
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“It turned out to be the owner of the Long Family, Junior was rude.”

How could Zhou Qing really not know his identity?

But there was a surprised expression on his face, cup one fist in the other hand bowed softly, and said: “Yao Star Alliance Zhou Qing, I have seen Senior.”

The expressions of everyone around them all become weird.

They have heard of the Star Alliance for a long time.

It is said that the Star Alliance is extremely low-key. Since its establishment, the gate has always been closed.

Outsiders have no way of knowing its strength.

The only certainty is that behind the Yao Star Alliance is the endless mountain.

“It turned out to be young, talented people from the Star Alliance?”

Long Tianxiang also showed a surprised expression on his face, saying: “No wonder everyone young age, there can be three powerhouses, it really is not without reason!”

“Patriarch Long is polite.”

Zhou Qingyi smiled, and then asked: “Dare to ask Patriarch Long, where is the Head Examiner for this assessment?”

The smile on Long Tianxiang’s face instantly disappeared.

He has said so much, Zhou Qing is still holding on to it.

The others sneered even more.

Mind: As expected of someone who came out of the Yao Star Alliance, he is really domineering, and he doesn’t even give the Long Family Patriarch the face.

“My little friend, there is no need for this…”

“Patriarch Long need not say much.”

Zhou Qing did not wait for him to finish, so she interrupted, saying: “If this matter is only related to a few of us, with Patriarch Long’s words, it doesn’t hurt to expose this matter.”

Long Tianxiang’s face suddenly became exciting.

Long Yingying is indeed not his daughter, but also his niece.

Although this matter cannot be concealed, it will be of no benefit to their Long Family if it is made a big deal.

As for the fact that Qin Shaofeng helped them cheat, that is even more impossible.

Where is this place?

Endless Academy!

School Dean is a Supreme Expert, how could he not know that Qin Shaofeng is helping these people?

This is the premise.

Qin Shaofeng still dares to do this kind of thing without fear, and it has already explained too many things.

Unless their Long Family doesn’t want to hang around in the endless mountains.

No! Maybe it’s more than endless mountains.

After Wu Endless Mountain came to Cangming Realm, it had a very good relationship with Yunxian Temple because of its close distance.

Doesn’t it mean that the entire East of Cangming Realm has no place for their Long Family?

“I already know what happened to you. Long Yingying should do it alone. Let the Long Family Patriarch take care of it.” Qin Shaofeng’s voice came directly from afar in the sky.

The voice is very flat, it seems to be just saying something dispensable.

But that sound made Patriarch Long take care of it.

Suddenly let Long Tianxiang sit on wax.

What does it mean to figure it out?

He is not a junior like Long Yingying, he can naturally hear the anger hidden in Qin Shaofeng’s words.

If he can’t handle this matter well, the consequences will be very serious.

“Little friend Qin, due to Long Yingying’s behavior, she has lost the qualification to continue to participate in the assessment. The old man asks to request marriage to bring her back. I wonder if the little friend can accommodate?” Long Tianxiang is also a decisive generation.


Qin Shaofeng didn’t care about him.

If it wasn’t for Long Yingying’s words to involve him, he would not even have the heart to speak.

Since Long Tianxiang speaks, let him handle it.

“many thanks little friend.”

Long Tianxiang cup one fist in the other hand moved towards the sky arched his hands.

Immediately, the cultivation base aura radiated from him.

Suddenly skyrocketed, moved towards the distant island.

The edge of the island in the lake.

Long Yingying watched Zhou Qing’s entire group leave with his own eyes, and the whole person stood in place as if stupidly.

People with strong cultivation base around will naturally not stay too much.

But those who think that their cultivation base is insufficient have stayed.

There is no chance anyway, it’s better to stay and watch the show.

Maybe this assessment will soon deteriorate due to Long Yingying’s words.

But they didn’t expect anyhow.

While they were still guessing, they saw a silhouette galloping from the sky.

In a few flashes, it has landed on Lake Heart Island.

“Patriarch Long?”

Everyone was shocked.

The academy actually asked Patriarch Long to pick up people in person?

Or what happened in it that Patriarch Long would come in person?


Long Yingying also trembled.

The moment she saw her relatives, tears slipped from her eyes unconsciously.

“Do you still have a face to call me uncle?”

Long Tianxiang was extremely angry.

When Long Haoyue and Long Xiaoxiao brought Yaoxing coins back, he could let Long Haoxing and Long Haochen pass the level directly.

It was because of what she said that he had to withdraw his thoughts.

I witnessed the smooth and convenient passage of the five Ren Xiaoyao, but his son didn’t know what the result would be, he was sighing in his heart.

Now that Long Yingying has caused such a disaster to the entire Long Family, how can he bear it?

“Uncle, I…”

Just as Long Yingying wanted to speak, she was interrupted by Long Tianxiang mercilessly: “You don’t need to say anything.”

“Long Yingying, you used to relied on family influence. I did not know what you did, but turned a blind eye on the face of your father. But what you do today, even if your father is here, I can’t change anything.”

After speaking, Long Tianxiang stretched beckoned.

Long Yingying’s body could not help flying up.

As soon as he entered the air, a popping sound came from Long Yingying.


The mournful scream resounded suddenly.

But the moment she opened her mouth, she seemed to have suffered some kind of attack, which made her voice directly change its flavor.

“Long Yingying relied on the power of the family to behave, and the old man Long Tianxiang punished him as the head of the Long Family and abolished his dantian meridian.”

“Furthermore, Long Yingying slandered others and abolished his speech ability.”

Long Tianxiang is really decisive.

It’s just a take action, it’s just like the existence of Heaven’s Proud Daughter in public. It directly becomes a mute who has the power of qi and blood, but can only nourish the fleshy body.

This method is not ruthless.

Those who didn’t know the influence, their eyes widened suddenly.

On the contrary, the six great influence people who know the truth are all sighed in relief.

Especially the two senior executives of Baiyuedian and Tianxing Trading Company.

What they worry about the most is that someone with a heart makes a fuss with Long Xiaoxiao’s words.

Long Tianxiang used this method in public. I believe those who know that before they want to say something, they must think carefully about what it will lead to.

I really cut off the trouble in the future.

“Go back!”

Qin Shaofeng never took Long Yingying seriously.

Even the entire Long Family may have the ability to threaten him, but it is impossible to kill him.

Not to mention that Long Tianxiang wouldn’t do that yet.

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