
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Since Senior ordered it, Junior should obey it.”

Qin Shaofeng immediately took the pill bottle out of the space ring.

The four characters “Zhendian Tianying” are pasted on the porcelain vase.

“Tian Ying Dan!?”

“Qi Palace Lord actually gave him the only Tianying Pill in Zunxian Temple?”

Yun Tianxing jumped up suddenly.

Just like the words he put on his mouth, he and Zunxiandian are cousins, and naturally they know that Zunxiandian has a Tianying Dan.

He has seen it with his own eyes.

But he has longed for countless times, and he has suppressed his thoughts in his heart.

It’s unimaginable.

As the supreme treasure of the Zunxiandian Town Hall, Tianyingdan will be given to Qin Shaofeng unexpectedly.

Luo Xingjun naturally heard of the name Tianying Pill.

That was what he said when his father gave him the power of nothingness.

Tian Ying Dan is able to help him completely recover from medicine pill.

That’s why.

After hearing Yun Tianxing’s words, his shock was countless times heavier than Yun Tianxing.

In terms of grades.

Tian Ying Dan has just reached the top level medicine pill category.

However, the purely therapeutic effect of Tian Ying Dan is too heaven defying, and it is already eligible to be listed as a Top Level medicine pill.

In addition, many heavenly materials and earthly treasures of refining Tianying Pill, which only existed in the former Void Realm, made Tianying Pill long gone.

Which side of influence can have a Tianying Pill now?

Definitely treat it as Legacy Treasure.

Unless the influence is about to come to an end, or when there is some major change, it will be used.

Qi Huanshang actually agreed to give this pill to Qin Shaofeng.

The problem can already be seen.

“Senior’s battle is on its own, please!”

Qin Shaofeng directly took out the ghost song of the sword.

But there is no rays of light shining on his body.

What he said made Qi Mu and Qi Xian both puzzled.

But the king of Primal Chaos clearly knows what he means.

The rays of light flicker in the eyes.

All the illusory shadows disappeared at the same time.

As if he wanted to give the battlefield all to Qin Shaofeng.

Such a scene stunned Yun Tianxing.

What happened?

While he was still wondering, he saw an illusory shadow appearing with the same long knife as Qin Shaofeng.

“Are you finally going to start?”

Luo Xingjun in the defense great array has been excited to the extreme.

He wanted to see Qin Shaofeng full-strength take action for a long time, and he was about to witness it with his own eyes. How could he not be excited?


This Dao Void movie is not like those before.

He let out a sudden sound, as if it turned into a stream of light, and Rapid Speed ​​moved towards Qin Shaofeng rushed over.

The speed is so fast that it is even slightly inferior to the general powerhouse.

The appearance of this scene stunned everyone at once.

“The position of the sky and the moon?!”

“Then how did Dao Void Shadow use the speed of the star position?”

Luo Xingjun and Yun Tianxing’s exclamations sounded at the same time.

They are the people who have the least knowledge of Qin Shaofeng.

It’s incredible that such a speed appears.

Even Qi Xian, who has long had a lot of speculation, mouth opened wide, and he can clearly feel that the speed of this illusory shadow is much faster than him.

“Is there finally an illusory shadow that understands full-strength take action?”

Qin Shaofeng faced such a speed, but there was no even a slight worry on his face, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

The illusory shadow has exposed his cultivation base, and Qin Shaofeng will naturally not continue to pretend.

The suppression of one’s own cultivation base aura is immediately released.

Peak’s cultivation base aura immediately enveloped the audience.

“Peak of Earth and Moon!”

“He had hidden before that many cultivation base?”

“Qin Eldest Brother is too insidious. If anyone dared to attack him as a martial artist of Xuanyue, I am afraid he would die in his hands in an instant?”

“Insidious, this brat is too insidious.”

One after another exclaimed one after another.

Someone is emotional.

But Yun Tianxing couldn’t help cursing.

After all, he is a real Qin Shaofeng as a Rank 1 martial artist, and he almost takes action on Qin Shaofeng!

Suddenly discovered that Qin Shaofeng was hidden so deeply.

His heart was suddenly full of hatred.

If you didn’t really choose to be disadvantageous to him, I am afraid that his hiding is enough to bring enough threat to yourself, right?

When everyone is thinking.

Qin Shaofeng has also started to move.

Although the cultivation base has only the ninth-level moon position, his speed is not slower than that silhouette.

Even compared with the normal martial arts of Heaven and Moon, it can be comparable to Rank 3 to Rank 4 Powerhouse.

At full speed.

He and the like turned into a stream of light.

In a flash.

The swords in the hands of Dao Void shadows have collided with each other.


The crisp voice resounded.

It is clear that one of them is just the illusory shadow, which also caused the surrounding space to fluctuate violently.

If you are in an ordinary world, not to mention that the qi energy smashes the mountain peak.

At the very least, flying sand running stone is hardly immune.

But here is the void world.

Before the king of Primal Chaos died, he personally created a piece of nothingness world.

Its tyrannical level, I am afraid that the powerhouse of the Void Realm will not be able to destroy it even if it takes action in person.

Rumbling sound.

Qin Shaofeng and illusory shadow crossed by.

The two sides just changed positions for a moment, and the next cut was already cut.

Compared with that blade just now, the battle strength they burst out this time is even more terrifying.

“Even if the power of this blade can’t reach the rank of Rank 4, it should be about the same?” Qi Mu couldn’t help sucking in a cold breath.

Luo Xingjun repeatedly nodded in the defense great array: “Is Qin Eldest Brother really just the peak cultivation base of the earth and moon?”

hearing this, Qi Xian couldn’t help but ask: “I feel the same way. Eldest Brother, Qin’s battle strength seems to be stronger than my genius with the same cultivation base. If you fight, he can knock down a few of me casually.”

“It seems that after you leave, you have to check the origin of that brat. Trifling is born in grassroots, and he can even have this battle strength.”

“And if I read correctly, that brat’s weapon should be a real Divine Weapon, right?”

Their conversation seemed to touch Yun Tianxing’s most sensitive nerve.

Yun Tianxing immediately said coldly snorted.

His voice seemed to touch the most sensitive nerve of the three people in Qi Mu.

Three people Qi Qi looked at him.

The expression is stranger than the other.

Without exception, everyone looked at him with hostile eyes.

“Why do you guys look like this, am I wrong?”

Yun Tianxing’s eyes turned slightly, pondered then said: “Or…Does any of you know the true origin of that brat?”

“Cousin Yun, no matter what the origin of Eldest Brother Qin is, I would advise you to give up the thoughts in your heart, otherwise it will be bad for anyone.” Qi Xian took the initiative.

This seems to be the first time he took the initiative to speak to Yun Tianxing along the way.

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