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“It is true that you cannot violate my Blood Race promise.”

Blood Race, the emperor’s side, the young Blood Race said: “But father, I feel that what cousin Xue Se said, but there may not be no place for us to use.”

“Go on!”

Blood Race Emperor is still the indifferent expression before.

“Although our Blood Race cannot break our promise, we can also make our position clear. This incident is the fault of Young Emperor Cangming. Our Blood Race only supports Qin Shaofeng with a neutral position and full-strength.” Blood Race youngster said softly.

Momentarily, the bloody pupils twinkled with fine light.

I have long heard that my young cousin is super-wise, but didn’t expect to be super-normal to this level.


Why didn’t I think about it?

Our Blood Race is also one of the major races in the Cangming world. Why can’t we mix into the Human Race thing?

“Dragons still exist in this matter, and the dragons do not have many heads of divine light. We only need a little manipulation, and it may not be impossible to push the dragons to the endless mountain.” The Blood Race youth spoke again.

“Yes, Huang Er’s plan is really good.”

The Emperor Blood Race finally laughed and said: “Mo Ling, you can go back to the Human Race world. Remember, you didn’t hear anything today.”


Mo Ling quickly backed away.

But her heart about this incident was full of shock.

She didn’t expect to leave here today to report information. Not only did she see the emperor Sir, but also the blood emperor, the rumored future leader of the Blood Race.

Although I cannot see their faces.

For Mo Ling, this is also a great honor!

After Mo Ling left.

Orders came from the mouth of Emperor Blood Race.

He is obviously an activist, so he is ready to act at any time.

When planning on the Blood Race side.

The great influences of Cangming Realm are also shaken.

After hearing about the Heavenly Secret City, the current Palace Lord of the Void Palace immediately ordered the Void Palace to be closed immediately, and no one was allowed to participate in the affairs of Cangming Palace and Infinite Mountain.

Dharma Courtyard is as calm as ever, as if the incident in Heavenly Secret City simply never happened.

What should they do and how they are.

As the most low-key influence in the entire Cangming world, they simply don’t need to worry that someone will involve them.

But compared to their self-protection.

More strength is starting to wait and see.

This is the case of Yunxian Palace and Lingyun Immortal Palace. They did not go to the heavenly banquet, but they also knew that the Kunjia family, a turbulent space family, is also like so.

There are also many influences who cannot calm down.

After hearing the truth, the Great Northern Heaven dared all the people of the Heavenly Palace in Northern Heaven.

He didn’t know what he had said to Young Emperor Zhan Cangkong.

In short, after this incident, Beitian remained as usual.

But when people familiar with the emperor saw the emperor again, they could feel the worry in the emperor’s eyes.


This is one of the most lively places in Human Race influence.

Those who went to participate in the Tianji Banquet this time, although they are only the dísciple of the Great Western Heavenly Emperor.

But when the matter of Heavenly Secret City was immediately understood, he returned with someone.

Not for other reasons, but because of Ximen’s frozen appearance.

The appearance is too much like the Great Emperor and the Young Emperor.

In the days when he was in Heavenly Secret City, he tried his best to get some people who went to the Old Ancestor courtyard with the Dragon Young Patriarch Long Tianyin to help him bring back something.

Three hairs.

He wasn’t sure if he had Ximen Bingrong’s hair, but he still presented the hair to the Master immediately.

“This hair…”

The Great Western Heavenly Emperor rubbed the hair for a long time, and suddenly jumped up from Dragon Throne.

A few meters in one jump, he almost hit the beam before landing slowly.

“Yes, this and the hair really have the existence of the Emperor Bloodline, and that Zi Bingning is very likely to be related to the Emperor. The order is that the Emperor will visit the Lord of the Infinite Mountain in person.” Xitian the Great Ximen Tianxin said loudly Ordered.

The emperor had to travel in person.

The news spread all over Daxitian immediately.

Momentarily, Daxitian is just like a joke.

Almost at the same time.

Cangming Palace.

The order of Emperor Cangming spread throughout the entire continent. The influence: “The dísciple Qin Shaofeng of the Endless Mountain generation combined with the Young Patriarch of the dragon clan. , Immediately send troops to the endless mountain, and the endless mountain must surrender the two major murderers who have harmed Heaven’s Mystery Building.”

Although Emperor Cangming is the co-master of the Cangming world.

But he was very skillful in giving orders, only to put all the blame on Qin Shaofeng and Dragon Young Master Long Tianyin.

From start to finish, I haven’t mentioned the two brothers of Endless Red Moon and Endless Senior Sister that really caused the tragedy of Heaven’s Mystery Building.

It’s not that he isn’t angry, it’s that even he don’t dare provoke the Senior Sister brothers.

The only remaining four Head Disciples of the endless prison lineage.

No, it should be said that it is Five Head Disciple now.

The two things he can’t provoke most are those two beings. He doesn’t want to cause him so much trouble.

Dragon Valley.

The dragon patriarch Dragon Sky also jumped up in anger.

“What are you talking about? How dare he insult my Dragon Clan to this level?” Long Cangqi has only one heir for thousands of years.

His calf guard is definitely not what Human Race can imagine.


Sound of dragon’s roar immediately resounded throughout Dragon Valley.

“Except for the Great Elder of the Dragon Clan who led the First Dragon Clan to stay in the Dragon Valley, all the dragons of the cultivation base above the Void Realm will immediately follow me!” Dragon Cangqiang’s command was endless.

But the dragon powerhouse is the first time I have seen patriarch be so aggressive.

No one dare to ask at this time.

All dragons are acting immediately.

Until moved towards the endless mountain after flying for a long time, they didn’t know what they were going to do this trip.

And when the influence of all parties acted.

A ragged silhouette with empty eyes, like a walking corpse-like silhouette, has already climbed to the top of the mountain peak of the Zunxian Temple.

His silhouette appeared, and immediately attracted countless people’s attention.

An extremely angry voice resounded: “Who, how dare you be good at us without permission?”

This is the powerhouse in the void that guards the endless mountain.

He didn’t even find the slightest trace of people coming before people coming. How could he not be shocked?

The shock was huge, and it turned into anger following the man’s performance.

“I, I am… I want to see Qi Tomb, Qi Xian, Qi Palace Lord…”

People coming have a hoarse and intermittent voice, as if they have not spoken for a long time, as if they have forgotten how to speak.

The powerhouse in the void that intercepted him was stunned.

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