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one after another sound of dragon’s roar, accompanied by the appearance of the true body true body of Dragon Tianyin, sounded in every corner of Heavenly Secret City.

Everyone’s gazes, subconsciously moved towards the direction of Dragon’s roar coming from everywhere.

I only saw those places where dragon roar came out, already blood flowing into a river.

After Dragon’s roar resounded.

One after another, the real dragon silhouette has been revealed.

The appearance of countless colossus immediately brought the casualty of Heavenly Secret City to a terrifying level.

Just such a blink of an eye, at least one tenth of Heavenly Secret City, has become history.

But those battles have only just begun.

“Heaven’s Mystery Building disaster, it turns out that this is the cause of the Heaven’s Mystery Building disaster, ironic, really ironic, hahaha…” Luo Star Monarch suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed.

The laughter was so terrible that all the talents from all sides moved towards him and looked over.

The distance between the two parties is not too far.

Their cultivation base is also the existence of shining stars.

At a glance, you can tell that Luo Star Monarch’s eyes are dizzy, and the whole person looks crazy, but it gives people a sense of extreme decadence.

As if today’s blow, all the tenets of his life were crushed directly.

After today, I am afraid he will become a walking corpse-like existence, right?

Dignified Heaven’s Mystery Building Second Young Master, is it so miserable?

Many people who have known Luo Star Monarch and saw how high-spirited and vigorous Luo Star Monarch are, they can’t help but mourn him in the heart at this moment.

But they can see what happened today, Heaven’s Mystery Building asked for it, what can they say?

It’s no wonder that Luo Star Monarch’s outlook on life collapsed.

After those few words, Luo Star Monarch has already turned and moved towards the distance and walked step by step. It seems that everything that might happen next has nothing to do with him anymore.

The battle is still going on.

But Luo Star Monarch, who was supposed to be the main family of Heaven’s Mystery Building, should have stood up and stabilized the people during this chaos, but gradually disappeared from people’s sight under everyone’s eyes. moved towards Heavenly Secret City step by step.

“This Luo Star Monarch is also really pitiful. The former Heaven’s Mystery Building Second Young Master has now become this look.” The youngster from Daxitian sighed.

“Who can think that Luo Star Monarch, the poster of dignified Heaven’s Mystery Building, would bring the entire Heaven’s Mystery Building to Cang Ming Palace?” Zhan Cangkong also sighed.

“Hermi hair, Lord Luo Shi is too miserable.” Dharma Courtyard monk said.

“Sorrowful empty, you don’t pretend to be any good people there. Don’t think we don’t know that the name of your Dharma Courtyard is Amitabha.” The young man in the Void Hall sneered.

“Amitabha is the name of the monks who only know how to eat the Buddha, and the name of this poor monk is Hermitian hair.” Sad Monk Kong said.

“What’s this all about?” asked the young man in the Void Hall.

“This poor monk Buddha’s name means that bad luck is brought about by this poor monk who has rice and hair, so the Buddha’s name of this poor monk is Hermitian hair.” Sad Monk Kong said.


Everyone was silent for a while.


Can the Dharma Courtyard Buddha’s name which inherited thousands of years of history be modified like this?

What international joke is this?

“this poor monk was born and died of mother, one year old, father, two years old, grandfather, three years old, grandma, four years old, neighbors, five years old, others in the village, six years old …” Sad Monk Kong began to tell his glorious history.

Everyone only knows that this sad Monk Kong is the genius of Dharma Courtyard who has never met in a thousand years.

But because Dharma Courtyard was born too rarely.

No one knows that this sad Monk Kong has such a terrifying life experience.

When he talked about killing a city at the age of twelve.

Everyone is already speechless.

This is so sad that Monk Kong is simply the biggest bearer of bad luck in the world?

Fortunately, when he was twelve years old, he met with the help of the Dharma Courtyard’s great monk, and he stopped his bearer of bad luck fate.

But it’s just a containment, but it can’t really help permanently.

No wonder this monk changed the Buddha’s name so just and honorable.

This stuff is simply a cancer.

I’m afraid that Dharma Courtyard, which is known as the innumerable living beings of Dharma Courtyard, can tolerate such a malignant tumor in its own influence?

Such a tumor, even if cultivation speed is an untimely bomb in evildoer!

“The sorrowful name given by the teacher is to make this poor monk treat all the tragedies in the world with an empty attitude.” Said Sad Monk Kong.

The moment he finished speaking, everyone was completely speechless.

But they already really understand.

Why do people feel the sadness of some if the rabbit dies, the fox grieves after seeing the tragic situation of Luo Star Monarch, only this sad Monk Kong still looks dull.


Endless people have been killed since birth.

At the age of twelve, he even watched the whole city with his own eyes, because he was hungry and wanted to catch a rat to eat, which caused a wave of rat plagues.


Silent, speechless!

“Don’t worry about the fake compassionate monk, let’s mourn for Luo Star Monarch again!” A young man in Yunxian Palace said again.

Everyone calmed down again.

Everyone present, it seems that Monk Kong will only be sad. If the rabbit dies, the fox grieves emotions will not arise, their hearts are very uncomfortable.

This happened in Heaven’s Mystery Building today.

Who can say, will a similar situation occur in one of their families another day?

This kind of possibility is still very big!

There was a silence.

Heavenly Secret City’s terrifying battle did not end because of this, but has a growing trend.

The screams sounded in pieces.

Simply countless people fell in a pool of blood one after another.

The situation is so miserable that makes people look at it.

“Protect Young Master from leaving!”

When many dragons saw Long Tianyin taking Ximen Bingning up to the high altitude, Qi Qi began to shout.

At this moment, they seemed to be beaten up with blood, and they went completely violent.

The casualty of Heaven’s Mystery Building also started to become more crazy.

Before there was an accident in the Tianji Banquet Hall, the dragons were still somewhat restrained.

Now even the Old Ancestor of Heaven’s Mystery Building, who looks like a battle, seems to hate some people from Heaven’s Mystery Building.

What else do they need to worry about?

The people brought by Young Emperor Cangming were either blocked by the Dragon Clan, or blocked by the Old Ancestor of the Heavenly Sage, so that there would be no enemies near Long Tianyin until the moon.

With the sound of a dragon roar, Long Tianyin moved towards Heavenly Secret City outside Rapid Speed ​​and flew away.

“Miss Zi, hold on to my dragon horn. I need to hurry as fast as I can. I can’t take care of you. If you fall, Old Ancestor’s efforts will be wasted.” Long Tianyin reached this At that time, he still didn’t forget to protect Ximen Bingning.

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