
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Zhou, the place of the moon!”

“There is actually a powerhouse in the universe among them?!”

“No wonder they seem to be so confident in everything. If I can also have a powerhouse sheltering me, I can be fearless!”

“Long Yingying hit the iron plate this time.”

“There are two eighth-ranked barren moon martial artists and one celestial moon martial artist. Where can I cheat?”

“I think Long Yingying should have been cheated by who.”

“Come out and say something with inconclusive news, even if she was deceived, it is not worthy of sympathy.”

“A single mouth directly offended the college and the Great Family.”

“I would like to see how she can solve this.”

People who were still interested in snatching, seeing this scene before them, all their careful thoughts have been reduced.

A group of Low Level barren moon martial artists, want to snatch the powerhouse of the moon moon?

Isn’t this courting death?

Fortunately, Long Yingying dared to come over and do things.

We don’t plan to fight anymore, just take it as the excitement.

Look at the excitement of the members of the Long Family direct descendant, it seems to be a pleasing thing!

“Girl, is there any difficulty in taking them through the first two levels with my cultivation base?” Han Yue said flatly.

At the same time as the voice was over, she condensed all her cultivation base aura.

All of a sudden, Zhou Qing and the others’ cultivation base aura was highlighted.

Two eighth-ranked barren moons, and a cosmic moon martial artist, want to bring nine people who are not too weak in the cultivation base to pass the assessment. Although there are some difficulties, it will definitely not be great.

At least in the previous level.

As long as she is willing to take action, not to mention just grabbing the Yaoxing coins enough for a few of them to use, even if most of them are plundered, it may not really make people think of the same enemy.

This level is also the same.

The two martial arts of the eighth-ranked barren moon, she personally took action to snatch the planks. It is not too difficult to build a ‘boat’ for them to travel together.

With this lineup, do they really need to cheat?

At least no one in the room really thinks that way.

“You still have a powerhouse in the universe?”

Long Yingying’s pretty face has turned pale: “You guys are all so strong, so why cheat?”

She felt like she was pitted to death.

If it weren’t for the intelligence of Zhou Qing and the others cheating, how could she dare to bring people out and threaten them like this?

But she couldn’t think of anything.

The cultivation base of this group of people is so powerful.

I’ve gone to the point where others can take a look and lose any idea of ​​competing with them.

“hmph! Cheating! This Young Master is not interested in talking nonsense with you, we are waiting for you outside.” Ziwencheng snered.

I opened the blanket with a wave.

The blanket went to the surface of the lake, really not getting wet.

Zhou Qing and the others looked at the blanket, then opened the mouth and said: “Ziwen City, we don’t need to talk nonsense with the people who want to slander us, the people above will naturally investigate the matter thoroughly. “

“I know.”

Ziwencheng seemed to wave his hand impatiently and said, “Go, let’s go through this level first.”

He was the first to step on the blanket.

The force of qi and blood is applied.

The whole blanket suddenly became like a huge wooden board on the water.

A group of seventeen people stepped up one after another.

Their cultivation base is not weak, even the worst is the Late Stage cultivation base.

Under the control of the qi and blood of the seventeen people, the blankets were suddenly made like a boat, moving towards the distance and galloping away.

What happened here, the cultivation base is just like a Qin Shaofeng average person. If you look at it from the other side, you really can’t see anything.

But all influence people coming, but they are all Peak characters.

What happened here.

Of course, all the Peak characters saw it really.

Zhou Yue’s position as Wu Xiu was also a fact that they had already recognized.

See Long Yingying being beaten mercilessly.

The Palace Lord of the White Moon Palace only eye shows the ominous light moved towards Long Family. The lord Long Tianxiang looked over: “Long Tianxiang, your Long Family is really a good junior. You even slander our White Moon Palace like this. The old man wrote it down.”

“More than your White Moon Palace?”

Tian Xing Trading Company came by a Vice-President.

His eyes are even more sinister, staring at Long Tianxiang said solemnly: “Although our Tianxue Trading Company is not a tyrannical influence, it cannot tolerate who slander.”

“Long Tianxiang, if you can’t give us an explanation to the Tianxue Trading Company within three days, your Long Family will spend twice the price if you want to buy things within the southwest of the endless mountain in the future. Come on!”

The two spoke one after another, causing the influence powerhouse from all parties who wanted to see the excitement, and they all sneered in a low voice.

Compared to Lake Heart Island.

They have already seen that Han Yue Zhou Yue is the cultivation base.

In addition, two eighth-rank barren moon Wu Xiu took the initiative to stand up, and it was perfectly clear to show the strength of that group of people.

With the leadership of these three people, it is not too difficult for them to pass the previous levels.

If anyone believes Long Yingying’s words, there is a problem with his head.

The blanket travels Rapid Speed ​​on the lake.

In just a moment, a group of seventeen people have already returned to the place they came.

Although they are not slow.

But because they first needed to find a reasonable excuse, and then Long Yingying and the others came out to disrupt the situation, it really wasted a lot of time.

At this time, several people have already returned first.

Those people also seem to come from alliance influence.

Twenty people, really rounded up.

Their cultivation base aura is not weak. It seems that they actually spent not a small price in order to return first.

They are all participants in the assessment.

Although they came back, no one went back to their camp. They all stood not far from the lake, looking at them at this time.

Zhou Qing seems to have not noticed their gaze.

He looked around each minding their own business and made sure that there was no Qin Shaofeng silhouette before shouting: “I don’t know where the Head Examiner is. I want to see the Head Examiner.”

The group of people who had come back earlier, all looked over suspiciously.

The great characters here all laughed in a low voice.

Long Family Patriarch Long Tianxiang’s complexion changed abruptly, and he hurried forward a few steps to accompany said with a smile: “Myself Long Family Patriarch Long Tianxiang, we have already seen the things on Lake Heart Island, this matter is our Long Family must be punished severely and must give everyone an explanation.”

His statement immediately made the eyes of people who didn’t know the situation of Lake Heart Island stare wider.

Long Family is indeed a small family compared to Endless Mountain.

In front of their influence, they can also enter the forefront of existence.

The owner of the dignified Long Family would actually apologize to a group of children?

What happened to Lake Heart Island?

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