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Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

lightning shines, fire light overflowing heaven!

No matter how many powerful Lightning Style Skills Qin Shaofeng exerts, he will eventually be wiped out by the Dragon Breath, each and everyone.

This put Qin Shaofeng into a hard fight, and Qin Shaofeng’s heart became more and more urgent.

Because according to this situation, it is absolutely self-finished.


Can’t go on like this, we must find a way to escape this Flood Dragon’s Domain space, otherwise we only have dead end.


Flood Dragon is angry!

As the Sovereign of the Wild Animal Wasteland, the Flood Dragon has experienced countless anger today, which is much more angry than the countless years he spent in the Wild Animal Wasteland.

Especially at this moment, whenever it is close to the hateful Human Race, that Human Race is a path of lightning attack.

Although the Thunder Dragon and Qilin condensed from these lightning strengths are not worth mentioning at all in the eyes of Flood Dragon, they can be destroyed simply by breathing out.

But what made Flood Dragon angry was that the hateful Human Race used it to distance itself from time to time.

In this case, even if it wants to attack the Human Race with breath, it will eventually be blocked by the purple giant, and it will not attack the Human Race itself.

Even if it launches a space strength attack, it will be directly transferred by the opponent at the moment when the purple giant is attacked.

As a result, Flood Dragon found that he couldn’t actually hurt the hateful Human Race, which made it more and more angry.


Finally, it seemed that the anger in his heart had reached its limit, and the Flood Dragon broke out completely.

“Roooar! Human Race, that’s enough. Your Stinging Insect is too hateful. It’s a great honor for you to let me use this move! Please be content! Then go to death with peace of mind!”


The Flood Dragon suddenly stopped in midair, and after a roar, the dark gold scales on his body flashed instantly, one after another black qi appeared.


The moment when one after another black qi emerged on the Flood Dragon, its entire space Domain was slightly shaken, and it seemed to incorporate some strength in general.

this is?

In the distance, Qin Shaofeng, feeling the change of the spatial domain, was shocked, and 10000 points in his heart.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng finally understood why his previous full strength attack didn’t shock the Flood Dragon’s space Domain and let himself escape.

No, let alone shake, the space barrier was not shaken.

at first Qin Shaofeng didn’t understand why this happened.

Under the strengthened state of Kaio-ken, his Demi-God domain has reached Perfection Realm, and the Danjie Domain has also reached 9th Layer days.

Although Flood Dragon also has the Demi-God domain of Perfect Realm and even the 4th-layer Domain, the other 3rd Layer Domains of Flood Dragon are not very powerful.

The 4th-layer Domain space assembled in this way is indeed very powerful, but it is not enough to let yourself be a god Luo Tian. Can you shake it?

Until this moment, Qin Shaofeng finally understood what the reason was.

The reason is simple. This Flood Dragon does not own a 4th-layer Domain.

To be precise, it should be more than 4th-layer Domain!

Because just at the moment when the black qi emerged from the Flood Dragon, the vibration of its spatial domain became more powerful.

This simply is the Flood Dragon, and I added the strength of the 1st-layer Domain to my space Domain again!

Fucking, does this long bug unexpectedly have 5th layer Domain?

Qin Shaofeng was dumbfounded for a moment, and what made Qin Shaofeng even more dumbfounded was that the newly emerged Fifth Layer Domain was directly leaked by the Flood Dragon within the body. It looked like it was its innate talent Domain!

What is innate talent Domain?

Naturally, I am the best at myself and the easiest to cultivating Domain.

To be simple, in the case of Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng now owns the domains of the Dan Realm and Demi-God. Among the 2 realms, the Dan Realm is the innate talent Domain of Qin Shaofeng. Even if Qin Shaofeng owns multiple Domains in the future, this will not change. !!

It can also be said that this so-called innate talent Domain is also the existence of the original main Domain.

And there is one more point. In general, the innate talent Domain will definitely be its strongest Domain.

Well, yes, the Fifth Layer Domain of Flood Dragon is also Fection Realm.

That’s right!

The Domain of 2 great perfection Realm, plus other 3rd Layers are 7th-layer Realm at most, so the Domain space shaped by 5th layer Domain is naturally extremely powerful.

This also made Qin Shaofeng instantly understand why Luo Tian, ​​the god of his full strength attack, couldn’t even shake the space domain of the Flood Dragon.

However, Qin Shaofeng soon understood that, now is not the time to think about these things!

Huh! Huh!

Suddenly, just after Flood Dragon released the Fifth Layer Domain, Qin Shaofeng heard a loud bang.

Looking down, Qin Shaofeng just found out that Susanoo, which he had condensed at this moment, was actually being eroded by a strange strange strength.

This is like pouring concentrated sulphuric acid into a rag, and the entire Susanoo is rapidly being corroded and ablated!

“Is this poison?”

Seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng heart startled, immediately responded.

Now Qin Shaofeng finally understands that this Flood Dragon is afraid of a poisonous Flood Dragon!

At this moment, the Flood Dragon also spoke.

