
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Qin Shaofeng gently nodded towards her, and sat down directly, closed his eyes and began to feel the surrounding aura fluctuations carefully.

Qi Mu, Ruan Zhen, Fairy and the others saw him here, they had already begun to explore, and they couldn’t help feeling surprised.

Qi Xian played his burdensome role with peace of mind.

After passing the talisman used by Qin Shaofeng, he will no longer be disturbed by the surrounding chill.

Finding Qin Shaofeng sitting cross-legged, he came to squat behind Qin Shaofeng.

Look at his behavior, where is the feeling of Array Master before?

Qi Mu couldn’t help but sigh again.

But seeing that Qin Shaofeng has begun to understand carefully, they have also sat cross-legged down.

Whether such exploration is useful or not.

Since they have agreed to Qin Shaofeng’s slow action policy, they will naturally not ask for anything at this time.

“What are these weird aura fluctuations around me, and why I can feel it, but I can’t see through it?” The more Qin Shaofeng studies it, the more complicated it feels in his heart.

It seems to be just the remnants of the aura wave on the body when Primal Chaos or Jiuying pass by.

It is just such a residue, but it implies a very terrifying profound mystery.

If you don’t have the right guidelines, trying to figure out something from it is simply impossible.

“It seems that we still need the help of foreign object!”

Qin Shaofeng opened his eyes and sighed deeply, making everyone around him look at him again.

He didn’t care about everyone’s gaze at all.

Directly searched in the space ring, and finally took out a purple sly talisman and a Soul Crystal.

Qi Mu’s eyes widened when he saw this.

He knows clearly that this space ring is his father’s exploration resource specially for Qin Shaofeng.

“Soul Crystal! Void talisman?”

“How many treasures are there in his ring?”

“Why is this brat such a tyrant?”

“No wonder he wants to act alone. If he is with a team, how many people will be jealous.”

Ruan Zhen and other Lingyun Immortal Palace Fairy also exclaimed.

Although they are also the Inner Disciple of the Overlord influence Lingyun Immortal Palace, facing the things Qin Shaofeng took out, their small hearts were beating with peng pengs.

Looking like that, if it weren’t for the tomb of Qi and the others, I’m afraid I would have to step forward and snatch it.

Shen Jun couldn’t help but walked over when he saw what he took out: “Qin Junior Brother, what you just used should be a pure-hearted talisman?”

“en. ”

Qin Shaofeng looked over curiously.

“Can Qin Junior Brother give me one too. Although my cultivation base has reached the sky and moon position, it is still greatly suppressed here. If there is such a talisman support, maybe I can also I found something strange.” Shen Jun said.

“Of course you can.”

Qin Shaofeng immediately took out a purple talisman, the power of qi and blood was running, and then applied it to Shen Jun, saying: “Although this talisman has reached the void level, the time it can last is the same as the normal continuous talisman Similarly, you can only support one hour. You can find something within one hour. After all, we still have a long way to go.”

“Understood, this one is enough.” Shen Jun nodded.

After Qin Shaofeng explained clearly, he moved towards Qi Mu and looked over, and said, “Brother Qi Mu, would you let Brother Qi Zhen and Qi Huang help protect them?”

“You two, go!” Qi Mu directly ordered the two.

Their several explorations were all based on people from Qin Shaofeng and Qi Tomb.

Ruan Zhen’s entire group is from the Immortal Palace in Lingyun.

In a certain way, their identities should have been the main force in this industry.

But they were following in the team, it seemed like they were coming with soy sauce.

Ruan Zhen is also an arrogant person. He immediately said to the girls behind him: “Lingling, Xiaoyu, Lili, the three of you also come and help!”

The faces of the three women named were reluctant.

With their arrogance, they have to protect a few martial arts who do not know their origins and their cultivation base is worth a Rank 2 day and month position. They dare not but are extremely strong in their hearts.

What do they want to say.

But when she found Ruan Zhen’s unwilling look, she had to lower her arrogant head.

The women immediately moved towards Long Haoyue, who had already gone far away, and the others followed.

Qin Shaofeng just moved towards and took a look in the direction they left.

Immediately, erase the aura of Soul Crystal outer circle.

The unspeakable Soul Power immediately radiated from the Soul Crystal. As every pore on his body penetrated in, it seemed that his Soul Power was immediately enhanced to a level that could be called horror.

“It’s no wonder that Celestial martial artist uses Soul Crystal cultivation to greatly speed up the cultivation speed. The role of Soul Crystal is so tyrannical!” Qin Shaofeng couldn’t help being criticized out in surprise.

Soon, he became curious again.

He just broke the aura outside the Soul Crystal, not at all began to absorb, all the strength of Soul Crystal was moved towards himself.

is it possible that Qi Huanshang Palace Lord actually did anything on this?

The more he thinks about it, the more he feels that this should be the case.

Qi Huanshang Palace Lord really spared no effort in order to let him gain the inheritance!

Qin Shaofeng in the heart silently thought for a moment, and immediately entered the groping.

The enhancement of soul by Soul Crystal is terrifying.

At this time, with the help of the Clear Heart Talisman urn, he immediately felt that the world in front of him became clear.

It seems that even the elements in the air have become entities.

“Well, I can study it carefully now.”

Qin Shaofeng gave a secret compliment in his heart and immediately began to study full-strength.

Although he doesn’t know much about the array of Cangming Realm, he also has a little knowledge.

As he observed carefully, he suddenly found that the aura surroundings were actually like the composition of an array.

The difference is that the array is condensed using Power of Heaven and Earth, and finally condensed onto the foundation of the formation diagram or great array.

But these are all directly condensing the various elements in Power of Heaven and Earth out of thin air, leaving a mark similar to array directly on the spot.


Qin Shaofeng’s mind suddenly popped a word.

He knows very little about this vocabulary, even ignorant of it.

But when I was in Earth, I saw many fairy-xia novels, but it often appeared.

The description in the novel is obviously fabricated out of thin air.

But when he faced this strange mutation that he had never seen before, the only one word he could think of was the magical restriction.

With his research on the history of Cangming Realm, he was also able to determine that ‘restriction’ must never have appeared.

In other words, as long as he can learn the restriction in front of him, he can become the only restriction master on the earth of Cangming Realm.

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