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Hou Yanqing, who was about to start, gave a fierce stun, he absolutely didn’t expect, and Qin Shaofeng would speak to himself in this tone.

But soon Hou Yanqing seemed to understand something and looked at Qin Shaofeng coldly smiled.

“Oh, didn’t expect to see you for a while, Qin Shaofeng, your courage has grown up! You dare to hit me, is it because you think you have the strength of the trifling Saint Sovereign Realm, can you beat me?

With that said, Hou Yanqing’s body shook, and he violently released his aura of Supreme 3rd Layer Realm.

You can feel the aura erupted from Hou Yanqing, Qin Shaofeng was speechless for a moment.

Fainted, just like this aura, also embarrassed to show ugliness?

This is far worse than even a King Savage that I subordinate!

However, Hou Yanqing didn’t think so. Even looking at Qin Shaofeng who didn’t say a word at the moment, he thought in his mind that Qin Shaofeng was completely shocked by his aura.

At this time, along with Hou Yanqing, his dozen or so little brothers finally screamed.

“Fuck, how dare you rebel against Senior Brother? Brat you are courting death!”

“Qin Shaofeng, isn’t it? You must have something wrong with your brat?”

“Hehe, how dare you disrespect Hou Senior Brother, Qin Shaofeng, you are so brave!”

“Hou Senior Brother, don’t be angry, let me teach you this brat!”

“No, let me teach him!”


The shouting of more than a dozen people clearly did not take Qin Shaofeng seriously.

However, hearing the screams of these dozens of people, Hou Yanqing was quite satisfied, and looked towards their eyes, full of appreciation.

The meaning in Hou Yanqing’s eyes, naturally Qin Shaofeng can see it.

But this also makes Qin Shaofeng headache even more.

What a bunch of idiots!

Qin Shaofeng shook the head, but he did not intend to move.

Well, if you care about these people, it will be too expensive!

be that as it may, but Qin Shaofeng doesn’t want to continue to waste his precious time on these boring things.

So, Qin Shaofeng right hand lightly moved.

The next moment, a huge silhouette with a height of more than 20 meters suddenly appeared. The rungs before Qin Shaofeng and Hou Yanqing took a closer look, but it was exactly a tiger King beast.


The tiger King beast roared at Hou Yanqing and the others as soon as it appeared.

Back at this time, there are not many King beasts brought by Qin Shaofeng, but they are not simple.

For example, this Tiger King beast is a 3rd Layer Domain, and the 3rd Layer Domain has reached the 7th-8th Layer Realm’s cultivation base.

So, just a roar, Hou Yanqing and the others were completely shocked by this King beast.

Not only was it shocked, but Hou Yanqing and the others were shocked by the giant tiger that suddenly appeared in front of them.

Because of this giant tiger’s aura, give them an extremely dangerous aura.

In particular, Hou Yanqing, who bears the brunt of the incident, was very clear about his feelings.

This … what is this Monster Beast? It’s so terrifying!

Feeling this sudden emergence of Monster Beast, with such a powerful terrifying aura, Hou Yanqing and the others momentarily dare not move.


Seeing Hou Yanqing’s reaction, Qin Shaofeng gave a slight smile, a taunt in his eyes, and then looked at them without glancing at him, and flickered onto the King Barbarian.


The King barbarian was low roar again, and then ignored Hou Yanqing and obeyed Qin Shaofeng’s order.

It wasn’t until the King Beast left Qin Shaofeng for a long time, and when the silhouette completely disappeared, Hou Yanqing and the others were exhaled, all seemingly holding on to the idea of ​​luck.


Fortunately, Qin Shaofeng is gone, otherwise, with the strength of the horrible Monster Beast, if they really started, most of them will explain here.

Such an idea also appeared in Hou Yanqing’s heart.

But after this thought, Hou Yanqing’s heart burst into anger.

Damn, actually scared by that Qin Shaofeng?

I never saw Qin Shaofeng of Hou Yanqing directly, simply didn’t care about Hou Yanqing, and even when he left, his aura still kept Saint Sovereign Realm.

Therefore, this made Hou Yanqing and other people still think that Qin Shaofeng is just the cultivation base of Saint Sovereign Realm.

And at this moment Qin Shaofeng has gone a long way, and these people have started to jump off again.

“Hateful, this Qin Shaofeng is really hateful!”

“Yes, with a powerful Monster Beast, I dare to show off one’s military strength in front of Hou Senior Brother, really damn it!”

“Hou Senior Brother, this is not the case. You are the Number One Genius of Tianzhe Pavilion. This Qin Shaofeng dares to treat you this way. This breath cannot be swallowed like this!”

“Yes, that’s right, you can’t just let it go!”

“Yes, this must must be found!”


In the face of the clamor of these dozens of people, Hou Yanqing was also stirred up in his heart.

Who the hell is Qin Shaofeng?

A flash of fire light flashed through Hou Yanqing’s mind and he had an idea.

Is n’t it just a monster Monster Beast?

It must be that Qin Shaofeng is lucky, in the powerful brute of the Secret Realm world subduing, but Qin Shaofeng, don’t get it wrong.

Do you think that with a powerful bastard, you dare to challenge me?

You are waiting!

You will regret this!

