directly smashed into a group of blood mist, Mortal Body and Divine Soul smashed under this fierce sword and died.

    "Chen Chen!"

    "This…this…"How was this possible? How could


    The last five people of the eight mixed treasures who came here still have the last five. At this time, they can't help but tremble and horrify.

    Chen Yihe of True Immortal peak was even stunned by Lin Tian!

    Lin Tian turned his head and looked at the five people.

    His gaze was very dull, but it made the five people tremble, and the expression of fear directly appeared in his eyes.

    Then, the next moment, the embarrassing, five people without exception, all headed for the far air.

    Even Chen Yihe of True Immortal peak was killed. The five people are very clear that they can't block Lin Tian even if they join hands. The only thing left is death. Only when they escape, is it possible to save their lives.

    Lin Tian looked at the five people and walked away. The expression was still dull. On the side of the body, five sharp swords appeared. Every sword was not ordinary. It was a Divine Ability, and it was straight to the five people who escaped. The head.


    Suddenly, in the northeast direction centered here, there is a very sturdy divine ability emerging in the distance, and it rushes.

    These divine abilities are amazing, with a thick Golden Immortal scent, making Lin Tian slightly moved and looking away.

    At the same time, the five people who had already pulled out a long distance could not help but shake their bodies. They stopped the pace of escape and looked toward the northeast. There was a shadow of the old man in the brown robe. .


    Five people were shocked and then overjoyed.

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