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Chapter 3990 Questions

What Yun Tianxing could not expect was.

This brat’s first initiative to speak, turned out to be similar to threatening words.

He almost spurt a mouthful of blood.

How can this little bastard be like this?

Am I his cousin or the brat named Qin Shaofeng his cousin?

“Although Xian’er normally does things that I dislike, what he said is correct. Cousin Yun should not find yourself uncomfortable. You’d better not interfere with anything about Brother Qin. Qi Mu also nodded said.

“Yun Tianxing, Qin Eldest Brother has at least two Supreme Experts to help shield Tianji.”

Luo Xingjun also took the initiative to speak.

He also dislikes Qin Shaofeng.

But he knew very well.

Qin Shaofeng can only be friends with Qin Shaofeng, not enemies.

He is indeed afraid of death, and some playboys.

But in terms of identifying who can and cannot provoke, no one in the entire Heaven’s Mystery Building can match him.

Even the people who cultivated heavenly secrets to the extreme.

Yun Tianxing was immediately speechless by them.

How he can imagine.

Qin Shaofeng was able to make three people stop themselves one after another?

But the real reason for him to give up was not Qi Mu and Qi Xian brother, but Luo Xingjun’s half-threatening words.

At least two Supreme Experts shielded the secrets of Qin Shaofeng.

Anyone who can block the secrets of heaven is Void Realm Supreme Expert, and even the overwhelming majority is the influence of all parties.

Loose Cultivator world unless cultivated to Void Realm Peak’s evildoer.

Otherwise no one can have that kind of power.

Just this point is enough to prove that Qin Shaofeng’s origins are definitely not like the cousin said.

Looking at the concealment of Qin Shaofeng’s cultivation base again, he feels more and more that the origin of Qin Shaofeng is probably not simple.

“Since you are all speaking for that brat, can I no longer care about that brat?” Yun Tianxing, the Second Young Master, can’t compare with the Second Prince of Zun Xiandian.

Who can offend, who can’t offend, he still knows very well.

After speaking, he moved towards the battlefield and looked over.

It’s just a matter of talking to a few people.

Qin Shaofeng on the battlefield has already faced illusory shadow hundreds of moves.

He didn’t use any tyrannical martial skills.

But under the attack of his face like a stormy wave, he just hit the illusory shadow and didn’t have the slightest chance to use the martial skill.

They seem to be fighting to the end.

A crazy confrontation.

It actually makes them feel like one person.

You do one trick and I do one trick.

The weapons in their hands are all Divine Weapon Level.

Although Qin Shaofeng did not display martial skill, every knife he made was a full-strength.

When neither party has any defensive equipment.

As long as he touches the illusory shadow casually, it is enough to kill the illusory shadow.

Such a battle method is extremely rare.

After all, in Martial Dao world, two people whose cultivation base is close to this level are almost impossible to find.

But in the battle with the id, such a battle is undoubtedly the most dangerous.

It is true that as long as the sword in his hand touches the illusory shadow, it can kill the illusory shadow immediately.

It can be the same.

If the sword in the hand of the illusory shadow touched him, it would be enough to kill him.

This kind of battle made everyone watching the battle startle.

“Why did Qin Shaofeng choose such a battle method? With his cultivation base and identity, it is impossible to understand martial skills. If he uses martial skills, he can at least make his situation better?” Yun Tianxing couldn’t help Asked.

“Qin Eldest Brother really knows martial skill, don’t I understand my illusory shadow?”

Qin Shaofeng’s eyes are always on Qin Shaofeng.

But when he said this, Yun Tianxing didn’t know how to answer for a long while.

When he moved towards the battlefield again, he really discovered the difference in Qin Shaofeng’s battle.

It seems like a simple battle.

Qin Shaofeng puts himself in the most dangerous situation all the time.

Such a battle method is really easy to hurt yourself.

But in his own crisis, it also made him possible to win this game at any time.

It’s really a desperate battle!



Qin Shaofeng’s fighting time is not long.

But both he and the Dao Void shadow have already begun to gasp.

This kind of battle is not too terrifying for the consumption of qi and blood.

However, it consumes a great deal of physical strength.

Although is his various states are different from ordinary people, and it should be very unbearable.

Successive decline in physical condition.

Qin Shaofeng is not at all worried, but there are faint rays of light in his eyes.

“Ghost Slash!”

The battle continued for a while.

When his bodily functions were nearly exhausted, and his body was already sweating like rain, the long-awaited voice of martial skill finally broke out of his mouth.

The three-color rays of light flashed from the sword in his hand.

He was very hasty in this blade.

Illusory shadow has the name of the self, but it was obviously taken aback.

The moment when the illusory shadow displayed the same martial skill with the sword in his hand.

Qin Shaofeng’s sword ghost song is already present.


illusory shadow There was a sudden wind in my mouth.

A burst of aura from Peak suddenly appeared from him.

Qin Shaofeng couldn’t help but sneer upon seeing this.

It seems that the king of Primal Chaos still got his trick.

What he said about his own battle strength, he didn’t say that he didn’t use other martial skills, and illusory shadow could not be used either.

But the king of Primal Chaos saw through his memory.

So I wanted to keep it for him.

Under such circumstances, it makes illusory shadow even more uncertain about his situation.

Even though there has been a full strength outbreak, it is only normal to integrate Thunderbolt Thousand Flash into its various martial skills.

The king of Primal Chaos will not expose him for him.

Qin Shaofeng naturally does not take the initiative to mess around.

But his this blade has the advantage.

How can the hindsight of the illusory shadow compare?

At the moment when the illusory shadow came out and resisted.

He has already mobilized all the power of qi and blood.

“Are you preparing to stake all on one throw?!”

The king of Primal Chaos suddenly realized what he was going to do.

But when he reacted, it was too late.

The voice did not fall.

Qin Shaofeng this blade has already chopped the sword in the hand of illusory shadow together with illusory shadow.

The illusory shadow disappears.

Because of excessive consumption, Qin Shaofeng sat down on the ground, gasping for breath, said with a smile: “This has to be many thanks Primal Chaos Senior to release the water, otherwise I would have to stake all on one throw It’s also impossible, but…”

“It’s just what?” asked the King of Primal Chaos.

“Senior, these illusory shadows you created are still called illusory shadows in my opinion. Junior once battled the real id, that id has thoughts and wisdom, even I am thinking about something I know everything.” Qin Shaofeng said.

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