
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Isn’t it because my cultivation base is too low, do you want to hurry up and make the cultivation progress?” Qin Shaofeng shrugged.

The Lord of Dean with endless texts, in front of him, simply cannot play any deterrent effect.

“increasing cultivation base?”

Wan Wanwen noticed the changes in his cultivation base aura.

When he first arrived, one was because of a surprise, and the other was because Qin Shaofeng led someone to make trouble with him, but ignored the incident.

Now it seems that Qin Shaofeng’s only cultivation base aura circulating in his body, he also has Rank 1 Xuanyue level.

This change is really scary.

He knows that Qin Shaofeng has treasures that can conceal aura, which makes it difficult to say how much of the cultivation base he now emits.

His gaze shifted around Qin Shaofeng for a while, and he couldn’t help but say: “Take me out of your hidden cultivation base.”

Qin Shaofeng smiled openly, when the real cultivation base aura was about to come out.

As soon as the cultivation base aura appeared on the seventh terrace, the audience was shocked.

“You you you…”

Wan Wanwen pointed at him and exclaimed for a long time, but couldn’t say a complete sentence.

This kind of speed improvement is really too terrifying.

At least he felt that his heart couldn’t bear it.

Only six months.

Qin Shaofeng didn’t use the cultivation resources provided by the academy, and unexpectedly jumped from the previous Zhouyue position to the present level.

This kind of speed jump can scare people to death!

Although he was shocked, he was not directly frightened.

Long Haoyue’s three people were unstable and staggered.

They have already understood the special nature of Qin Shaofeng.

When I was in the alliance, when I felt the cultivation base aura of the mysterious moon on Qin Shaofeng, I was shocked by Fiercely.

How dare they imagine that the cultivation base aura exuded by Qin Shaofeng at that time was just a tip of the iceberg.

Rank 1 Xuanyue position and seventh-level moon position are simply as different as heaven and earth, OK?

Don’t look at the seven of them who have entered the Realm of Heaven and Moon after six months of cultivation, but they don’t know how many difficulties they have suffered.

Looking at Qin Shaofeng again, they suddenly felt that people are more damnable than people.

“How about, is my current cultivation base okay?”

Qin Shaofeng smiled shyly.

The endless text feels dizzy and feels more intense.

Where is this special or not?

Qin Shaofeng’s cultivation speed is almost an evildoer, okay?

Such speed is simply too scary!

“You really…how are you cultivating, so that your cultivation speed can reach this level?” Hentai Wen continued to take a deep breath.

“Naturally, it is in your light, Dean.”

Qin Shaofeng continued to smile shyly and said: “After I helped you win the bet half a year ago, didn’t you give me a heart crystal as a reward? I replaced the heart crystal with endless cultivation resources, and then brought People went to the land of ghosts to play for half a year.”


Wan Wanwen is completely speechless this time.

Even the Seven Long Haoyues who knew that Qin Shaofeng had been to the land of ghosts in the past six months were completely speechless.

But what really shocked them was not where Qin Shaofeng went.

It was that he was actually wasterl and replaced the heart crystal with endless cultivation resources.

Thinking about it this way, they are not so shocked.

That is the heart crystal after all!

Even in the entire Cangming Realm, they are all priceless, and they are scarce resources protected by Peak powerhouse.

Even Liu Kaishan, who has the most assets behind him after marriage.

After hearing Qin Shaofeng wastrel’s words, I couldn’t help but wonder whether the assets of their entire Tianxue Trading Company combined were worth a heart.

Of course, he is just a junior after all, and he doesn’t understand the background of their influence and how profound the reasons are.

But the endless text that knows the truth is clear.

The liquid assets of Tianxing Trading Company are almost only about the value of one crystal.

But Beneath the Endless Mountain, among the so-called first-class influences, whether the bottom-ranked ones are worth a heart is very difficult to say.

This shows how terrifying the value of a heart crystal is.

“The resources you bought yourself? Didn’t you get cheated?”

Hentaiwen made a sound, but shook his head again, and asked: “How many resources have you purchased, and are there any remaining?”

“There are only a few hundred soul crystals left.”

Qin Shaofeng shrugged and said with a smile: “Dean, I am not a child anymore, so naturally I will not go to those messy places to spend. Spending my heart to buy things will indeed make some losses, but I believe it can’t what be considered.”

He has said everything to this point, so hentai can’t ask more.

After all, he has already figured out the details of Qin Shaofeng.

When Qin Shaofeng was in the land of shining stars.

That is the First Person who is regarded as the land of shining stars. Even if he is younger, he may not be much weaker than him in terms of Jianghu EXP alone.

As for the second-generation dísciple and the third-generation dísciple on the endless mountain, it is completely incomparable.

To make him suffer, the probability is not very big.

“Since you are so confident, then I won’t ask more. Your cultivating does require a lot of resources, but you should try to save all the remaining soul crystals!” endless text breathed deeply.

He did feel a little distressed, but he didn’t show that many.

After all, in what Qin Shaofeng said, what he bestowed was just a heart crystal, and only the two of them knew the exact number.

As for Dean Yuncheng of Yunxian Academy, he naturally wouldn’t talk nonsense, and he didn’t need to worry too much.

“It depends on the situation!”

Qin Shaofeng shrugged, not at all to give any promises.

Immediately, he said again: “Dean, didn’t the Zunxiandian invite me before? I want to take Long Haoyue Senior and go around again, don’t know how we should get there?”

“So you remember this thing?”

Wendless Wen gave him a speechless look and said: “The messenger sent by Zunxian Temple has been waiting at our Yunxian Academy for a full month. If it weren’t for the old man to tell him, you must If they can return before the ruins are opened, they are afraid they have left long ago. I don’t know how long.”

“There are even special messengers?”

Qin Shaofeng’s eyes widened, their eyes full of incredible.

“If there is no messenger, do you know where to go?”

The endless text is coldly snorted, and said: “It’s not too late for you to come back. The old man has sound transmission to the people of Zunxiandian, I believe they will come to pick you up soon.”

“It’s just that there is something I want to say before.” Suddenly endless text said again.

“What’s the matter?”

Qin Shaofeng asked.

“This ruin is different from the Sibeast ruins you have visited before. This ruins not only restricts the cultivation base, but also restricts the age, so the brat behind you can wait outside the door.” The endless text pointed out. not far away.

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