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As Qin Shaofeng had expected, Gelian City had no idea that May Old Third had betrayed him.

After all, in the view of Gorren City, he mastered Mei Old Third’s life and could easily wipe it out at any time, so Mei Old Third would certainly not betray himself.

However, even the city of Goren could never have imagined that Qin Shaofeng had another special and powerful skill like Kotoamatsukami, which made Mei Old Third completely rebel.

After Mei Old Third retreated, Gorren City was quiet for a while, and then his eyes flashed, and a decision was made.

“Although there are some discrepancies, the plan can still continue, and let me speed up the mining speed, and this time I also entered the source, it is also time to break through!”

Having said that, Gorren City stood up, and then issued several orders to his subordinate.

After several orders, the city of Gelian also set off for the source passage, ready to break through.


From the fire city, the courtyard of Qin Shaofeng.

After ordering Mei Old Third to carry out his own plan, Qin Shaofeng didn’t take long before sneaking back to his place of residence.

However, the people who know Qin Shaofeng’s return, except Liu Xiaowan’s little lass and Li Kai, have no third people.

The news that he was ‘killed’ has not been leaked yet. Qin Shaofeng also believes that the city will not speak out.

Fortunately, when Qin Shaofeng left, he told other people that he was out for a while, so that in a short period of time, even if he did not appear, no one should doubt anything.

Before returning, Qin Shaofeng completely destroyed the base of Gelian City. For the sake of the smoothness and safety of May Third, the people in that base dungeon, except those disciples of Divine Mansion and Heavenly Sword Sect, were rescued by Qin Shaofeng. All the others were killed mercilessly by Qin Shaofeng.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng later learned that more than 300 people in this dungeon base, with the help of Mei Brother Old Third and Second Brother, could form a terrible great array to assist Mei Old Third’s Demi-God domain.

Even with the strength of more than 300 people, May Demi-God’s realm of Old Third can be increased by 3 5x.

It’s just a pity that Demi-God’s domain of Mei Old Third was directly exploded. Even if there was such an array, it would not be necessary.

As for the dozens of disciples of Divine Mansion and Heavenly Sword Sect, Qin Shaofeng contacted Liu Xiaowan and returned to the courtyard together.

This courtyard in Qin Shaofeng is very large. Because of the people in Yanhuo Village, Li Ruojun had deliberately arranged this huge courtyard for Qin Shaofeng to let the people in Yanhuo Village live here.

Therefore, there are more than a dozen people at this time, which is not a major event.

During this time, Li Kai also recovered a lot because of Qin Shaofeng’s elixir, and also became familiar with people in Yanhuo Village.

Of course, Li Kai’s external identity was from a small village attacked by a brute, which Qin Shaofeng accidentally rescued. Now that dozens of Divine Mansion and Heavenly Sword Sect disciple also use this identity.

Upon returning, Qin Shaofeng refining some recovery medicine pill, and handed it to Li Kai, who asked Li Kai to help the dozen Divine Mansion and Heavenly Sword Sect disciple recover.

After all, Qin Shaofeng is now ‘dead’ and it’s best not to show up during this time.

After dealing with these things, Qin Shaofeng also began to calculate the gains of this time.

The first thing worth mentioning is that after killing all the people in the dungeon base of Gorren City, Qin Shaofeng won a lot of Exp Points.

In addition, those prisoners also gave Qin Shaofeng a lot of Exp Points, which actually increased Qin Shaofeng’s level to Level 3.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Supreme 5th layer

Exp Points: 4.02%

Profession: Devil King

Boundary value: 50000/50000 (Supreme 5th layer Realm 1 Origin Core has 5 points of Boundary Force, 100 times for Body Metamorphose Scripture bonus, 500 for 100 Dan)

Innate Spirit Root: Dark Lightning Body (9th-grade Saint Grade Spirit Root), Devil King Body (Unawakened), Source World

Skills: ……


Because the killing is basically the Holy Land, plus the 2 Demi-Gods of Mei Old Fourth, the Exp Points obtained by Qin Shaofeng let him directly leveled to the Supreme 5th layer.

In fact, for Qin Shaofeng, this Supreme Realm’s improvement does not have much impact.

It is nothing more than the boundary force value from 2 10000 leveled to 50,000, some skills have some slight improvements.

But these improvements are here. If the Dan Realm is not used, the change will be nothing.

However, Qin Shaofeng also found that the improvement of his level, whether it is the strength or the cultivation speed of the Domain, seems to have improved a bit.

It’s as if the improvement of Realm makes the cultivation of Domain and its strength easier.

After a leveled to Supreme 5th layer, Qin Shaofeng has a little more Skill Points. Now Qin Shaofeng has 13 Skill Points.

“It’s 13 points, shouldn’t I decide what skill leveled to Level 10?”

Qin Shaofeng pondered, after all, one of the requirements of his Limit Leveling Mission at this time was to level any Divine Level Skill to Level 10.

What skill can I choose?

Now that you want to choose, Qin Shaofeng will naturally choose the Divine Level Skill which has now reached Level 7.

Now Qin Shaofeng’s skills have been leveled up to Level 7 with 5 skills: Dancing Sky Art, Golden Fire Eyes, Sharingan, Controlling Lightning Divine Technique and Cloud Pill Technique.

However, Controlling Lightning Divine Technique and Cloud Pill Technique are special skills. Although the Skill Points consumed by upgrading skills are consistent, the mission requires Divine Level Skill. In order not to cause depression, Qin Shaofeng only intends to choose Divine Level Skill. .

So the choice for Qin Shaofeng is just Dancing Sky Art, Golden Fire Eyes and Sharingan.

