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“The subordinate Mo Ling wants to see the emperor!”

In the depths of a continuous mountain, where there are countless roars of star beasts, a delicate female voice shouted loudly in front of a big mountain cliff.

Her voice seemed to alarm the star beast entrenched in the vicinity.

Countless beast roars that make people feel terrified suddenly resounded.

Standing in front of the cliff, this beautiful girl with the appearance of Human Race, whose cultivation base has reached the Void Realm, seems so small in the roar of the beasts.

This is the core of the largest mountain in the Cangming Realm.

As the largest mountain range in the Cangming Realm.

The name of the mountain is also named after Cangming.

The name is still unknown how long ago, Blood Race powerhouse named it himself.

And here is also where the base camp of Blood Race is located.

The geographical advantage is too great.

Let’s not talk about the powerhouses of Blood Race, even the various terrifying star beasts in the Cangming Mountains are not an ordinary sense of existence and easy contact.

Blood Race has been operating for so many years, which has made it the safest place in Cangming.

This is what they dare to say, let Human Race devote their lives to help their cultivation.

They can kill the ghosts and corpses alone.

“Come in!”

A vicissitudes of life sounded from the cliff.


The cliff seems to rise up as a whole moved towards, revealing a huge stone gate.

Mo Ling, a woman who looks like Human Race, moved towards Blood Race Elderly who just opened the cliff gate to him and bowed: “Mo Ling has seen Protector.”

“Go in!”

Elderly waved her hand indifferently.

Mo Ling moved towards the cliff gate and walked in.

Cross the corridor that can be said to be invisible.

When Mo Ling stopped, there were two more doors in front of her.

The two doors are all carved by jade stone.

Two Blood Race youths stood in front of the gate, like two scarlet statues.

“Blood Race Mo Ling asked to see Emperor Sir.” Mo Ling moved towards Two guards who looked like stone carvings bowed and saluted.

“Emperor Sir already knows, but Xue Se is reporting important matters to Sir. Just wait here for the order of Emperor Sir!” A Blood Race said in a deep voice.

Mo Ling didn’t dare to be disrespectful, he didn’t even move back, just waiting so quietly.

One hour in the past.

The Blood Race that opened before reached out and pushed a jade stone door open, saying: “Emperor Sir lets you in.”


Mo Ling lowered his head and bent over, as if he could only look at his toes as he walked into the door step by step.

This is a great hall like an Imperial Palace.

The decorations are carved from various rare materials in the world.

If the scarlet carpet on the ground is a person who recognizes the goods, it can be recognized at a glance. This is not a carpet, but a legendary giant beast fur.

Even if it’s a tiny piece brought to Human Race world, it will surely be able to sell an extremely expensive one.

It is at the core of this Blood Race, but it can only be used as a carpet.

Blood Race stepped forward forty-four steps, and prostrate oneself in admiration, kneeling down, regardless of whether there was someone in front of him, and directly respectfully said: “Blood Race Dark Line Mo Ling, pay respects to Emperor Sir.”

“What happened?”

A domineering voice came from Mo Ling.

She never dared to move towards even a glance at the front, so she didn’t know that she was not just an emperor Sir in front of her.

Blood Race Emperor is a waxy-white, but unusually handsome young man with a pair of fangs sticking out of his lips, and his long dark-brown hair is shawl down.

It looks like an evening dress with scarlet veined pattern embroidered on it, which looks very strange.

There are three people beside the emperor.

One of them does not seem to be 15-16 years old, standing beside the emperor.

Bending down and standing in front of the emperor is a Blood Race.

If Qin Shaofeng is here, it can be recognized at a glance, this Blood Race is actually one of his Old Acquaintances.

Blood Race.

When he was at the Si Beast Ruins, it was Xue Se who helped him fight the crime of beheading everyone in the Huang Family.

And on the jade stone carved chair on the side.

An equally beautiful face, but also with sharp fangs, a pair of huge blood-colored wings converge.

“Reporting back to Emperor Sir, there was a major event on Human Race yesterday. The subordinates believed that this event was not over, so I have come to report to Emperor Sir.” Mo Ling said.

But there is still silence throughout the great hall.

She didn’t mean to wait for the emperor to question, and continued: “According to the subordinate’s investigation, at the banquet of the heaven yesterday, the young emperor Cangming wanted to use the power to suppress the old Ancestor dísciple Zi Bingning.” p>

“But Zi Bingning seems to have been related to the endless mountain a long time ago. The dísciple Qin Shaofeng of the endless mountain generation dísciple Qin Shaofeng is planning for a few days. On the last day, the third Senior Sister endless red moon will replace Zi Bingning to participate in the heavenly banquet.”

“He used an excuse to slip away with Zibing Ning, and then the endless red moon led Young Emperor Cangming’s spear to the dragon, and Heaven’s Mystery Building vassalized to Young Emperor Cangming, leading to a war between the two sides. The death and injury were heavy, the Old Ancestor of Tiansheng fell, and the ancestor of Wen Old Jun was seriously injured.”

When Mo Ling finished speaking, he stopped.

She not at all tells her guess.

After all, this is in front of the emperor. If she dared to show her IQ, she would be courting death.

Blood Race emperor’s vicious and merciless are not comparable to the Peak character of Human Race.

“It really is a good opportunity!”

Xuese jumped up immediately after hearing her words, loudly said: “Uncle, that Qin Shaofeng is also a deep-minded person, if we add a fire to it, it will definitely make the Human Race civil unrest.”

“What do you mean?”

Blood Race Emperor did not at all express his opinion, but asked instead.

“Uncle, I can tell about the Qin Shaofeng teaming up with our Blood Race to kill the Huang Family.”

Xue Se’s eyes flashed with resolute determination: “New hatred and old hatred, and Qin Shaofeng is also related to our Blood Race. I believe that the young Emperor Cangming is absolutely impossible.”

“Do you want to break my Blood Race promise?” Blood Race emperor said solemnly.

“Uncle, Blood Race is willing to use his own life to make atonement after he has said this. Blood Race promises not to be humiliated.” Blood Race said tragically.

“My Blood Race promise is not your life can be exchanged.”

The Emperor of Blood Race still shook his head and said: “Since you promised that brat, you have made a promise on behalf of our Blood Race. If we break our promise, our entire Blood Race will have to pay for it.”

The blood is suddenly speechless.

Mo Ling, kneeling on the central carpet of the great hall, is more solemn to the promise of Blood Race.

Emperor’s nephew wanted to use his life to atone for the crime, but it was not enough.

It seems that when I speak later, I have to be more careful.

As long as it has something to do with promises, I can’t do it.

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