
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Come back, we finally came back alive, wu wu wu……”

A group of youngsters, the oldest and less than 20 years old, looked at the familiar city gate, and tears appeared in their eyes.

Especially the two little girls, their tears seemed to burst.

The loud cry immediately attracted the eyes of countless good people.

The members of the City Lord Mansion guard responsible for guarding the city gate were also aware of the movement here.

The wearer’s chain mail, a middle-aged man who is obviously a Small Captain, said to everyone: “Look at this side first. I will go over and see what happened.”

He hurried to the group of children.

These children are only several hundred meters away from the city gate.

Small Captain is also an old man in Tianbei City. It stands to reason that the identity of the group of children can be seen at a glance.

The problem still comes from the group of children.

This group of people were all dirty, especially the three boys’ coats. They all took off and made them into stretchers.

Though the two little girls are not so miserable.

However, after more than ten consecutive days of rushing around in the mountains and forests to find their way, the expensive clothes on their bodies have long since become tattered.

The dirt and dead branches and leaves make others look like beggar costumes.

Combine the dirt on their faces.

I’m afraid that their parents, apart from several hundred li, dare not directly admit that they are their children.

Small Captain changed from three steps to two steps, and soon he was in front of people.

When he saw these teenagers, he felt a little familiar at first.

The problem is that those people in his memory, which ones are not comparable to those with cleanliness?

How did it become like this?

Especially the little girl who is crying the most, holding a dirty long sword in her hand.

The tip of the sword seems to be almost flattened, apparently caused by being dragged on the ground often.

Even the position of the handle is still in tatters, and it is full of sludge. It doesn’t look like the weapon that the group of pampered young masters should take.


His gaze was glanced at the stretcher surrounded by the group of children.

On the stretcher is a more filthy one, full of alcohol, and in this state, there is still one in his left hand, which is clearly made of a bottle gourd torn from a vine Wine bottle gourd.

This group of people is so speechless!

“You, you are… how did you become like this?”

Small Captain quickly recognized the identity of the group of people in the chain mail, almost staring out a pair of eyes.

“Big Brother Baishan, we, we, wow…”

The girl holding the dirty long sword is Lu Qianqian from Lú Family.

Although is she is not familiar with this Small Captain.

After seeing her acquaintance again, she was still aggrieved and burst into tears again.

“Are you… Qian Young Lady?”

Baishan Small Captain struggled to identify Lu Qianqian’s identity, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and asked: “Then…Du Young Master? Young Master Luo? Star Young Lady? White Young Master?”

He finally had a hard time identifying everyone.

The more he recognizes it, the more he feels that his three views are about to be subverted.

I really can’t imagine, it really is this group of Young Master and Lady.

Looking at the appearance of these people, he did not dare to delay the slightest, and hurriedly shouted to the guards responsible for guarding the city gate: “Bai Kang, Lu Zhong, Luo Xian, immediately notify the City Lord and Three Great Families, Young Master and Lady are back.”

The cry of the movie is noisy enough.

The shout of Baishan Small Captain was even louder, obviously disturbing the person on the stretcher.

“I have wine now, I am drunk…”

The man on the stretcher made a dreamy sound, and without opening his eyes, he delivered the bottle gourd to his mouth again.

Baishan Small Captain and the crowd who came to watch the excitement were immediately shocked by this behavior.

How capable is this ahhh?

Under such a noisy Illusion Realm, why can’t he let his eyes opened?

The opposite is that after finally waking up so little, all you remember is to drink?

How wonderful is he?

On the other hand, a few children have long been used to it.

Du Shijie watched the alcoholic use his face to lift the bottle gourd lid, and hurriedly moved forward, still crying and said, “Senior, your wine was finished yesterday. We are already back. I will take you to buy it. Wine, buy good wine.”

“Drinked… finished?!”

The alcoholic seems to have discovered something extremely surprised.

Unexpectedly cried out in surprise, he sat up straight, and turned the bottle gourd over. Seeing that there was indeed no drop of wine in the bottle gourd, he shouted again: “Where is the wine? Me? Where’s your wine? Who drank my wine, was it you?”

Everyone fainted again.

Did this guy hear what Du Young Master said?

It is clear that you drank it yourself yesterday.

People are going to buy you wine, okay?

“I’m underage, my father doesn’t allow me to drink.”

Du Shijie seems to have been used to such questioning a long time ago, and quickly said: “If I dare to drink, my father must take my skin off.”

The drunkard let him go, and turned to look at the others.

“I am younger than Shijie’s Big Brother, so I definitely can’t drink!” Luo Zhong said quickly.

“Senior, I am here to take you to buy wine.”

Bai Wensong smiled.

The purchase of alcohol finally made the alcoholic sober.

He didn’t use his hands to support the ground, the whole person was like a spring, and he suddenly bounced: “Buy wine, right, right, buy wine, buy me wine quickly.”

White Mountain Small Captain is still unknown.

But he has a lot of insights, knowing that these Young Masters are also arrogant in front of their father. This is the first time that they are so in awe of someone.

“Senior, take a break, and we will take you to buy wine.” Du Shijie’s hands were already on the stretcher.

“Take a rest? No rest, buy wine, go!”

The drunkard is about to leave.

Where is the wine in the direction he is going?

Because he is facing Bai Wensong, if he really goes on like this, he will only pass by a city that is less than a kilometer away.

“Senior, there is wine for sale in Tianbei City over there.”

Bai Wensong seems to have been used to the behavior of a drunkard a long time ago, and quickly stepped forward to help, and at the same time pointed to the direction of the city gate.

When Du Shijie Young Master saw this, he ran over immediately.

In the eyes of everyone who doesn’t know why.

I saw the drunkard turned his upper body, but didn’t move his lower body, and moved forward facing the city gate with his feet facing east.

One step forward.

‘Pop! ’

Although the two came quickly, they were a little too late, causing the alcoholic to stick to the ground.

White Mountain Small Captain is messy in the wind again.

He watched this group of Little Young Masters respect the alcoholic so much, subconsciously this is a powerhouse.

But the scene before him really made his little heart a little unbearable.

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