
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“This is also medicine pill?”

Du Zhixing held the pitch-black ball in his hand. No matter how he looked at it, he couldn’t see the slightest medicine pill.

I looked up suspiciously at Qin Shaofeng who was going away.

Look at the black ball in his hand at this moment.

He can feel that Qin Shaofeng looks solitary, but in fact his vision is not what he can compare.

I’m afraid that the young Master who came out from the Heavenly Palace in the northern sky and Zhan Zhexin will not work either.

With this thought, he cautiously peeled the outer skin of the black ball.

I saw a layer of wax pellets that seemed to be soaked in dirt and I don’t know how many years old appeared before my eyes.

The wax pellets have also turned dark.

Du Zhixing looked at the wax pill, and couldn’t help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

As long as the medicine pill can be sealed with this wax pill, the level will not be too bad.

It happened that Qin Shaofeng stored such things like this, which really left him speechless.

The wax pellets have become like this, obviously they can no longer be used.

He hurriedly took out a jade box for medicine pill, and then carefully crushed the wax pill.

A refreshing Danxiang Aura immediately made him feel like a shock.

“This, what level of medicine pill is this, just sniffing a scent of pill, can it have such a magical effect?” Du Zhixing’s eyes were about to stare out.

Understanding the magic of this thing, he hurriedly put medicine pill in the jade box, for fear of losing medicine pill medicine efficacy.

“What are you in a daze? If we don’t catch up quickly, we will be lost in a while.”

The Killing Army didn’t know when he came to him, patted his shoulder and spoke.

Du Zhixing immediately startedled.

Looking at Qin Shaofeng, who had reached the end of his field of vision, and seemed to be blocked by the bushes at any time, he hurried to catch up.

“Master Li, Master Li, this medicine pill is too expensive, I can’t accept it!” Du Zhixing handed over the jade box quickly.

Compared to the dark ball when Qin Shaofeng took it out.

At this moment, it’s better to sell the picture above, I don’t know hundreds of times.

Qin Shaofeng glanced back and shook his head in contempt.

“Trifling Feihong Dan, I said that sending you is sending you, what nonsense?” Qin Shaofeng glanced at him very uncomfortably.

This is exactly the top grade healing medicine pill he got when he was in the land of the shining star.

The cultivation environment in the Land of the Stars is extremely poor.

But I have to say.

Because of the existence of Tianlian Mountain, some supreme treasures in the Land of the Stars, even if they are obtained from the Cangming Realm, are also Peak.

This is how Feihong Dan is at this moment.

It’s a pity.

He also has dozens of Tianying Pills. He simply doesn’t like this level of medicine pill.

Not to mention, his fan house, no! Now it should be said that in the ghost mansion, there is still a Top Level pill refining everyone.

What medicine pill does he want, simply don’t need to consider the grade issue.

Trifling Feihong Dan is really not in his eyes.

Du Zhixing didn’t know their situation. Looking at Qin Shaofeng’s disdainful gaze, he almost spurt a mouthful of blood.

What is the situation?

Why is this person so unique?

Even this is a superb medicine pill, can you be so dismissive?

“Let’s go!”

Qin Shaofeng not at all answered his questions.

Instead, he took the two of them quickly through the mountains and forests.

One hour.

Two hours.

Qin Shaofeng’s previous shock injury is not a major injury. With his continuous battles, his injuries are getting worse.

Du Zhixing looked at his increasingly pale face and had already taken out the medicine pill several times.

Whenever he sends medicine pill over, all he can see is Qin Shaofeng’s back.

Time is approaching three hours.

The aura of breakthrough was uploaded from Qin Shaofeng.

The injuries that weren’t serious in the first place immediately recovered, and even his huge consumption has already recovered.

“Finally able to stabilize the grind mobs, comfortable!”

Qin Shaofeng laughed heartily.

And his performance has already stunned Du Zhixing.

“Unexpectedly…relying on breakthrough to heal? This, this…”

Du Zhixing was already speechless in shock.

He had thought about a lot of probability before, but without exception, he couldn’t think of this situation.

Relying on breakthrough to heal injuries, in the past it sounded like a fantasy story!

It’s just that.

I even did it in front of him.

It really deserves to be someone who has survived the killing. It’s really not what I can imagine for mortal!

While he was still thinking about it in the heart, he saw Qin Shaofeng rushed out again moved towards the front.

Qin Shaofeng still has only the Broken Sword in his hands.

Available this time.

Du Zhixing discovered that Qin Shaofeng has become completely different from before.

It’s still just a star beast in the sky and moon position.

When Qin Shaofeng faced it before, he had to match two moves.

But now it’s just passing by.

The dignified Heavenly Moon Star Beast had no room to fight back in front of him, and it fell directly to the ground.

As everyone knows.

Qin Shaofeng’s previous injuries are not too great.

But his consumption is too great.

In the mountains and forests, without seeing any danger for the time being, he was still reluctant to use Tianying Pill.

And his cultivation base is from Rank 3 day and month breakthrough to Rank 4 day and month.

Battle strength is a hundredfold improvement.

Under this situation, his battle strength jumped directly to a point where the superficial Du Zhixing could not imagine it, which was naturally normal.

Time passed by little by little.

One day, two days, three days…

Unconsciously, the time for the competition is getting closer and closer.

Finally, when only the last two days are left.

In the camp of Yunxian Temple outside Tianbei City.

Two middle-aged men with a gloomy face suddenly appeared in the camp.

The sudden appearance of these two people directly shocked the people in the camp.

After seeing people coming clearly.

Peak powerhouse, the shining star of the person in charge here, Zhang Qingwen showed surprise in his eyes and quickly got up from the chair he was sitting on.

In everyone’s surprised expressions, moved towards the two men bowed and bowed.

Zhang Qingwen respectfully bowed down: “The Gate Lord outside Yunxian Temple is Zhang Qingwen, and I have seen two Protector Sirs.”

“No more.”

Both of them feel like an old man.

One of them spoke at will, making the space in the camp seem to be frozen.

Even the existence of a cultivation base such as Zhang Qingwen can’t control his body to stand up straight.

“The two of us came today, just because there may be some accidents here. The fight for Chongming Pool is still hosted by you. We are just two spectators.” The old man said in a cold voice.

“Yes, Protector Sir.”

Zhang Qingwen seems to have known this situation for a long time, and even the slightest doubt in his eyes is not seen.

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