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Very strong!

Super strong!

Feeling the strength of the moment within the body, especially the feeling, in the state of Devil King Balance Breaker, after the domains of both the Domain and Demi-God of both reached Perfection Realm, Qin Shaofeng was shocked.

This strength makes Qin Shaofeng feel that no matter who he is, he is not his opponent.

However, at the cost of Devil King Balance Breaker, Qin Shaofeng came back to his senses.

“This strength is indeed addictive, but it is too costly. I don’t know how much my level will drop after this time?”

“So …”

eyes flashed, Qin Shaofeng looked up towards that Flood Dragon, coldly smiled in his heart.

So, you must kill this Flood Dragon as fast as possible!

Yes, it is killing!

In the Devil King Balance Breaker state, Qin Shaofeng felt that he had strength and killed the Flood Dragon.

Otherwise, I’m so sorry for the price of this Devil King Balance Breaker!


What is this?

Seeing the sudden appearance of Qin Shaofeng in the Devil King Set, there was a shock in the eyes of the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor.

The blade of space for my full strength attack, did not actually kill that Human Race?

And what about the battle armor that suddenly appeared on Human Race?

The momentarily Flood Dragon is full of doubts, but even more shocked.

Because he felt it at the moment, after the Human Race had added this battle armor, the aura emanating from his body actually improved a lot.

Even this aura actually made him feel a little threat.


It’s impossible. How could merely a Human Race make me feel threatened?

When the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor was angry, he immediately threw out the thought in his mind.

Then, the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor wanted to start yelling at Qin Shaofeng.

But at this time, Qin Shaofeng was moving.

Maintaining the status of this Devil King Balance Breaker, Qin Shaofeng is consuming huge amounts of Exp Points every moment. What are you planning to do with this Flood Dragon Beast Emperor?

Just for a moment, Qin Shaofeng took action.

“Lightning Style Thunder God’s Hammer!”

With a light drink, Qin Shaofeng raised right hand, and then, with a bang, on Qin Shaofeng’s head, it was lightning flashed, and numerous lightning burst out.

next moment, a super huge Thunder God’s Hammer with more than 1000 meters, the void condensed out, emitting this terrifying aura.

this is?

Looking at the sudden emergence of such a huge lightning sledgehammer in his Domain space, and also emitting an amazing aura, the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor immediately startedled.


The next moment, Qin Shaofeng did not give the Flood Dragon the Beast Emperor the time at all. At the moment when Thunder God’s Hammer condensed out, it was a swift wave and smashed directly at the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor.

not good!

When Thunder God’s Hammer smashed, the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor felt very bad.

Although it is confident that even if it bears this attack positively, it will not cause any serious problems. The Flood Dragon Beast Emperor is very confident in his defense.

But somehow, in the face of Thunder God’s Hammer, the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor immediately chose to dodge.


The Flood Dragon Beast Emperor was extremely fast, but with a slight flash, he turned into a black light and avoided the hammer.

Hmm, I thought there was something remarkable, but I just avoided it. This Human Race is really very garbage!

Seeing how easily he escaped this hammer, the look of Flood Dragon Beast Emperor towards Qin Shaofeng was full of disdain and contempt.

But suddenly, at this moment, when the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor looked towards Qin Shaofeng, it met Qin Shaofeng’s ridiculous eyes.

and many more……!

Seeing Qin Shaofeng making such a mockery, the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor suddenly remembered something, and his heart was suddenly shocked.

not good!

Hong long!

At the moment when the Blood Dragon Beast Emperor’s secretly thought was not good, Thunder God’s Hammer fiercely fell down, and then blasted directly to the ground of the Dragon Dragon Beast Emperor’s Domain space.

That’s right, from the very beginning, Qin Shaofeng’s goal is not the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor, but the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor’s Domain space.

Being in the other’s Domain space is always the other’s territory. Qin Shaofeng feels a little uncomfortable, which is also a little unfavorable.

In this case, the other person’s Domain space is broken.

If it had been before, Qin Shaofeng would not have been able to do it, but now it has the status of Devil King Balance Breaker, but it is different.

Hong long!

With a loud world-shaking noise, Thunder God’s Hammer exploded instantly.

The space is shaking, and Heaven and Earth discolor!

Extremely scary!


Here is a dense jungle with an unusually rich Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi, and the wild aura is revealed everywhere.

Here is the depth of the wild animal wasteland, already in the area of ​​the Core Zone.

Although the Beast Tide was launched by the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor, at this moment, the whole beast of Wasteland Wasteland has gone out a lot.

However, in this area of ​​the Core Zone, there are still a large number of wild beasts, and the wild beasts that can appear here are without exception, all powerful wild beasts in the Holy Land.

Not long ago, the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor suddenly left in anger, which made countless wild beasts here scared and wondering what had happened, so that their emperor was so angry that they left Wildland Wasteland.

But even if there is no Flood Dragon Beast Emperor, all the wild beasts here are honestly staying in their own Territory and dare not move around at will.

After all, the beast tide has only begun, and maybe these wild beasts will also be sent to the battlefield.

This is what makes the weird beastland momentarily appear a weird quiet harmony.


