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After a while, Mei Old Third, who originally hated Qin Shaofeng, suddenly stood up struggling and saluted Qin Shaofeng respectfully.

Kotoamatsukami succeeded!

Although this Mei Old Third is a powerhouse of the Divine Level, after being seriously injured by the destruction of the Demi-God domain, it was suppressed by Qin Shaofeng’s Danjie Domain. Kotoamatsukami simply faced Qin Shaofeng without any resistance.

As soon as Kotoamatsukami showed up, Qin Shaofeng was successful in imprinting an absolute slave imprint in the depth of its Sea of ​​Consciousness.

The depth of Sea of ​​Consciousness is already the same as in the depth of one’s soul!

The imprint of Kotoamatsukami’s imprint is fundamentally changed. This is like a imprint that is so born. Once imprinted, it cannot be eliminated.

Unless the entire Sea of ​​Consciousness is thoroughly washed away, Kotoamatsukami’s imprint can be eliminated.

You can thoroughly clean up a person’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, which is completely equivalent to directly and thoroughly destroy a person’s soul.

That is to say, in addition to killing people who have been branded by Kotoamatsukami, simply cannot release Kotoamatsukami.

Maybe there are some terrifying powerhouses that have other means of lifting Kotoamatsukami.

But Qin Shaofeng is sure that such a powerhouse is probably far superior to Supreme and Demi-God, and also has a deep understanding of the soul. This is not even possible for the Vermilion Bird descendant Senior.

In this respect, Kotoamatsukami is also a solutionless Dojutsu.


Seeing Mei Old Third became so respectful in the blink of an eye, Qin Shaofeng not at all what was unexpected, just nodded, and then asked: “Okay, now you tell me what kind of strength there is around that city. ! “

“Yes!” May Old Third respectfully nodded, and then began to tell Qin Shaofeng about the situation around Gelian City without omission and in detail.

Although Mei Old Third was seriously injured at the moment, Qin Shaofeng did not suppress it with Danjie Domain at the moment, which also barely allowed Mei Old Third to hold on.

After an explanation by Mei Old Third, Qin Shaofeng was surprised.

First of all, May Old Third, they are truly brothers.

From Mei Boss Mei Old Seventh, Mei Old Third, they are all 7 members of a family, and they are the relationship between biological brothers and fathers brothers.

This Mei family also has a strong strength, which is considered to be a good strength under the fire tribe.

But 6 years ago, this Meijia tribe happened to have discovered a seriously injured King beast.

In fact, even if it was a King brute that was seriously injured, the strength was by no means the ordinary Demi-God.

But the Mei family was a wild ambition, and did not announce the matter. They planned to hunt the seriously injured wild beast with their own strength.

It’s not that the Mei family is really blind. The reason for this ambition is that the Mei family suddenly had an Old Ancestor ten years ago and fortunately broke through to Half God Realm.

This is the confidence of Mei’s dare to win the King Savage independently.

As a result, the hunting process was barely smooth, but unfortunately the King King was in despair and came directly to a Self-destruction.

This one is just fine.

King’s Self-destruction.

Then the Mei family was tragedy.

The only newly promoted Demi-God Old Ancestor, although it was not directly hung up, was seriously injured and was dying, and the Meijia tribe expert even fell.

At that time, it seemed that Heavens were taking care of the general situation, and the glorious city of Gorlen came out to encounter all this.

In the end, the city of Gelian used some weird means, not only rescued the Mei Family Old Ancestor, but Mei also directly controlled the other party, and then the Mei family tribe became directly his Majesty.

“That is to say, because of your Mei Family Old Ancestor, now your entire Mei family is a slave of his Gollian City?” Qin Shaofeng asked a little plainly when Mei Old Third said this.

“Yes!” May Old Third nodded, “I don’t know what method was used by Naglen City to make Old Ancestor thoroughly acknowledge allegiance on him, while others like us are taking a special poison and have to acknowledge allegiance That’s the city! “


So that’s how it is !

Qin Shaofeng nodded, completely understood.

Have some control over the strongest Mei Family Old Ancestor, and Demi-God like Mei Old Third is a poison control, and as long as the city of Golan controls Mei Old Third, how can they not obey him? What about the order of the city of Gorren?

Wait, that’s wrong!

be that as it may, but why in the short period of 6 years, May Old Third they all leveled to Half God Realm?

Speaking this question, Qin Shaofeng got an amazing answer from Mei Old Third.

“Master, you may not know. In the early years, the city of Gorren was lucky enough to have found an entrance to the source!”


Qin Shaofeng heard a horror in his heart.

Source of entry?

This is amazing!

In fact, it is indeed the case. The city found the source passageway when he was ten or twenty-three years old, but he did not at all inform him of his father and his family, or even anyone.

However, entering the source area also requires a certain strength, and the city of Golín entered for the first time near 20 years old.

However, the actual development of the source area is still after the Subduing Mei Family Old Ancestor and the Meijia Tribe of Golian City.

It is also because of the large number of source crystals in the source area that Mei Old Third can successfully promote Half God Realm.

Up to now, in fact, there are already ten Demi-Gods under Gelian City.

