
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“A poem, a bucket of wine, a long song, a sword of the world! hahaha…”

Qin Shaofeng’s laughter became more and more arrogant.

Sword Qi in his hand is also becoming more and more terrifying in his crazy state.

Just two breaths of time.

The flock of evil wind crows that originally occupied a small part of the sky has already been casualty for more than half under his long sword.

The flock of bad wind crows, which had not many surpluses, felt fear.

One after another, in a bad cry that makes people want to go crazy.

The large swarms of bad wind crows are about to flee.

Three short breaths of battle.

Qin Shaofeng has already killed nearly 200 million stars and months from the evil wind crows.

Faced with so many EXP, how could he give up?

At the moment when the Bad Wind Crow is about to escape his attack range.

Qin Shaofeng suddenly took advantage of a bad wind crow at his feet, and suddenly pursued and killed the bad wind crow group ahead.

“If escape is useful, what do you need to do with long sword? hahaha……”

Qin Shaofeng today is almost a bedevilment among the characters he designed.

who lines, what ancient famous lines.

It doesn’t seem to matter anymore.

Anyway, as long as the voice is spoken, he can seem to be beaten.

Stepping on three bad wind crows in a row.

Lightning between flints.

He caught up with the swarms of bad wind crows again.

“Drunk, look at the sword by the lamp!”

The loud shout sounded again.

He made three moves in succession this time.

The endless cold glow seemed to fill the void in front of him.

Sword glow is like a machine gun running away.

No! The machine gun does not seem to have this speed.

Just a breath!

Just a breath.

The original horrible flock of bad wind crows only left a few scattered ones, and they flew towards the distance without looking back.

The battle started quickly, and it ended very quickly.

At the end of the last sword, he had fallen from the air.

Yes, it is indeed a fall.

It seems that at this moment, his drinking spirit is coming up again, and he can’t even catch the long sword.

The long sword broke out and pierced into the ground at a speed several times faster than him.

next moment.


Qin Shaofeng, the whole person was like a puddle of mud being thrown down in the sky, and it fell heavily to the ground.


He actually fell asleep again.

Du Shijie worked with the young people, when he saw Qin Shaofeng, who was originally like an ordinary drunk, suddenly hit Kamui.

In a short period of time, they will kill the evil wind crows that are like stray dogs.

Everyone is about to cheer for Qin Shaofeng.

But no one came to shout for the first time, and was refreshed by the scene once again.

“This…what happened to this?”

“Senior…is injured?”

“Why can’t I understand it?”

“The former seniority obviously won a big victory, why did he suddenly fall from in the sky?”

“Quickly, go see if Senior is injured.”

A group of young men and women immediately surrounded Qin Shaofeng.

After looking around in a hurry.

They finally discovered a fact that shocked them.

That was when Qin Shaofeng fell in a high altitude of several 10 meters, unscathed.

But they fell asleep at the end of the battle.

This, this, this…

A bunch of young people were completely shocked by the power of Qin Shaofeng.

It was not Qin Shaofeng’s powerlessness that shocked them.

It’s the terrifying ability that can sleep well regardless of situation or occasion.

“Senior, Senior, you wake up.”

Du Shijie boldly called out a few times.

After the battle, Qin Shaofeng, who was lazy again, saw how valuable these shouts were?

Scream, Young Master is going to sleep now anyway.

Called for a long while.

Said that some young people also discovered a fact that almost stunned them.

That’s because the Senior slept too hard to wake up.

“Master Du Young, what should we do now?” Bai Wensong asked Du Shijie with an incredulous face.

“What do I do?”

Du Shijie obviously didn’t understand Bai Wensong’s meaning.

Bai Wensong couldn’t help frowning, and said: “We don’t know where we are now. Obviously, this Senior can’t show us a way out, so how do we leave this ghost place now?”

Du Shijie was stunned again.

His status is indeed the highest, and it stands to reason that he should be in command of the people.

But now he has a paste in his mind.

Where do I know what to do?

His heart is chaotic, but he is not stupid.

After a little thought, he already guessed the reason for Bai Wensong’s question, and asked: “Bai Eldest Brother, I believe you have plans now, why don’t you tell me what you think?”

Luo Zhong, Luo Xing’er and Lu Qianqian all looked at Bai Wensong.

Where do they know what to do?

The previous escapes were all running around. Now that they are lucky enough to survive, their hearts are even more confused.

“We really don’t know where the way out is, but as long as we often climb to the top of the tree and look at the sun, we believe we can find a way to leave soon, but the road is too dangerous.”

Bai Wensong’s eyes flashed with crafty rays of light: “Senior’s cultivation is indeed very strong, but he probably doesn’t know the way out. Why don’t we take Senior back as a guest?”

All the young people’s eyes flashed suddenly.


They no longer have any guards. Du Shijie and Bai Wensong, who only have the highest cultivation base and rank 1 in the yellow moon, are simply not eligible to survive in the Cangming mountain range.

But as long as they bring Qin Shaofeng, the situation will be completely different.

As long as the danger comes, if they can awaken Qin Shaofeng, they will be able to survive a crisis safely.

Not to mention, they came to mission in the mountain range of Cangming.

Qin Shaofeng may be super unreliable.

But they have seen it with their own eyes about the strength, and maybe they can calculate it according to the mission!

“How should we bring Senior?”

Luo Zhong looked at Qin Shaofeng who was like a puddle of mud, and asked a question that left all the young people speechless.

Du Shijie’s expression on his face is even more weird.

Bai Wensong sighed deeply after hesitating for a while, and said: “We are like this now. We all put down our identities as the pampered young master. Let’s get a stretcher. Let’s take the Senior in turn.”

They were originally pampered second-generation ancestors, and they have never done such a thing.

But think about their current situation.

No one refuted anything.

Immediately, under Bai Wensong’s arrangement, a group of young men and women began to move.

None of them knew how to make stretchers.

But they can still figure out how to make something that can lift people.

Some people look for sticks, some look for soft canes.

After a little one hour.

The entire group took turns carrying the stretcher on the trip.

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