Of course, other Divine Level Skills Little Li Throwing Knife and Northern Darkness Divine Art are also Skills at Level 6, which are also considered by Qin Shaofeng.

After all, it is only the gap between Level 6 and Level 7, which is not too much. If you choose, it will not be a problem.

But after thinking about it for a while, Qin Shaofeng decided to improve with Sharingan.

This is also inevitable.

Because Sharingan’s ascension can awaken other Dojutsu or exclusive skills, one ascension is exactly the same as having most skill awakenings.

From this point of view, it is definitely very cost-effective, and most importantly, Qin Shaofeng also wants to know what kind of changes have evolved to become Rinnegan’s Sharingan.

“Level 7 is Rinnegan, so what exactly can this Level 8 Sharingan evolve into?”

With a whisper, Qin Shaofeng’s eyes flashed with excitement and expectation, and then he gave instructions to system.

“System Prompt: Will Player Qin Shaofeng consume 10 Skill Points and level 7 Divine Level Skill Sharingan leveled to Level 8?”


With tacit approval in Qin Shaofeng’s mind, a system prompt sounded soon.

“System Prompt: Congratulations to Player Qin Shaofeng consumes 10 Skill Points and successfully leveled Skill Sharingan to Level 8 and Sharingan evolved into three-tomoe Rinne Sharingan!”

three-tomoe Rinne Sharingan?

Qin Shaofeng heart startled, but this situation is actually expected by Qin Shaofeng. Rinnegan’s evolution will naturally move towards Rinne Sharingan.

Sharingan: Level 8 34310000 / 1,000,000,000, Divine Level Active Skill, a kind of Dojutsu in “Naruto”, Uchiha Clan’s powerful Kekkei Genkai, is a powerful Dojutsu.

Current Level is Level 8, which has evolved from Rinnegan to Rinne Sharingan (three-tomoe)! After Sharingan has evolved to Rinne Sharingan, any Dojutsu that is performed outside of the special Dojutsu will no longer have any side effects. Awakening wooden 遁 skill!

Have Sharingan Dojutsu Skill: Susanoo, Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, Copy, Kamui, Kotoamatsukami, Izanagi.

Possess Rinnegan Dojutsu Skill: 6 soldiers of the Tao, God Luo Tian Zheng, 10000 elephant sky lead, earth explosion star, 6 clones.

Three-tomoe Rinne Sharingan evolved from Rinnegan, Sharingan reawakened skill.

Earthburst star and 6 clones!

This seems to awaken only two skills, but this is not the case.

The reason is very simple. The awakened skill is out of these 2 and there is also a Skill: Mu 遁 skill!

The awakening of this wooden puppet skill is not a skill, but a large number of wooden puppet skills.

Even because of the addition of a clog skill, Qin Shaofeng’s Skill Column directly applies a branch of a small skill tree.

A little bit of wooden 遁 skill appeared before Qin Shaofeng’s eyes.

Wooden rafter ingot wall

Clogs 4 Pillars

Clog 4 Pillar Home

Wooden cypress clone

Clog Multiple Wood Clone


These are just ordinary wooden cricket skills, like the comparatively high-level wooden cricket skills, as well as the wooden cricket tree eternal burial, the wooden cricket big forest technique, and the wooden cricket 10000 elephants …

But what attracted Qin Shaofeng’s attention was the last few wooden clogs.

Christmas tree

Clog secret technique

Wood Dragon Wood Dragon

Wooden Sorcerer Art

Mu Yi Ranking

Clogs in Cloth

Fairy wood 遁 1000 real hands

Fairy wood 遁 real number 1000 hands on top of the 仏

Unlike the Lightning Style Skill, the appearance of Mu 遁 skill seems to be from Low Level to High Level, especially the latter ones, and Qin Shaofeng 2’s eyes are dazzled.

This gave Qin Shaofeng the feeling that it was as if the wooden 遁 skill had awakened all at once.

But after Qin Shaofeng saw the conditions of these wooden clogs, Qin Shaofeng had a complete headache.

Indeed, Qin Shaofeng is now free to use whatever wooden slug skill is.

But whether this will succeed, we have to say another.

The reason is very simple. Almost all of the consumption of wooden clog skills are probably several times the same leveled up skill.

The wood ingot wall and wood clone in the front are not high in level and consume little, so Qin Shaofeng can show it.

But behind this, what is the birth of the tree world, the art of the wooden man, these wooden 遁 skills, Qin Shaofeng can not show any one.

Because the consumption is too large, even Qin Shaofeng now has 50,000 power.

Although the wooden man’s art and Susanoo seem to be almost the same, it seems that because of Qin Shaofeng strength increase, these skills, or Qin Shaofeng’s Sharingan, have been strengthened. All the awakened skills have an extraordinary improvement, which leads to the current performance. Get up and consume extremely terrifying.

This point Qin Shaofeng also guessed to some extent.

Because to be honest, according to Qin Shaofeng’s estimation of his current strength, if he really entered the comic world of Hokage, he would have been fucking awesome.

What Uchiha spots, what night maiden, each and everyone are hanged.

It is probably because of this. The awakening skills of Sharingan’s evolution have been improved after one after another.

Or directly, Sharingan’s skill has been thoroughly enhanced by system.

Compared to the original Sharingan and Rinnegan skills, Qin Shaofeng’s skills are all enhanced versions!

But because of this, Rinnegan’s original ability can only be awakened step by step as the Sharingan level increases.

Instead, after Qin Shaofeng owned Rinnegan, he owned Rinnegan’s own skills.

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