Well, now that the death of Mei Old Fourth and the previous Demi-God, only Mei Old Third has 8 Demi-Gods left.

Even so, the number is extremely staggering.

Compared to this, Qin Shaofeng felt unbelievable.

This obviously has a lot of source crystal aids, but this city is still the strength of the Saint Realm or the 8th Layer Realm.

Although this is already very genius, from Mei Old Third’s mouth, Qin Shaofeng understood, this Gelian City did not use source crystal for cultivation during cultivating.

“It’s really terrifying!” Recalling the previous performances of Gelian City, this made Qin Shaofeng feel bad.

Indeed terrifying!

In order not to expose the source channel to the slightest possibility, Gelian City chose to hide itself.

If not, relying on a large number of source crystals and the resources of the entire Meijia tribe, if Gelian City released cultivating, I am afraid that it has already entered Half God Realm.

In the end, however, Gorren City did not do so.

“Overthrow the Green King and build your Kingdom tribe?”

With a slight smile, Qin Shaofeng’s eyes flashed a playful light: “Without my presence, this city will probably be successful. But unfortunately, you have encountered me, and targeted me many times. Me! “

Building your own Kingdom tribe?

You’ll have to wait for your next life!

Coldly smiled in my heart, Qin Shaofeng flashed several thoughts and plans in his mind.


An hour later, Mei Old Third left Qin Shaofeng and went straight back to find Gelian City.

When he saw May Old Third again, Gorren City was startled.

“Old Third you hurt?”

Seeing the injury on May Old Third, Gorren City was suddenly surprised.

Although he didn’t enter Half God Realm, there are more Demi-Gods under his hand, which also makes Gelian City have a great understanding of Half God Realm.

In fact, if Gelian City wanted it, he would be able to enter Half God Realm in a short time, and even Gelian City could level himself to Realm like Mei Old Fourth within a few days.

Because of this, Gorren City can see at a glance that the status of Mei Old Third at this moment is completely the Demi-God’s realm being broken, and he has suffered extremely serious injuries.

This shocked him.

“No way, then the strength of Qin Shaofeng’s strength is unexpectedly strong. If it weren’t for the layout of Second Brother, I’m afraid I won’t be able to return!” Mei Old Third solemnly replied.


This shocked the city again, and then it was discovered that Mei Old Third was alone, eyes flashed, solemnly asked: “Tell me what happened!”

“Yes!” May Old Third nodded, and then explained.

“The thing is that this plan is going well, but our estimation of Qin Shaofeng strength is still a bit different. Then Qin Shaofeng strength is definitely not worse than mine. I finally used the method that Second Brother arranged before, which only overwhelmed him.

“But what I didn’t expect was that when I was about to subdue that Qin Shaofeng, he actually chose Self-destruction at the last minute. This made me unexpected, and then it was unexpected, Old Fourth, they all sacrificed! “

“Damn, that’s how it turns out!” Gorlian’s face sank completely.

The arrest of Qin Shaofeng was his ambition.

But in the end, not only was the man not caught, he also lost 2 Demi-God subordinates and the strength of a base.

Such a result is not what Gorren City would like to see.

The thought of Qin Shaofeng in his own plan is also an important part. This one lacks Qin Shaofeng, but has been affected a lot!

The more he thought of Gelian City, the more angry he became, but he was not easy to get angry with Mei Old Third.

After all, in the end, he made the plan, and the person he chose was also determined by him. In the end, there were such results, and speaking of which was also his problem.

Gelian City did not believe that Mei Old Third would lie because he was confident that his control of the Mei family would not cause any problems.

Moreover, talking about May Old Third’s strength, in his subordinate is also the top 5 battle strength, Gelian City also has a different attitude towards it.

After thinking about this, Gelian Cheng finally sighed and said to Mei Old Third: “Forget it, this is my mistake. Didn’t expect that Qin Shaofeng’s strength is so good, this is not your fault.”

Speaking of feeling the aura of Mei Old Third at the moment, Gelian City found a storage bag and said to Mei Old Third: “Find a place to recover from the injury, these source crystals are enough for you to recover.”

Once Demi-God’s Demi-God domain is forcibly destroyed, although it can be repaired by itself, it is too slow.

If this is assisted by active crystals, the recovery speed will naturally be much faster.

“Yes!” May Old Third took the storage bag, and the person was quick to retreat.

However, Gelian City didn’t find Mei Old Third at this moment. At the moment when he bowed his head, the strange smile on the corner of his mouth appeared.

Qin Shaofeng Self-destruction?

How can this be?

This is actually just a scheme of Qin Shaofeng.

After learning the strength around Gelian City, Qin Shaofeng knew that with his current strength, facing the city of Gelin simply would have no chance of winning.

So, after thinking about it, Qin Shaofeng decided to let Mei Old Third return to the city of Gelian as an undercover agent to inform himself that he was dead.

After all, Qi Dongming and Han Ruoyu were still in the hands of Gorren City, so that Mei Old Third could return to Gorren City to rescue the two people more smoothly.

And having an inner side beside Gelian City is also a good thing for Qin Shaofeng.

Based on these circumstances, Qin Shaofeng let Mei Old Third sneak in and stay beside Gelian City.

Then, there is what it is now.

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