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876 Qin Shaofeng take action

At this moment, looking at the a path of silhouette in the rear, Jun Shaoyang and the others’ faces were desperate.

And the silhouettes in the rear came from time to time with a loud laugh and roar.

“Hahaha, chase it down, you’re going to catch it!”

“Fucking, this young Master of Nine Clouds Hall is really a dog ~ I can escape!”

“Hey, this pursuit is so interesting. I don’t know how many people will be left after this time?”

“Ha, I guess it should be the last Saint King Realm?”


A loud laugh came, making Jun Shaoyang and the others look ugly, and in his heart was overflowing heaven.

But no matter how angry, Jun Shaoyang knew that anger would not help.

Because the people who killed them were all a team with Saint King cultivation base.

And the team had more than ten people, and they could only escape.

However, because of the mentality of the cat and mouse, the other party kept chasing and killing them all along the way, leaving only 7 of them left.

But even so, the people around Jun Shaoyang still have not given up.

Seeing that the other party was about to catch up again, the Saint King Realm middle-aged man beside Jun Shaoyang suddenly opened his mouth and said, “Shaoyang, wait for me to stop those people. You take this opportunity, Try to run away! “


The Saint King just said this, Jun Shaoyang’s face was a sudden change, but before he said something, Lin Bo was lightly shook the head, and his expression was extremely firm: “Shaoyang you just Don’t say, the most needed thing now is for you to escape without any problems, otherwise I Nine Clouds Hall, no … “

In a fierce meal, Lin Bo’s eyes flashed a sorrow and indignation: “It should be said that I 9 Cloud Sect, I will bear the severance of inheritance!”

When Lin Bo said this, Jun Shaoyang’s eyes flashed with tears, and his heart was full of endless grief.


If he can’t escape today, then 9 Cloud Sect will disappear completely!

It disappeared without any trace!

Thinking of this, Jun Shaoyang was full, and the 5 Saint Monarch experts beside him were silent.

On the contrary, Lin Bo’s eyes flashed resolutely and said to Jun Shaoyang: “Well, don’t hesitate anymore, hurry up!”

As soon as the words fell, Lin Bo momentarily stopped, but turned back and rushed forward.

But at this moment, bang, waiting for Jun Shaoyang to look back, the silhouette of Lin Bo was actually rushed by him, and flew back at a faster speed.

With a stun, eventually Lin Bo’s silhouette fiercely broke a few big trees, and then fell directly to the ground without any trace of movement.


Seeing this scene, Jun Shaoyang stared at him with a heart burst with fear, and those Saint Monarch experts were also full of anger.

But next moment, a path of silhouette flashed, and the anger in their hearts instantly turned into complete despair.

shua shua Oh!

A dozen silhouettes, with a powerful aura far surpassing Jun Shaoyang and the others, will be intercepted by a few people in Jun Shaoyang and surrounded by groups.

The next moment, Jun Shaoyang and the others heard a disdainful sneer.

“Oh, still want to continue to escape? However, sorry, now Grandpa has no patience to play with you like this.”

When he heard this sound, Jun Shaoyang’s complexion instantly sank.

As soon as he looked up, Jun Shaoyang saw a middle-aged man with a dark face.

Jun Shaoyang recognizes this person. The other party is the leader of this hunting group. He owns the cultivation base of Saint King Peak Realm, the Senior Brother of Black King Saint King, and a discipline of Heiyun Mansion Lord.

Because of this shame-faced middle-aged man’s cultivation base, Jun Shaoyang fled in a difficult situation.

Just now Lin Bo was also the other party, and kicked him back.

And because the other side did not show mercy, this foot actually gave Lin Bo of Saint King 3rd Layer Realm no sound, and it seemed that most of them were bode ill rather than well.

Damn it, finally caught up!

Looking at these Heiyunfu experts around, Jun Shaoyang’s face was ugly, and his heart was despairing at the same time.

The six of them are just Saint Monarch Realm, but at least a dozen people around them now are the training base of Saint King Realm!

Seeing the desperate look of several people in Jun Shaoyang, the overcast face of the middle-aged man was coldly smiled in the heart, directly directed to the several Saint King subordinates around him, instructed: “Hands on, except for Jun Shaoyang, the others do not need to stay Alive! “

As soon as those Saint Kings heard this, each and everyone’s faces giggled.

But at this moment, a cold voice came suddenly.

“Hands on? Who would I dare?”


The middle-aged man with a dark voice and the Saint King expert in Heiyun House were both slightly surprised, and looked up subconsciously.

Then, everyone saw it. I don’t know when, a silhouette appeared suddenly in the mid-air.

The moment I saw this silhouette, the incomprehensible voice of Jun Shaoyang surrounded by the group called out in alarm: “Qin Shaofeng?”

That’s right, people coming is exactly Qin Shaofeng!

Qin Shaofeng felt it before, Jun Shaoyang and the others’ aura.

And feeling that Jun Shaoyang was being chased and killed by a group of people, surprised and angry in his heart, immediately Rapid Speed 鈥嬧€媟ushed over.

But even Qin Shaofeng is fast, but …

Looking not far away, Lin Bo, who had no interest at all, had a glimmer of dim light in Qin Shaofeng’s eyes, and sighed softly in his heart.

Alas, is it still late?

Qin Shaofeng?

