Ten Directions God King The latest chapter, the first thousand five hundred and eighty-five chapters
    Listening to Lin Tian's words, An Shuishui and Five Elements Alligator were really shocked, and even Little Taichu blinked.

    Inside the Yuan Sovereign Command, there is a Suppressing Monster Palace. There are terrible beasts in the town, even the God King-class beasts? ! Moreover, Lin Tian claimed that he could control and control the terrible beasts in the Suppressing Monster Palace!


    Five Elements Alligator straightened his eyes, opened his mouth, spit out a 'this' word, and couldn't spit out other words.

    Next to it, An Shuishui was also blind, and it was really shocked by the words of Lin Tian.

    Only Little Taichu is better, not as shocking as Five Elements Alligator and An Shuishui, because Little Brat has been around for a long time, but still mentally like a child.

    After that, An Shuishui and Five Elements Alligator were a little calmer until a few dozen breaths in the past.

    "What you said is true?"

    Five Elements Alligator asked in a blink of an eye, Lin Tian's words were too shocking, and it was still unbelievable at this moment.

    "When did I fool you?"

    Lin Tian Road.

    Saying, he holds the Yuan Sovereign Command, and his mind is slightly moving. He calls a True Immortal-class beast from the Suppressing Monster Palace in Yuan Sovereign Command. It is a dark-smelling bird, about half a ft, but exudes The breath is very amazing.

    Immediately, he made a demonstration and issued a few simple instructions. The dark flamefish that he called out was completely done, without any hesitation and resistance.

    Seeing this scene, Five Elements Alligator's eyes are more rounded, and An Shuishui is also shocked. This is a complete belief in Lin Tian's words.

    Next to Little Taichu blinked and looked at the dark-smelling bird that was evoked by Lin Tian, ​​a very interesting look.

    Lin Tian smiled and thought that he would reclaim the dark flamefish back into the Suppressing Monster Palace in the Yuan Sovereign Command.

    Both An Shuishui and the Five Elements Alligator were both surprised and reverberant in the past.

    "This ancient order is simply…"

    An Shuishui looked at the Yuan Sovereign Command, which was really shocking.

    Five Elements Alligator took a deep breath and calmed himself down. Looking at Yuan Sovereign Command, asked Lin Tian: "So, you can now take full control of this Yuan Sovereign Command?"

    "No!"Lin Tian shook his head and said: "Now I can't completely control it. I can only call out and control some of the beasts in the Suppressing Monster Palace."

    "Can't control it, as a Magic Treasure attack?"

    Asked by Five Elements Alligator.


    Lin Tian Road.

    When he was holding the Yuan Sovereign Command, he had tried it and wanted to use the Yuan Sovereign Command as a treasure weapon to attack and kill, but it was useless and could not control the Yuan Sovereign Command for any attack.

    "This is a pity."

    The Five Elements Alligator is a bit disappointing.

    You know, this Yuan Sovereign Command is itself a very sturdy Magic Treasure. If you can control it, it is absolutely scary.

    "Don't be disappointed, it's a huge gain to be able to call out those fierce beasts to help fight."

    Lin Tian Road.

    "Oh, this is also true."

    Five Elements Alligator nodded.

    Lin Tian holds the Yuan Sovereign Command, and the idea is a micro-motion. The Yuan Sovereign Command immediately turns into a glimmer of light and falls into its Knowledge Sea.

    This mountain cave is not too big, he is paused here, greeting An Shuishui, Five Elements Alligator and Little Taichu.

    "Next, what to do?"

    Asked by Five Elements Alligator.

    They entered the Peaceful Serenity Ancient Field. The main purpose was to find the legendary Profound Dragon Armor. Now, the Profound Dragon Armor has been found, and An Shuishui’s 箓 Xianlian has also been found. It can be said that This ancient land is also considered to be a complete merit. At this time, suddenly there is some uncertainty about what to do next.

    "This piece of ancient land is not allegedly extraordinary. Immortal Karma and treasures are very numerous. We look around, and there are some treasures that are useful to us. It can help us improve quickly. for."

    Lin Tian Road.

    "Oh, I think so too."

    An Shuishui nodded.

    Five Elements Alligator said: "Let's look around and try to dig up a few super-natural treasures!"


    Little Taichu's milky voice is echoing, obviously there will be no objection.

    At the moment, the two beasts follow a direction and walk towards the rest of the Peaceful Serenity Ancient Field.

    Soon, they went far away, and there was a very vast mountain in front. The mountain was about a hundred feet high, with lots of vegetation, and each vegetation was very ordinary and difficult to see outside.

    "This mountain…"

    Lin Tian stared at the big mountain in front, slightly moving, and the scorpion was slightly stunned.

    "What happened to this mountain?"

    Five Elements Alligator asked, and also carefully looked at the mountain in front, because it knows that Lin Tian has Buried Dragon Scripture and is very good at mountain and mountain. At this time, Lin Tian looks at the big mountain in front and gives birth to an unusual look. It was the first time to realize that this mountain is absolutely unusual.