Suddenly, an iconic savage beast approaching King’s savage Realm seemed to feel something wrong, and looked up subconsciously.

With this look up, it is to see that there is a slight distortion at high altitude.

Standing subconsciously, this Barbarian Beast wanted to see what happened.

But in this brief moment, it saw the place where the space was twisted, and suddenly it spun up, shrinking sharply, and then it was instantaneous.

It exploded!

Hong long!

A world-shaking bang suddenly exploded in the depths of this quiet wild animal wasteland.

And this explosion is a terrifying strength, which instantly affected the circleference area of ​​1000 meters.

All the trees and flowers, all the beasts, even the 3 2 King beasts, disappeared at this instant.

Lightning sky, space shock!

At this moment, thousands of large giant pits appeared in the depths of the wild beast wasteland, and in the circumference ten several li zones outside this giant pit, they were shocked by a horror, which instantly destroyed countless trees and land.

If at this moment someone looked down at high altitude, they would see such a scene.

A horrible giant pit, and the periphery of the giant pit seems to be completely flattened, a piece of ocher, extremely clean!

Above the giant pit, a silhouette suddenly appeared, which was Qin Shaofeng himself.

“Tsk tsk, didn’t expect you, Little Mud Fish, to respond quite quickly!”

tsk Tsk, Qin Shaofeng looked at the space ahead.


When the space twisted, a powerful Flood Dragon appeared instantly, but it was the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor.

Seeing the appearance of the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor intact, Qin Shaofeng flashed a regret.

Before the picture was reversed, the moment when Thunder God’s Hammer broke out completely, the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor immediately felt the danger.

Because it felt that the strength that erupted after the smashing of the sledgehammer was absolutely terrifying.

Even if it is in its Domain space, it will probably be hit hard.

Once the space domain is severely damaged, it can be backlashed to itself, so the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor did not hesitate to close up his own space domain at the last moment.

Then there was the scene of the previous horrific explosion.

It’s just that Qin Shaofeng was very surprised that after he reappeared, he actually brought the wild animal wasteland deep.

But that ’s okay, at least it did n’t waste Thunder God ’s Hammer in vain.

Because at the moment, Qin Shaofeng got countless system prompts.

Needless to say, Qin Shaofeng also knows that there were absolutely many wild beasts killed by himself in the explosion that time.

“Roar! Human Race, damn you!”

It seemed that he finally realized that his territory was destroyed and countless subordinates were destroyed. The Flood Dragon Beast Emperor was suddenly furious and rushed towards Qin Shaofeng.

At this time, the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor learned well, it did not release its own domain, but just attached the strength of its 5th layer Domain to itself, apparently afraid that Qin Shaofeng would break out such an attack again.


Qin Shaofeng’s mind was coldly snorted, and naturally he could see the intention of the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor.

In fact, this situation is exactly what Qin Shaofeng expected.

“God Luo Tian Sign!”

The moment the Blood Dragon beast rushed up, Qin Shaofeng eyes flashed, the three-tomoe on Rinnegan turned slightly, and the God Luo Tian sign erupted instantly.


An explosion sound, a surging and powerful repulsion strength, instantly burst out from Qin Shaofeng.

Then, with a loud noise, the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor was lost, and was instantly fiercely sent flying out.

After being shaken by the fly, the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor was directly flying by 1000 meters, and was even shaken by 7 荤 8 elements.

“Roar, damn Human Race!”

Although still unharmed, the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor was furious. Immediately stabilized his body and rushed towards Qin Shaofeng again.

Looking at the exploding Flood Dragon, Qin Shaofeng eyes flashed, corner of the mouth slightly raised, and then the whole person was suddenly retreat instantly.

After quitting several several li, Qin Shaofeng shook his hands and shouted low.

“Murberry tree world is born!”

Once again, Qin Shaofeng once again performed the birth of the wooden cypress tree.

And this time is not directly based on the ability of Demonic Energy Divine Ring, but directly by Qin Shaofeng.

But at this moment Qin Shaofeng is because he is in the state of Devil King Balance Breaker. The tree world exhibited at this time is born, compared with before, and it is even stronger.

Bang bang bang!

With a riot, countless trees rose from the ground, but in an instant there were countless towering trees in the circleference 100.

It happened that the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor was in it, and was entangled by the tree vines extended by countless trees.

But just such a tree vine, how can it entangle the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor, and even those tree vines are entangled, but they are just freed by the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor in an instant.

However, in this way, the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor was temporarily trapped.

Qin Shaofeng will naturally not expect that the birth of the tree kingdom will solve the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor.

The birth of this tree world is just a delay for Qin Shaofeng. Qin Shaofeng’s real killing move has only begun now.


Drink a low voice, and use today ’s Body Metamorphose Scripture for the last chance to breathe, so that you can instantly recover within the body.

Then Qin Shaofeng eyes flashed and launched another skill of Devil King Set directly.

“Devil King’s Power!”

Devil King’s Power of the Devil King Set can directly increase the skill of the next skill formidable power by 3x.

After gaining this state, Qin Shaofeng took a deep breath, glanced at the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor approached by Rapid Speed ​​in the distance, and then folded his hands together, shyly shouted.

“Blasting stars!”

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