When sighing in Qin Shaofeng’s heart, the overcast middle-aged man was eyes flashed, and suddenly remembered Qin Shaofeng’s identity.

“Haha, didn’t expect it’s you Qin Shaofeng? Very good, just because of your appearance, allows me to bring you Nine Clouds Hall to catch everything in one net. If it catches you, go back to my Master Heiyun Mansion Lord, it must be a great reward! “

The middle-aged man with an overcast face was instantly excited. He was bombarded by Qin Shaofeng because of his Little Junior Brother.

Even the later black tiger, Saint King Junior Brother, was baffling when he assassinated Qin Shaofeng.

In this case, but let his Master hate Qin Shaofeng very much.

Thinking of his Master’s hatred of Qin Shaofeng, the middle-aged man with a dark face was excited.

At this moment, the middle-aged man with a dark face laughed and finally let Jun Shaoyang came back to his senses.

After a came back to his senses, Jun Shaoyang was in a hurry and shouted to Qin Shaofeng, “Run! Qin Shaofeng, run!”

“Run? Where to run?”

There was a smirk on the face of the middle-aged man with a dark face. Next moment, his body moved instantly.


In this brief moment, the overcast middle-aged man suddenly turned into a black light, and flew to Qin Shaofeng in an instant. Together, he rushed straight to the Qin Shaofeng face, and seemed to want to catch Qin Shaofeng directly.

But Qin Shaofeng didn’t care much about it.

On the contrary, Qin Shaofeng paid special attention to the overcast middle-aged man.

Dark Cloud Mansion Lord?

putting it that way, are these people from Heiyunfu?

And this shameless face is still the disciple of the Dark Cloud Mansion Lord?

Although I don’t know why Jun Shaoyang and these people were hunted down by the people in Heiyun Prefecture.

But these are not important anymore!

I did n鈥檛 find Heiyunfu, it was already pretty good. Instead, I sent someone to hunt down Jun Shaoyang?

It really seems to be destroyed!

Although in this brief moment, Qin Shaofeng thought a lot of things in his heart.

But in fact, the outside world only passed that moment of time.

At this moment, the overcast middle-aged man had just come to Qin Shaofeng, and the smirk on his face was clearly shown in front of Qin Shaofeng.

At the moment when the middle-aged man with a dark face started to do something, Jun Shaoyang was desperate.

Although Jun Shaoyang thinks that Qin Shaofeng is very genius, the disciple of the Mansion Lord in front of him is Saint King of Peak Realm.

Faced with such a powerhouse, even Qin Shaofeng can’t resist, no matter how genius it is?

In this regard, the Saint Kings of Heiyun Province also think so.

But the next moment, the scene that happened, completely shocked them.


With a crash, a silhouette flew upside down instantly.

But the person who flew upside down was not Qin Shaofeng, but the middle-aged man with a dark face.

With a loud slap, the middle-aged man with a dark face fell fiercely on the ground, spurt a mouthful of blood, and face deathly pale.

Although he hasn’t died yet, it’s clear that he looks like he has been hit hard.

What the hell is this all about?

Seeing this scene, everyone in the audience raised such questions at the same time.


The overcast middle-aged man struggled, pointing at Qin Shaofeng with a horrified look.

too strong!

This is the only thought in the heart of the middle-aged man at that moment!

That speed, that strength!

He didn’t even see clearly, although he was seriously injured by Qin Shaofeng instantly!

This Qin Shaofeng is Saint Sovereign!

Feeling his own physical condition at this moment, and what happened at that moment, the middle-aged man with a dark face was horrified with disbelief, and then only a single thought head remained in his heart.


Must escape!

Otherwise, there is only dead end!

Although he didn’t know why Qin Shaofeng’s strength would be so powerful, he knew very well at the moment that he could never be Qin Shaofeng’s opponent!

If you don’t run away, absolutely dead end!

But he seemed to have guessed what he thought, flashed, and before he had any action, Qin Shaofeng flashed in front of him instantly and stepped on his chest.


Qin Shaofeng’s foot was fiercely’s stepping on this overcast middle-aged man.

Even the sternum of the overcast middle-aged man was stepped on by the foot of Qin Shaofeng.


It was spurt a mouthful of blood again, which also contained a few flesh-like internal organs, and the middle-aged man with a dark face was severely injured and was about to die.

Until this moment, the remaining dozen or so Saint Kings in Heiyunfu seemed to come back to his senses from such a shocking scene.

Their captain was defeated in this way?

After a came back to his senses, what these dozen Saint King immediately did was not to rush to Qin Shaofeng and intend to save their captain, but …

They all turned around and all immediately escaped.

What a joke, their captain is their 9 Mansion Lord’s disciple of Yunfu, and even a cultivation base with Saint King Peak Realm!

But even so, they can’t beat Qin Shaofeng’s kick. Then how can they be Saint King 7th-8th Layer Realm’s opponents, how could they be Qin Shaofeng’s opponents?

In this case, what can I do without returning?

Want to escape?

Seeing the actions of more than a dozen people, Qin Shaofeng eyes flash with disdain and cold light.


The next moment, Qin Shaofeng silhouette flashed and turned into a black light.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

A series of heavy objects slammed the ground, but it was the dozen or so Saint Kings of Heiyunfu, in this brief moment, that were almost partially shot down by Qin Shaofeng one after another!

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