    Lin Tian's eyes are intertwined with the dragon Mark, looking at the big mountain in front, frowning slightly: "Some ancient…"

    "It is that person! There are two beasts! ”

    Suddenly, a voice rang from a distance and interrupted his words directly.

    Looking down the sound, in the northwest direction, eight figures appeared, and quickly rushed to this place, blink of an eye.

    These are eight youth men, all of whom are very bloody, ranging from True Immortal Initial Stage to True Immortal peak.

    "Sure enough they are! The man who killed several elder brothers and relatives! ”

    One of them was cold.

    Listening to the words of this person, Lin Tian slightly narrowed his eyes, and in an instant he knew the identity of the eight people, and it was the discipline of the mixed true treasure.

    At the same time, An Shuishui, Five Elements Alligator and Little Taichu naturally recognized that the eight people were mixed with the real treasure discipline.

    "You are courageous, dare to kill the elder brother and relatives of Du, I really don't know how to write the dead words!"

    Among the eight youths, a Tsing Yi man sneered.

    "Speaking of it, we mix the real treasures of the thousands of inner door discipline, tens of thousands of outside door discipline, many people have to go out to find you, but unfortunately have no results, but do not want to, you are actually the other nine treasures Disciple, now, has actually entered this party in the Peaceful Serenity Ancient Field!"

    "Hey, what about the other nine treasures of the discipline, it looks, but it has just arrived at the True Immortal Initial Stage. It's just an ordinary inner door discipline. The sect of the house is not necessarily for him. It's a True Immortal Initial Stage. The door is disciple and we can't get along with a Golden Immortal elder who we mix with the real treasure."

    "Don't talk nonsense with him, kneel down and give it to Elder Du, for me, it's all great!"

    Several men sneered.

    Obviously, they still don't know that Lin Tian has already smashed the elders in their mouth, and they still want to kill Lin Tian and go back and ask for rewards.

    "I came to marry him."

    The first man in Tsing Yi, who was first opened, was at the True Immortal Initial Stage. The True Immortal and Immortal Dao rules were very good. At the moment when the words fell, a sword with a hint of coldness appeared directly in the hand. Holding the sword to Lin Tian.


    Five Elements Alligator Seeing this man screaming and can't help but satirize.

    Nowadays, the elders of the real Zhenbao have been killed by Lin Tian. These few miscellaneous factions of the real treasures are still thinking about killing Lin Tian to seek the rewards from the elder Du.

    Next to it, An Shuishui couldn't help but turn a big eye.


    The piercing sword reverberates, and the Tsing Yi man is very fast. His eyes are close to the front, and the sword in his hand is ruthless.

    The sharp Sword Qi is intertwined on the edge of the blade, with a radiant glow, and the air is squeaking.

    "Li Ye, this kid, this sword is not weak, it seems that for the understanding of the real sword, it is a bit stronger."

    "This is the heart of the sword in the real sword. It is not easy to control it. Now, looking at his position, it is already very stable to control this Divine Ability, very powerful. ”

    "It's really amazing. The ordinary True Immortal Intermediate Stage cultivator may have to work hard to resolve this sword."

    Not far away, the other three of the three mixed discrimes.

    Then, the three people looked at one of their group of blues, with a clear compliment on their faces: "However, compared with Master Chen, it is too far, and it is impossible to compare."

    "That is naturally impossible to compare with Master Chen, but Master Chen has already entered the True Immortal peak and will soon reach Half-Step Golden Immortal, becoming the new true biography of my mixed treasure!"

    "Yes, Master Chen will soon become a true biography! Moreover, with the talent of Master Chen, after becoming a true biography, it is definitely a top person in the true biography! ”

    Several other mixed-use figures also open to compliment the blue-shirt youth.

    The blue dress you named Chen Yuhe, the strongest of the eight mixed treasures in this category, is at True Immortal peak. At this time, listening to the compliments of other people, the surface is calm, but in the eyes it is With a trace of pride, then look at the Tsing Yi man named 'Li Ye' who is showing Divine Ability to Lin Tian, ​​saying: "Li Ye is still lacking some fire, but his Divine Power is not Vulgar, stronger than the ordinary True Immortal Initial Stage cultivator, in this sword, it is enough to kill the man under the sword."

    As his words fell, this time, Li Ye's blade has come to Lin Tian's front, and the divine ability on his blade has become even more amazing, and Sword Qi is even more fierce.

    "Get your head first, then send your companion to accompany you."

    Li Ye looked at Lin Tian and smiled coldly. The sharp edge of his hand flipped and went straight to Lin Tian's neck.

    Lin Tian looked at the man, his expression was dull and indifferent.

    He raised his right hand and the movement was very simple. He only flicked and the golden Sword Qi flew out like lightning.


    A shrill sound, the golden Sword Qi slammed into the sword that Li Ye came over, and the sword was on the spot.

    Subsequently, the golden Sword Qi trend did not diminish, crossed the void, and a slamming sound passed through Li Ye's eyebrows, bringing a string of glaring blood red, making Li Ye even the screams never come out, it is straight and fall, the life in the eyes The color disappeared without a trace, the meat shell was still intact, but the Divine Soul in the Knowledge Sea was directly shattered.

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