
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

The identities of the two thin old men are unknown to others.

As the local person in charge of all matters, Zhang Qingwen was the second elder Xuanshan who had heard of it 70 years ago.

These two elders were once the leading figures among Loose Cultivator.

I didn’t know why, but disappeared suddenly for decades.

When they reappear, they are already powerhouses in the void, dominating the Xuanshan generation for more than 30 years.

It didn’t disappear completely from the world until they provoked them Yunxian Palace.

As a principal.

Zhang Qingwen once heard that these two elders were not beheaded by Yunxian Hall, but by some unknown means, they subduing them into Yunxian Hall, specifically responsible for some shameful things.

A little half a month ago, seven dísciples in Yunxian Palace were killed.

Then he sent out, and the two who chased Qin Shaofeng also lost news.

He was the most nervous time in his heart.

Suddenly there are two demonic path giants, why is he unhappy?

“Since the two elders are here, we don’t need to worry about whether there will be strong strength interference in the north, and the top five Loose Cultivators we have collected are enough to win these three contests. Chongming Pond will definitely be what we have in Yunxian Temple!” Zhang Qingwen laughed wildly.

As everyone knows.

In the City Lord Mansion of Tianbei City at this moment.

Du City Lord and the others who was still anxious, the worry on his face has mostly disappeared.

There is Cangming Palace behind Yunxian Hall, so it is not difficult to find the powerhouse.

Compared with the City Lord Mansion of Tianbei City at least, it is a sky and an underground.

But Qin Shaofeng and the others did not hear from it.

It was when they were most anxious that three youngsters came to the door.

“Together with Young Master, wear Young Master, Young Master Chu, we can get the help of three powerhouses from the endless mountain in Tianbei City, and we will be able to keep Chongming Pond, hahaha…”

Du City Lord smiled and peach blossomed: “As for the rewards of the three helpers, don’t worry, we will definitely give them a satisfactory price after the arrival of the Young Master of Beitianzhan, hahaha…”


“It doesn’t matter whether you are paid or not.”

Du City Lord was called out one after another according to the three people’s cultivation base aura and the three people’s positions.

But he didn’t expect, and the one who said this turned out to be the Young Master Chu who seemed to have the weakest cultivation base, and was the last one.

Young Master Chu’s gaze moved towards Du City Lord. Behind Du City Lord, the girl who looked twelve or thirteen years old laughed and said, “Since Yue’er Younger Sister asked us to help, we should honor does not allow one to glance Back, where can I get Beitian’s reward?”

His words are very strange.

At least in the eyes of the sophisticated Du City Lord, it is simply a great anecdote.

What is Yue’er asking for help, should honor does not allow one to glance back?

Look at that Young Master Chu’s gaze again.

He suddenly had a bad feeling.

That bastard surnamed Chu, wouldn’t he have an idea about his daughter?

What’s the joke?

My daughter is just twelve years old this year?

This guy, It shouldn’t be so bastard, right?

Holding one in ten thousand hope, he moved towards the other two Young Masters and looked over.

When he saw the expressions of the two of them clearly, he almost squirted blood.

Because the two of them are staring at the Young Master Chu with weird expressions at this time, their eyes are exactly the same as he just now.

That bastard surnamed Chu is really a bastard!

How can this be?

My poor Yue’er!

She is only twelve years old this year!

“haha, I heard that Yue’er girl also invited three reinforcements, but it was the young powerhouse that came out of the endless mountain. It really made me curious! I just don’t know…”

Zhan Zui’s laughter came from a distance.

The speech was not over, Zhan Zuixin had already walked into the living room.

When he saw the last person of the three people sitting in the guest seat, his eyes were dull, and even his unfinished words disappeared.

next moment.

It was supposed to be excited and intoxicated, but suddenly jumped up and pointed at the last young man’s gnashing teeth and roared: “Chu Huan! It turned out to be you bastard, where did you trick me, Younger Sister! ?”

What! ?

The Younger Sister who was Zhan Zhanxin Young Master was deceived by this guy?

No, no!

If we remember correctly.

After Zhan Zuixin Young Master was drunk last time, he seemed to have said that if his Younger Sister had not disappeared, he should be as old as Yue’er now?

The time when his Younger Sister disappeared seemed to be six months ago.


This guy won’t even let a girl under twelve years old!

Asshole! Bastard!

“I say who is who, it turned out to be Big Uncle brother!”

Chu Huan didn’t see any embarrassment in his eyes, smiled and stood up, cup one fist in the other hand bowed, and said: “Big Uncle brother, Chu Huan is polite.”

“I, I, I have your sister! Where’s my Younger Sister!?” Zhan Zui jumped sharply.

He seems to have forgotten that none of the two people next to Chu Huan is something he can beat.

To deceive his young Younger Sister’s hatred, absolutely can’t just leave it alone.

“Big Uncle, what are you talking about, that… By the way, who is your Younger Sister?” Chu Huan seemed to want to say a name, but he couldn’t remember it when he said it.

This reaction caused almost everyone to spray blood.

Even his two companions have fiercely’s patted foreheads.

“This Chu Huan is really nothing. I recognize him Big Uncle, but I don’t know who the Younger Sister is.”

“If he were not a bastard, he wouldn’t…that’s all, that’s all. I don’t want to, the more I think about it, the more sad!”

“If it weren’t for…I really want to take a palm shot!”

“Thinking the same.”

The two of them did not evasive either.

Speaking loudly, it seems that it is no worse than Zhan Zhan Zhan under the rage, so that Du City Lord and the others are both dizzy and eyes blurred.

What did Chu Huan do?

Even his same sect wants to shoot him to death.

“Two Senior Brothers, what you said is wrong. It is clear that even Martial Uncle has taken a look at me. Doesn’t it seem to have anything to do with me?” Chu Huan hurriedly explained.

It’s okay if he doesn’t explain, this explanation makes Zhan Zuixin vomit blood.

This bastard didn’t even let go of his own Martial Uncle?

“Chu Huan, you better shut up for me, and if you dare to mention my Master’s name, I will slap you to death with a palm!” Qi Young Master roared.

Wearing Young Master directly pulled out the long sword from his waist.

If you dare to say a word, I will kill you on the spot.

Everyone was overwhelmed.

The two Masters?

This, this, this… so awesome!

When he was eleven years old, he was enough bastard. He even lied to his Master of Martial Uncle and Senior Brother.

Is this still something Human Race can do?

It seems that even the star beast doesn’t have this ability, right?

“Stop talking, let’s talk about my Big Uncle brother first!” Chu Huan quickly begged for mercy.

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