“Human Race, you can’t escape, you’re dead! My poisonous Domain is my strongest Domain and my strongest strength, and has a strong corrosive force. Once infected, even if it is King-level black turtles can’t resist it, you deserve it! “

Qin Shaofeng naturally knew what this Flood Dragon was, and what the black turtle said.

The black turtle is a peculiar beast. Although the attack is not strong, it can be said that it is weak, but its defense is extremely amazing.

Even if it is a mysterious turtle in the holy elephant realm, although only a few human races in the mysterious realm can be easily captured.

But if you want to hurt some black turtles, even the powerhouse of Demi-God Realm, it is difficult to do it.

Because the shell of this black turtle is too hard.

If it is a King tortoise, the defense is probably invincible.

Upon hearing what Dragon Dragon said, Qin Shaofeng naturally knew that the power of corruption was not simple.

Actually, without the need of Flood Dragon, Qin Shaofeng has already realized it.

Just a few breaths, the huge Susanoo was eroded by one third’s volume.

Really, the house leak happened to rain overnight. Susanoo couldn’t hold it any longer.

But here it is, a situation that has given Qin Shaofeng headache even more.

Kaio-ken One minute time to step up!


As soon as the time came, Qin Shaofeng felt his strength within the body, and suddenly burst into a big quarter, returning to the previous normal state.

Not only that, but Susanoo, who had been corroded so decently, disappeared immediately.

Susanoo disappears, which is also natural.

After all, this Susanoo was condensed under the strengthened state of Qin Shaofeng. Now Realm is back, and it has been corroded so badly that without strength support, Susanoo will naturally disappear.

This scene fell to the bottom of that Flood Dragon’s eyes and gave him a slight glance, but then it burst out laughing.

“Haha, Human Race Stinking Insect You’re finished, you can’t hold on. You just wait to be slowly eroded by my poisonous Domain! I look forward to your sorrow and pain! Hahaha ——!”

In this brief moment, the Flood Dragon is finally excited, excited that this hateful person is about to usher in the worst misery!

But Qin Shaofeng was calm in this regard.

Susanoo is gone, and Qin Shaofeng is not immediate either. He was corroded by the strength of the Flood Dragon.

Because of the domain of Dan Realm and Demi-God, Qin Shaofeng can still support it.

Alas, it seems to work out, only that step!

A sigh in my heart, Qin Shaofeng looked up towards the proud Flood Dragon, corner of the mouth slightly raised, and sneered: “Little Mud Fish, do you really think I can’t deal with you? , Let me show you what is the strongest strength!

Little Mud Fish?


Qin Shaofeng’s Little Mud Fish instantly angered the original Flood Dragon, and once again exploded.

And this time the anger is still the most turbulent anger!

The spiritual wisdom of this Flood Dragon is not low. Ever since it awakened True-Dragon Blood, it has always been a dragon, because in its opinion, Dragon Transformation is a matter of time.

Perhaps this True-Dragon Blood awakened by the Flood Dragon is just a trace, but the pride of True Dragon was completely inherited by it.

This is also because it obviously has a strength that sweeps the entire Human Race, but it does not mean to take action directly.

Because in its eyes, Human Race is an inferior species, and it is not worth its own hands.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng’s words, however, are irritating its reverse scale, making it fall into a crazy anger.

“Human Race !”

Suddenly angry roar, Flood Dragon aura for a while, and then a bang, the whole space Domain slightly shaken, a strong pressure surged to Qin Shaofeng instantly.

In this brief moment, Flood Dragon leveled his space Domain to the extreme, once again holding Qin Shaofeng to death.

This is not over yet. After doing this, the Flood Dragon suddenly looked up and opened his mouth to spit at Qin Shaofeng.


This time is no longer just a dragon’s breath. A faint silver cold light shot from Flood Dragon’s mouth, but it is a blade condensed from space.

Not only is it extremely fast, but the formidable power is amazing. It cuts and shatters the surrounding space as much as possible during the flight, and goes straight to Qin Shaofeng himself.

If this was hit, Qin Shaofeng certain death, no doubt.

Flood Dragon looked coldly, watching Qin Shaofeng just like watching the dead.

But next moment, there was a shock of shock in Flood Dragon’s eyes.


Finally, Qin Shaofeng didn’t escape this time, and the space blade hit him directly.

But that sharp blade did not bring a trace of harm to Qin Shaofeng, because at this moment Qin Shaofeng did not know when he had an extra set of mighty battle armor in purple gold.

Devil King Set!

Facing the absolute predicament and facing the incomparable Flood Dragon, Qin Shaofeng had no choice but to use his last trump card.

This is the Taboo Skill: Devil King Balance Breaker that inspired the Devil King Set!

Devil King Balance Breaker can increase Qin Shaofeng’s own Element Power by ten times.

This promotes all the improvements, not just the improvement of strength in one aspect, but the ten-fold improvement of all attributes.

Boundary force value, strength, Spiritual Power, cultivation realm …

Even Domain is improved!

The moment the Devil King Balance Breaker appeared, Qin Shaofeng not only felt it, the upper limit of his own limit power soared directly to 5 million, and his strength was increased tenfold, exceeding 500,000 iconic Realm.

In this brief moment, Qin Shaofeng has a feeling that he seems to have surpassed Supreme Realm in general!

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