Looking deeply in the direction of Qin Shaofeng’s departure, Hou Yanqing flashed a cold light in his eyes. After coldly snorted, he took his dozen or so subordinates and turned away.


With a powerful King beast walking, Qin Shaofeng’s speed will not slow down.

In particular, this is a tiger King beast. The 3st-layer of the 1rd Layer Domain that it owns is also the domain of Wind Attribute. This is a quick way to get started.

Although not as fast as Qin Shaofeng himself, because of that Secret Realm world, the speed of this King barbarian is faster than most 7th-8th Layer Supreme powerhouse on Origin Continent A lot.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng is not planning to go to Divine Mansion anymore.

Since it was for the mission of ‘9 Lord of the Clouds’, then Qin Shaofeng naturally went directly to Nine Clouds Hall in Heiyun Province.

Qin Shaofeng has already planned, and after going to Nine Clouds Hall to see the old Hall Master and Junhai City, he took them directly to Heiyunfu and took it back.

If it had been before, Qin Shaofeng would also be concerned about the existence of Divine Mansion.

But after this time, Qin Shaofeng simply didn’t care much about Divine Mansion.

Although Qin Shaofeng didn’t bring all of his King beasts this time, he also brought more than 20 of them.

And these 20 Barbarian Beasts, in terms of strength, I am afraid they all have the Origin Continent, the Supreme 7th-layer Realm strength.

Especially on the cultivation realm of Domain, Qin Shaofeng dare to confirm, if it is only the 1st-layer Domain, unless it is the Supreme Peak expert who owns the Perfection Realm Domain.

Otherwise, no one on the Supreme Continent will be the opponent of any King Savage under his hands.

Therefore, with 20 King beasts, this is definitely a very scary team of battle strength on Origin Continent.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng also doesn’t think that Origin Continent has Supreme of 1st-layer Domain, and Supreme powerhouse of double or multiple Domain, there must be some.

Even the Supreme in Divine Mansion is afraid that there are many strong strengths.

But he did not overthrow Divine Mansion, but only regained 9 Yunfu.

Qin Shaofeng doesn’t think it will make Divine Mansion move against him.

Besides, as long as you highlight the 20 King King beasts yourself, the senior Divine Mansion will probably measure it, and then decide how to do it yourself!

Taking into account these various circumstances, Qin Shaofeng did not have much worry.

However, when approaching Divine Mansion and Qin Shaofeng was about to head to Nine Clouds Hall, Qin Shaofeng still called Qi Dongming from them, calling him from Inner Body Source World Space.

Qi Dongming also knew for a long time that Qin Shaofeng’s plan to recapture 9 Yunfu, they all expressed support, and after returning, they talked to their elders.

Even in return for Qin Shaofeng’s life-saving grace, they also maintained absolute support for Qin Shaofeng’s recapture of 9 Yunfu.

Even several Heavenly Sword Sect disciple such as Han Ruoyu have expressed their support for Qin Shaofeng.

The reason why Qi Dongming and Han Ruoyu have made such statements is actually because Divine Mansion already has such a system, and supporting it is not a big problem.

This is the normal situation!

However, this time may be different!


After separating from Qi Dongming, Han Ruoyu, and the others, Qin Shaofeng let the King beast advance at full speed.

In the end, it was only 2 hours before Qin Shaofeng arrived at the territory of Heiyunfu.

But when Qin Shaofeng entered the peripheral zone of the area where Heiyunfu belonged, it seemed that he suddenly felt something, and stopped the King beast at his feet.

“this is?”

Looking up slightly, Qin Shaofeng’s eyes flashed a little light, looking in a certain direction forward.

After a moment, it seemed to be finally determined, Qin Shaofeng’s eyes flashed a killing intent.

“Very good! Really good! Didn’t expect that I just encountered such a thing as soon as I came back. It seems that this time, even if I want to solve this Heiyunfu low-key point, it is impossible!”

As soon as the voice came down, Qin Shaofeng moved his right foot slightly, and immediately took back the Tiger King beast at his foot to the Source World Space. Then he broke out at full speed in an instant and ran at full speed in the direction he had previously expected.

At the same time, somewhere around a thousand li, several silhouettes were fleeing in a difficult situation.

And just a few silhouettes are the people of Nine Clouds Hall, one of them is Sun Jun, the grandson of the old Hall Master.

The aura emanating from Jun Shaoyang at this moment is a lot stronger than before, it is already Saint Monarch 1st-layer Realm.

Although such a strength is not a genius in the entire Origin Continent, even Divine Mansion alone, in the current situation of Jun Shaoyang, I am afraid that it is not a genius.

However, the cultivation base of Saint Monarch Realm is only in this area of ​​Heiyun Province, but it is also a good talent for strength.

In addition to Jun Shaoyang, Saint Monarch, those who follow Jun Shaoyang also have a good strength.

The five experts at least are Saint Monarch 5th-layer experts, and one expert at Saint King Realm.

This lineup is already a strong lineup in Heiyunfu.

However, at this moment Jun Shaoyang was hunted down by them, and they were still hunted down in a very different situation.

In fact, at the beginning Jun Shaoyang’s strength of their team was at least 3x stronger than at the moment.

But because of being pursued all the way, there are only 7 of them left.

And if nothing else, I am afraid that these 7 of them will soon end up like their companions.

Because the people who chase them have already faintly caught up.

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