
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“It turned out to be a talented person from Endless Academy.”

Qi Mu seems to have recognized his identity directly, cup one fist in the other hand said with a smile: “didn’t expect Brother Qin young age, to be able to kill so many alien beasts, really let I am so ashamed!”

“ha ha ha, trivial matter, trivial matter, not worth mentioning.”

Qin Shaofeng laughed and waved his hand, saying trivial matter on his mouth, but his expression on his face was so proud.

The nine-person expression has become more and more weird.

We have all seen through, okay?

Can we stop installing this brat?

Especially the three Guardian in Qi Tomb, his face is even more ugly.

On the contrary, Qi Mu seems to believe him again.

“What Brother Qin said, being able to kill such a strange animal is enough to prove that the little friend is powerful.” Qi Mu continued to hold it.

Heard Qin Shaofeng’s laugh again, he moved towards Luo San cup one fist in the other hand, I wonder if this Xiongtai is?

“The academy received a request from me to send it back. A half-step powerhouse, who was dedicated to Sect to help, we also met just before entering here.”

Qin Shaofeng shrugged and said, “Brother Qi Mu needs to ask again. I don’t know what the academy thinks, but he sent me a stuffy oil bottle. I haven’t figured out what his name is. It’s not because he has a token of the academy. I don’t believe that there will be such a person in the academy.”

This time even Qi Tomb’s face became hard to look.

What is hypocrisy?

He really saw it today.

“It turned out to be like this.”

Qi Mu didn’t care, and asked, “I don’t know who used Thunderbolt here just now?”

“Is it just a little brother?”

Qin Shaofeng chuckled: “Don’t talk nonsense, Dean once said that I have a special ability in visualization, and my perception of trifling mountain wall stone carvings simply can’t trouble me, but I don’t want too many I know.”

Qi Tomb’s face became darker, and the five temporarily united Loose Cultivator wanted to be killed by a palm.

Due to Qin Shaofeng’s record, they still held back.

However, the qualification to talk with Qin Shaofeng was given to Qi Mu.

They don’t have that endurance.

Wan one after another, if the sentence is not good, it will directly explode, but it is very bad.

“Brother Qin said that I naturally understand that if I had a similar trump card, I wouldn’t want too many people to know it.” Qi Mu smiled.

Immediately, he asked again: “Since Brother Qin has gotten the beast violent thunder, what do you plan to do this time?”

“I got it, but these friends of mine haven’t got it yet!”

Qin Shaofeng replied straightforwardly, saying: “Si Beast Kuang Lei is not an ordinary martial skill, and it cannot be inherited by dictation. Since there is such a good place here, I will naturally take them to take a look.”

The nine people were speechless again.

“Then…Are you going to move on now?” Qi Mu was really unsure of Qin Shaofeng’s thoughts, so he asked it out.

“Of course I do.”

Qin Shaofeng nodded said: “Let’s tell you that, although I have a sense of the wild beast thunder, but when I just used it, I found that this thing needs to be prompted by continuous display.”

“And this Monster Beast Cave Mansion seems to be specially used for cultivation of wild beasts, such a good place, wouldn’t it be too wasteful if it is not used?”

The crowd was speechless again.

Can you explain it this way?

“In that case, Brother Qin uses Sibeast Thunder to kill alien beasts. Isn’t it a very simple thing?”

Qi Tomb also pretended not to know anything, said with a bitter smile: “Frankly, although we are both the peak cultivation base of the sky and moon, it would be extremely difficult to kill those strange beasts. If Brother Qin had this A weapon, I don’t know if I can invite my brother with me?”

“This is a great thing!”

Qin Shaofeng was nodded with great conviction, and said: “I’m worried that the bored bottle gourd can’t fiercely protect me when many monsters are killed. It will be different with you.”

“As long as you see the alien beast in a while, you can just help me block it, and I will leave the killing.”

He patted his chest and said broadly.

A look of disgust flashed in the eyes of the three Guardians.

On the contrary, the eyes of the five Loose Cultivators flashed with surprise.

What is it to stop an alien beast?

I didn’t hear what Qi Mu said, is it asking Qin Shaofeng to be the main force in killing alien beasts?

As long as it can be done, it will be a great thing!

“In this case, we’ll set off now.”

Qi Tomb was nodded, and said: “Everyone disperses separately, no matter what happens before, we must stop the monsters that have been killed so that Brother Qin can take action.”

“Brother Qin, don’t worry.”

“Although the level of the alien beast here is very high, the battle strength is really not that good. As long as there is an alien beast coming, you just have to let go and attack.”

“ha ha ha, yes yes.”

Five Loose Cultivator promised one after another.

As for such a promise has several points of feasibility, Qin Shaofeng is not very concerned.

With the protection of Yao Shenyi and the impossible Luo San who left him, even if this group of people and the alien beasts were killed together, it was impossible to hurt him.

While they were talking, they continued to move towards the depths of the Monster Beast Cave Mansion.

Because they wanted to snatch Qin Shaofeng first.

Nine people used some small methods to get rid of the alien beasts.

This period of conversation.

Those alien beasts have also rushed over.

As they approached, the distance between the two parties was rapidly drawn in.

“Stop all of them, you don’t need to take action to attack, just watch Young Master play alone, wow hahaha…”

Qin Shaofeng laughed very arrogantly, which made the three Guardians feel more and more unhappy.

Loose Cultivator all want to use him.

Naturally, no one was talking nonsense, one after another took out the weapons moved towards the alien beast and rushed up.

Only Qi Mu remained alone.

His not at all crossed Luo San.

As an outsider, he naturally knows that Qin Shaofeng impossible will not stay behind.

And he just wanted to see Qin Shaofeng’s methods that’s all.

“Si Beast Thunder!”

Qin Shaofeng is able to produce a batch of shields, and he is as happy as Qi Tomb and the others.

Just as Qi Tomb and the others want inheritance, what he wants is the fate of these strange beasts that’s all.

Anyway, the defense was intact, so he started making moves directly on the spot.

Although Simon Kuanglei is the Divine Ability of Simon, it is similar to the ability of the Human Race spell division, but is a long-range thunderbolt attack method.

He simply doesn’t need to get too close.

The illusory shadow of the beast once again emerged from behind him.


Qin Shaofeng’s loud shout.

The illusory shadow moved towards the alien beasts at a very fast speed.

“It really is the inheritance of Sibeast!”

A surprised rays of light flashed in Qi Mu’s eyes, fixed on Qin Shaofeng, wanting to see what strength he was.

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