
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Be sure to learn the structure of these restrictions!

Qin Shaofeng became more excited the more I thought about it, and couldn’t help shouting in the heart.

Immediately, he started to move.

Since the restriction was formed directly in the void, he directly waved his hands in the air, began to grow with the geometric multiplier of Soul Power, and began to explore and learn.

It turns out.

This kind of restriction, which has never appeared in the Cangming Realm, does not mean that you can learn by learning.

The composition of elements out of thin air is similar to the condensing of an array. There is almost no talk of EXP. Everything needs him to study and try himself.

Try again and again, and fail again and again.

Time passed little by little under his level of research.

Three days, five days, ten days.

Although it is Ruan Zhen is still watching him curiously, the other Fairy of the Immortal Palace in Lingyun have already been impatient.

And today after Qin Shaofeng has consumed more than fifty talisman.

He already felt himself, as if faintly groping for something.

Especially when the divine light flashed in my mind and I was about to try another hand with the Clear Heart Talisman, I saw Shen Jun’s entire group silhouette, who had been missing for ten days, came into my eyes.

For ten days, they were all covered in blood.

Even Liu Kaishan still has a transparent scar on his face. Although the blood has stopped, the injury is still far away from recovery.

He was injured so far, even broken, but there was no sadness on his face, but a smile on his face.

The smile on his face made the wound on his face even more hideous.

“Where did you go, how did you get hurt like this?”

Ruan Zhen also saw this scene. The girl’s nature made her almost jumped up.

“A major discovery, we have a major discovery, hahaha!”

Liu Kaishan first laughed a few times and found Qin Shaofeng’s gaze. He hurried over and passed a blade of grass that looked very ordinary.

“Junior Brother Qin, don’t think about it, come and take a look at this thing. According to Shen Jun that brat, all the crises we have experienced this time are due to this small leaf.”

“In order to take off this leaf, I almost died in that damn within arrays.”

“After this trip, we finally understand the foresight of Qin Junior Brother. If we don’t understand the weirdness of this space, none of us can go deep.”

It is very useful to let Liu Kaishan do some work, but narrating things is obviously not his strong point.

When Qin Shaofeng was confused.

Ruan Zhen has pulled a young girl over to ask about the situation.

She didn’t want to have a hot face and a cold ass, but after hearing Liu Kaishan’s so-called narrative, she secretly sighed her own foresight.

That brat did energetic and bustling ran over, and in the end it still depends on the questioning of our Lingyun Immortal Palace!

She immediately asked the girl.

The girl not at all hid her voice, and truthfully told her story.

They did go away for ten days, but not at all how far out.

According to the girl, they only went out for about ten miles at most, and they were enveloped by a sudden piece of Illusion Realm.

They all thought it was a great array of research for many days.

In the end, it was fortunate that there was Shen Jun among them.

Although Shen Jun doesn’t understand arrays, he is very capable of finding spirit medicine. He only found that the leaves Liu Kaishan handed over were defective.

But when he asked Liu Kaishan to pick, he almost died there.

In the end, they and Qi Zhen Qihuang, five Nine Steps to Heaven powerhouse, helped Liu Kaishan pick the blade of grass.

When the blade of grass fell, the great array of illusory disappeared directly.

After hearing the girl’s narration, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay for a while.

The Illusion Array, which can trap five Nine Steps to Heaven moon positions, and seven ordinary Heaven and Moon positions for ten days, is actually just branded on a blade of grass.

I’m afraid that such a thing will make people laugh out loud when you say it?

It happened to say this remark, and it was even approved by everyone, but it was people from each of them.

It can be seen that the existence of that leaf is indeed a strange flower.

“You should take a rest first. You should also treat the injury on your face first. I will observe this blade first.” Qin Shaofeng took out a medicine pill and threw it over, and immediately used the talisman.

Liu Kaishan didn’t care at all when he saw his throwing so casually.

But when medicine pill started, his eyes widened suddenly.

“Dry Sky Forged Blood Pill?”

Liu Kaishan’s eyes widened suddenly, cry out in surprise: “Qin Junior Brother, this is a rare flesh-and-white Spirit Pill in the world. Even if it only has a shining star, it is very difficult to refining, and the materials are extremely rare. Any one can sell hundreds of celestial crystals.”

“Sky Crystal, that is the value of hundreds of Sky Crystals!”

As a member of Tianxing Business, he has a deep understanding of the market prices of some things.

Medicine pill was stunned just by starting.

Although he had seen this kind of medicine pill before, he never even wanted to take a pill for his father.

It is said that even if the body is decayed, as long as there is a breath, you can save your life with this pill.

In his mind, this is simply Divine Pill!

“It’s just a medicine pill. For our business, there are local tyrants who bleed fiercely behind them. In order to ensure the safety and smoothness of the back, it is worthwhile to exchange a medicine pill for your Peak status.” Qin Shaofeng is free The answer was one sentence.

Ruan Zhen and other Fairy, Qi Zhen Qi Huang and the others hearing this were all holding their breath.

That brat is just a small Rank 1 day and month Wu Xiu.

Is his cultivation base battle strength Peak, and how much difference can it make to the team?

“Qin Junior Brother, based on my cultivation base…Isn’t it?” Liu Kaishan obviously thought of this too.

“Why not.”

Qin Shaofeng didn’t even raise his head, and continued: “You are the strongest picking spirit medicine among us. Next, we will definitely encounter more dangerous places than you have encountered, when the time comes and you have to pick the core things.”

In a word, Ruan Zhen waited for the Immortal Palace Fairy and suddenly lost the jealousy he had before.

Qi Zhen and Qi Huang took a few steps forward, patted Liu Kaishan on the shoulders, and said in unison: “Brother Qin said it is right. Your battle strength is extremely important to our trip. We There are also some growth cultivation base medicine pills. You can also take them. As much as the progress of the cultivation can be achieved!”

Liu Kaishan was stunned.

He just saw that these two people were all grinning at him, obviously jealous.

I heard that Qin Shaofeng wanted him to do the most dangerous thing, so he started to give medicine pill.

Can it be shameless?

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