
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Just fly with you at ease, don’t worry about me.”

Ximen Bingning is like a dragon Knight, standing straight on Long Tianyin’s huge dragon head.

When she was in the high altitude, when she saw everything in Heavenly Secret City clearly, her voice was no longer the same as before.

It even gave people a cold command feeling.

Long Tianyin really loves Ximen Bingning.

Even if he didn’t at all get along with Simon Bingning, it would be impossible for him to get out of it at first sight.

For Ximen Bingning’s cold words like commands, she didn’t even notice the slightest, and said: “Then I will speed up. You must protect yourself. If something happens to you, I really don’t want to live. “

When Long Tianyin spoke again, his speed was already leveled to the extreme.

“Long Tianyin wants to take Zi Bingning away.”

Young Emperor Cangming also escaped from the combat range under the protection of Heaven’s Mystery Building powerhouse.

When he saw Long Tianyin galloping towards the distance, his expression suddenly became gloomy.

“Young Emperor, now is not the time to talk about this, let’s take you to a safe place first, right?” Luo Tianji said quickly.

“This Young Master doesn’t need you to worry about the safety of the emperor. I immediately stopped them, drew me the dragon tendons, and then brought Zi Bing Ning back to me.” Young Emperor Cangming shouted angrily.


Luo Tianji said.

Immediately, he moved towards Mount Huang Shan and the remaining old elders of the two families beckoned, and everyone lifted into the air, moving towards the direction of Long Tianyin’s escape, Rapid Speed ​​omitted.

At this moment, where is the slightest gap between them?

“Heaven’s Mystery Building belongs to, immediately follow this Eminence to chase, at all costs, I must also take Long Tianyin!” Luo Tian’s body was in the high altitude, shouting loudly.

Suddenly, one after another silhouette skyrocketed from Heavenly Secret City.

Immediately, it turned into a stream of light and moved towards the direction where Long Tianyin escaped.

With the power of the entire Heaven’s Mystery Building, go chasing and killing Long Tianyin.

It stands to reason that in order for them to escape, the Old Ancestor, who has already burnt Soul Fire, should be chased and killed in a rage.

But at this moment, the Old Ancestor of Heavenly Sage, a faint smile appeared deep in his eyes.

“Have you finally escaped from Heavenly Secret City?”

Instead of showing the slightest worry, he murmured.

“What about escaping Heavenly Secret City, is it possible that you really think that a Dragon Tianyin who has just entered Celestial not long ago can escape under the chase and block of many Void Realm and Void Realm powerhouses, right?” Taunted with those who are fighting against.

“Perhaps! Who knows?”

Old Ancestor, the god of heaven, remained unmoved at the slightest, and there was a slight smile in his voice.

Many Void Realm, Void Realm?

So what?

Others don’t know the origin of Ximen Bingning, but he knows it very well.

That is the cultivation base no less than his existence.


As soon as he thought of this, he felt that somewhere in Heavenly Secret City, a Void Realm aura similar to him flickered and disappeared.

“Wenjun Lu finally can’t sit still?”

Tiansheng Old Ancestor stared at the direction of Long Tianyin’s disappearance, still with a smile in his eyes.

“It’s Liu Wenjun.”

The person opposite him said solemnly.

“Liu Wenjun, Lu Wenjun, aren’t they alone?”

天圣 Old Ancestor lightly said with a smile.

The opposite person was stunned by the game and asked: “Are you still not worried?”

“No hurry, no hurry, unless Luo Wentian also takes action together, otherwise they can’t take that dragon.” Old Ancestor said with a smile.


The complexion greatly changed that person, cry out in surprise: “Have you colluded with the dragon clan a long time ago?”

“Is it right, the old man has no time to answer you.”

Wen Tian Old Ancestor shook his head and said with a smile: “At most one hour, the old man will completely soul flies away and scatters. At that time, I believe Wenjun Lu and the others have already returned. You might as well go back then. Ask him.”

The man’s face was completely ugly.

He doesn’t believe that Old Ancestor, who has burned the Sea of ​​​​Consciousness, will lie about this.

There is only one case.

Tiansheng Old Ancestor has long been in collusion with the dragon clan, and there is a dragon clan powerhouse outside to respond.

Just thinking about it, he couldn’t help but sneer.

“Zhang Chongguang, don’t you really think that there are you outside and there are back players outside, but Young Emperor just brought us people here, right?”

The person said with a sneer: “To tell you the truth, even if the dragon patriarch came personally, he would never want to take Long Tianyin away.”

“It’s okay, it’s okay, the facts will prove everything.”

When the Old Ancestor burns Sea of ​​​​Consciousness, the greater the consumption, the faster the death.

Since the other party is not in a hurry to take action.

He was also impossible to behead the opponent while burning Sea of ​​​​Consciousness, so naturally he didn’t worry about taking action.

The other side.

Although Long Tianyin escaped from Heavenly Secret City in a very fast time.

But he didn’t feel any relaxation in his heart.

He knew clearly that Young Emperor Cangming was simply impossible to give up so casually.

Maybe the chaser is already behind.

All he has to do is to escape as fast as he can, as fast as he can.

Although his speed has not decreased.

But after all, he is just a cultivation base for the shining star position. How can the speed be comparable to Supreme Expert?

Just escape from Heavenly Secret City.

Dozens of silhouettes have appeared around him.

Until Luo Tianji and another Elderly who exuded a numbness of his scalp appeared, these talents moved towards him step by step.

“Long Tianyin, Young Emperor is bound to win Zi Bingning, so you should give up!” Luo Tianji said.

“If you want to move Miss Zi, you should kill me first!”

Long Tianyin roared loudly.

How about the existence of dozens of cultivation bases above the void?

For the love in his heart, even if he really died here, Long Tianyin would not hesitate.

“What a moment of infatuation!”

A cold female voice suddenly remembered.

This voice shouldn’t appear now anyway.

That’s what happened.

Luo Wentian and the others all moved towards Long Tianyin’s charming silhouette above the huge dragon head.

Even Long Tianyin was taken aback for a while.

But he simply didn’t notice anything unusual about Ximen Bingning above his head, and shouted loudly: “Miss Zi, don’t do stupid things. That shit Young Emperor goes back on one’s word like this. If you really followed him, I will regret it!”

Long Tianyin was still shouting eagerly.

Luo Tianji and the others who surrounded them are the expression grave to the extreme.

There is a problem!

That Ximen Bingning must have a problem!

“Your small insect is really a love, you remind me of him.”

Ximen Bingning didn’t seem to see anything, and she muttered to herself in a low voice, “How similar you are to him back then, so stupid, so stupid and cute.”

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