
You can search “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Junior Brother, we know that you have a lot of face in front of Dean. We haven’t returned to the academy for half a year. If we suddenly go back like this, I am afraid that Dean will be upset, right?” Long Xiaoxiao also said terribly.

The others were nodded.

Their fear of Dean’s endless writing is not a little bit.

“It’s because we haven’t been back for so long, so we should go see Dean as soon as we come back, let’s go!” Qin Shaofeng said with a smile, lifted his foot and moved towards the courtyard gate and walked over.

Long Haoyue seven people are all looked at each other in blank dismay.

They have been in the academy for so many years, but this is the first time they have come to Dean’s courtyard.

Not to mention in the absence of any report.

The fear in their hearts can be imagined from this.

But after not long after Qin Shaofeng left, the tension in their hearts has begun to gradually decrease.

It’s not about breaking the jar.

And they saw that Qin Shaofeng walking in the courtyard of Dean endless text, it was as if he had returned to his own home.

Even when passing through a small Medicine Garden.

I walked directly into the Medicine Garden without permission, and picked several expensive and newly mature spirit medicines.

I threw it into the storage ring and returned to the road to continue walking.

Not long again.

When passing a forest of Spirit Fruit.

Qin Shaofeng started again, picking all the mature Spirit Fruits one after another and putting them in the space ring before continuing to go deep.

Such a carefree move almost caused the seven to faint.

We are also college students.

The seven of us have to be trembling with fear even when we walk. This brat is great, we even came to be a thief…

Ah! No, it should be a robber.

This gap is too big, right?

Under the panic of the seven people, they finally came to the bamboo house built by the endless text.

“Dean is here, we are back.”

Qin Shaofeng yelled a few times, and seeing that there was no response, he actually pushed the door of the bamboo house open.

There is really no endless Wenguo.

Qin Shaofeng went straight into the living room, took out a teapot of tea, and made a pot of tea with his own hands, only then greeted a few people to pick up a few cups and moved towards the flower garden in the courtyard.

“Go, let’s wait for Dean first. It’s not good to wait in a distant room without Dean’s permission!” Qin Shaofeng said each minding their own business.

Long Haoyue seven people suddenly felt dizzy.

What do you say?

What’s not so good?

You all broke in and made your own tea, okay?

It’s just… Dean’s bamboo house looks very simple, and the Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi inside is really rich.

If we can cultivation in Dean’s bamboo house, I’m afraid we can cultivate ourselves for a month in a year, right?

They just dared to think about it in their hearts.

As everyone knows.

Qin Shaofeng can’t make use of those strong Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi cultivation, otherwise he will not care about the existence of endless text, and he will directly cultivate in the room.

When he came to the stone pavilion in the flower garden, Qin Shaofeng took out the teapot and the Spirit Fruit just picked.

He even took out a special fruit plate, placed the Spirit Fruit on it, and started drinking it.

Long Haoyue and the others were originally shy.

But when the tea fragrance escaped, their eyes almost stared out.

“It turned out to be Baiwuling tea. It is said that only in the highest cloud of Baiwu Peak of World’s First Peak, there are only a few tea trees.” All seven began to stir.

A casual sip of this kind of spiritual tea will benefit them more than eating countless heavenly materials and earthly treasures!

Qin Shaofeng’s greeting, the few people can no longer contain them.

They just picked up the teacup.

“What are you Little Brat doing?”

A sound full of majesty suddenly came from the sky, scaring the seven people to their legs and almost falling to the ground.

On the contrary, the tea cup in his hand is tightly squeezed.

“Dean, you are back.”

Qin Shaofeng is not so afraid of his Senior Brother.

Not to mention, Hentai Wen was fattened by the Second Senior Sister in front of him. If he really treated him as an outsider, he would not do that kind of thing.

Because of this, he is so unscrupulous.

“Qin Shaofeng? Are you trespassing into my courtyard again?” Hentai Wen roared.

“Che, it’s not the first time, why are you so anxious?”

Qin Shaofeng rolled one’s eyes and said: “I just made a good tea, come here, Dean, I will pour the tea for you myself.”

The endless text has fallen to the ground, smelling the tea fragrance from the teacup, his eyes seem to be burning.

Faced with Qin Shaofeng, but he couldn’t have an attack, so gloomy face walked over.

Qin Shaofeng naturally handed the tea cup over and said: “We have just returned from the experience, and immediately came to visit Dean.”

“Because I was too anxious, I also forgot to prepare a gift for Dean, so I brought some Spirit Fruit to Dean to taste.”

Long Haoyue seven people rolled their eyes madly. If they were not reluctant to bear the tea in their hands, they would have fainted directly.

Those are all Spirit Fruit, but they are all picked from Dean’s yard!

“Spirit Fruit? You still have…my spirit fruit!”

“Qin! Shao! Feng!”

The endless text is really going to run away this time.

Lingxinguo is specially prepared for their cultivation base. Eating one of them at will is equivalent to absorbing a heart crystal.

The high value can be imagined.

But he was just happy about Qin Shaofeng’s return and his dissatisfaction with the fragrance of tea, until Qin Shaofeng spoke.

“What to shout, I don’t know my name?”

Qin Shaofeng rolled one’s eyes and said: “Dean, it’s not that I said you, it’s your fault, these fruits are about to spoil on the tree, I also do it for your good!”

Long Haoyue’s seven teeth began to tremble.

Fiercely rolled his eyes even more, and almost fainted.

“I said Dean, you just came down from the sky? Did you go chat with that guy again?” Qin Shaofeng continued, as if talking to himself.

As he spoke, his eyes began to scan on the endless text of his clothes.

He doesn’t need to be clear.

Wan Wanwen also knows that this bastard actually wants to find footprints on his body.

Are you so unbearable?

Maybe every time you see Second Senior Sister, you will be kicked by the same fiercely that time?

“You don’t need to ask about the old man. It’s been half a year since you left. Do you still remember that you are a member of the academy?” Hentai Wen said angrily.

He saw that many treasures of himself were used wantonly by Qin Shaofeng, so he was naturally angry.

But it was just like when he met Second Senior Sister.

Qin Shaofeng doesn’t think of himself as an outsider, but he is very happy.

Anyway, Spirit Fruit is also with me, so I am not at a loss.

Thinking about it this way, the anger in his heart disappeared, but he couldn’t show it in front of outsiders.

What he didn’t even know was that the Lingxinguo Qin Shaofeng took out was only one third of the amount he picked.

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