
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Ninth-order cosmic moon position (100,000 /1,000,000)

Star position: mark martial artist (white)

Martial Art: illusory Protoss (7th order)

Star value: 4650/0

Martial body value: 422/10000

Ghost marks: 6-32

martial skill: Ghost Three Slashes, Thunderbolt Thousand Flashes, Heavenly Secrets, Supreme Void Dafa, Infinite Seal Jue

inheritance spell: Si Beast Kuang Lei

Sky Map: Space Level 2 (0/10000)

Ghost Fire Golden Core: 90,000 /90,000

Star and moon value: 50/500,000

Innate Skill: illusory True Spirit, God and Demon Spirit Book

Sea of ​​​​Consciousness: Heavenly Dragon City

Equipment: Luo Tian Zen Shadow, Ghost Song, Yaoshen Clothes, Yaoshen Fan Mansion

Qin Shaofeng moved towards The character interface looked for a long while, and the expression became more and more weird.

I remember that when he first started, he only had Rank 4 in the universe.

In a short battle, he was directly promoted to Fifth Level.

Seeing this, he couldn’t help but feel lucky.

Fortunately, because of the system, the cultivation base aura emitted during the upgrade is very weak.

Furthermore, he was in battle at that time, letting the system automatically help him upgrade, and completely suppressed the fluctuation of aura during the upgrade.

Otherwise, if people really see him, even if he even rises to Fifth Level in the first battle, I am afraid that even people like Long Haoyue can’t bear it, right?

The thoughts in his mind were over, and he put away the sword.

The corpse moved towards the floor and looked over.

“Don’t stop there, everyone, come over and help me see if there are any useful objects in these alien beast corpse.” Qin Shaofeng moved towards everyone greeted.

Shen Wang and his wife have long known Qin Shaofeng’s secrets.

Furthermore, those alien beasts were also abolished by Luo San. Even if the Eternal Moon slaughtered the Yaoxing Position, it still gave them a shocking emotion that could be called horror.

They still reacted to Qin Shaofeng’s greeting.

On the contrary, it was Long Haoyue and the others, until they screamed for a long time, and finally reacted in the violent shaking all over.

“Sir, someone moved towards this side came over.”

Luo San walked quickly to Qin Shaofeng’s side and whispered.

“Renamed to Young Master.”

Qin Shaofeng nodded said: “At the same time, hide your cultivation base aura and continue to follow me.”

“Yes, Young Master.”

The aura on Luo San’s body changes rapidly.

His aura shrinks, making Qin Shaofeng look surprised.

It should be noted that Luo San doesn’t have the treasure of concealing aura. He turned himself into a person of the peak of the sky and the moon based on his own certain ability.

Unexpectedly, there was no strange feeling.

The things here have just been settled.

Qin Shaofeng saw a group of nine people moved towards here rushing over.

He still remembers the people of the three camps mentioned by Heavenly Void Insect King, and there seems to be no trace of battle there. I believe that these are the people of those three camps, right?

He was observing the nine people who came over.

The nine people are also approaching quickly, clearly seeing the corpse all over the floor.

At this time, the eyes have been focused on Qin Shaofeng and the others.

“One celestial moon position Peak, one celestial moon position Early Stage, six earth moon positions Late Stage, two cosmic moon positions, one…”

“Desolate, ridiculous month position? Rank 2?”

A group of nine people looked at Qin Shaofeng and the others, their eyes were already straight.

If it weren’t for the corpse that stunned them, maybe after seeing Qin Shaofeng’s entire group strength, they could not help but surge up.

But it was precisely because of the corpse that was all over the floor that they couldn’t believe what they saw with their eyes.

Although they all have their own groups, they continue to support each other as they advance.

Although it is so, the peak powerhouse of the nine heavenly moons over several hours of smashing, the strange beasts killed by the entire group of Qin Shaofeng seem to have not killed as many?

A pair of eyes tumbled around.

Be able to cultivated to the Peak of Heaven and Moon, even the youngster who is obviously sheltered is not a fool.

Just watching the scene before them, they can guess a lot of things.

The first thing they ignored was the couple Shen Wang and Shen Lian standing at the back.

The bodies of those two people still tremble slightly now.

Although there is a feeling of have endured the hardships of a long journey on the clothes, there is nothing like it should be after a battle.

apart from this.

Long Haoyue’s entire group is looking for materials on alien animals with weapons, but they look like a group of servants.

It is clearly a group of wastes that are only qualified to collect materials that’s all.

As for Qin Shaofeng…

They always feel incapable.

trifling Rank 2 Trifling Rank 2 Even if there is a powerhouse with a cultivation base around him, he shouldn’t have such courage.

On the contrary, Luo San seems to have some wrinkles after hands-on,

But it was the same without any blood contamination of the alien beasts, and it looked like a leisurely appearance.

“Myself Zun Xiandian Qi Tomb, dare to ask this little friend who is?”

The youngster, who is guarded by the three-ranked expert, did not have the slightest arrogance on his face. Instead, he took the lead in cup one fist in the other hand and asked his own name.

“Are you from Zunxiandian too?”

Qin Shaofeng’s eyes have a hint of doubt.

He did not at all make any cover-ups.

Qi Mu couldn’t help but start stunned.

Although he is the most direct descendant of the Zunxian Hall, he rarely does it in the Zunxian Hall. He has been practicing in various places almost all the time, and he has seen countless young talents.

He can see that Qin Shaofeng’s expression does not seem to be fake.

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng’s eyes were only suspicious, but there was not much awe. Obviously, the origin was also out of the ordinary, and he was even more puzzled.

“Yes, this brother knows the person in our Zunxian Temple?” Qi Mu asked suspiciously.

“I have contacted Yun Lan from your Yunxian Temple.”

Qin Shaofeng nodded, asked doubtfully: “That Yun Lan seems to be a person with a very high status in Yunxian Temple, but Brother Qi Mu seems to be similar, which makes me very confused.”

“Have you been in contact with Yun Lan?”

The color of doubt in Qi’s tomb’s eyes became even stronger, and he asked, “Although Yunlan Younger Sister is the direct descendant of our Zunxian Hall, her mother is the only daughter of an Elder in Yunxian Hall. Followed motherhood.”

“so that’s how it is.”

Qin Shaofeng suddenly.

“But brother, your history still surprised me!”

Seeing that he never answered his question, Qi Mu said: “Although Yun Lan is studying at Yunxian Academy, she has a cold and arrogant Princess attitude. I don’t know when and where Brother had contact with her?”

“A few days ago, above the United Autumn Hunting, she was my opponent.”

Qin Shaofeng shrugged and said: “myself Qin Shaofeng, an unremarkable little character in endless academy.”

He looks so simple with a smile, it seems that it is because of deliberately hiding the profound origin.

The nine people opposite are not brat who just entered the rivers and lakes.

They can all feel that Qin Shaofeng is definitely not as naive as it is now.

The degree of difficulty is even more troublesome than most old fox that has been around for many years.

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