
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Ling Zhong Uncle, do you know what mysterious places are in the tomb of the Yaoxing Ten Thousand Gods?” Qin Shaofeng did not complain, but was moved.

If you only rely on what he knows, the difficulty of searching is really not small.

Since Ximen Lingzhong proposed those places.

Being able to get some guidance from Ximen Lingzhong, the difficulty will be greatly reduced if you want to find the tomb house in the tomb of Yaoxing Ten Thousand Gods.

“I know, I know some, but…”

Ximen Lingzhong hesitated for a moment before reaching out to portray it in the air.

In the end, before he suddenly came a little bit, a parchment-like Treasure Map appeared in his hand.

This method made Qin Shaofeng stunned.

Create a picture in a volley and force it to form paper with Power of Heaven and Earth?

After the cultivation base reached this Realm of Ximen Lingzhong, he actually had such a means to turn corruption into Divine Artifact.

“I specifically marked a few locations here. As long as it is the red area, you must be prepared first if you want to enter, and the black area is definitely not allowed.” Ximen Lingzhong said.

Qin Shaofeng’s gaze immediately moved towards, and he looked at the places marked with black and red.

The most obvious ones are the Tombs of the Dead and the Stars in Tibet that Ximen Lingzhong mentioned before.

In addition to these two locations, there are actually seven places in the red area, and there are dozens of roads on this map.

Compared with the only one path he has taken, it is dozens of times behind.

He was overjoyed immediately.

“There are so many roads inside the Tomb of the Yaoxing Ten Thousand Gods. It seems that half a year is very tight!” Qin Shaofeng took a deep breath.

“In fact, half a year is not stressful.”

Ximen Lingzhong heard this and laughed: “Although the cultivation base of Nine Heavens is not as good as mine, it is not too different. As long as you find the key points when searching, you want to search or kill one of them. Ghosts, in fact, are not very difficult.”

“I hope so!”

Qin Shaofeng loosened his shoulders and said: “Ling Zhong Uncle, now that time is tight and the mission is heavy, I won’t delay here any more.”


Ximen Lingzhong waved his hand.

Ke Nine Heavens got his guidance and immediately came behind Qin Shaofeng.

It can be seen.

Ke Nine Heavens is the absolute loyalty of Ximen Lingzhong.

Knowing that what Ximen Lingzhong is going to do now is to use Qin Shaofeng to fiercely humiliate Daxitian, he did not even complain.

Qin Shaofeng received a clear reply and was deeply sighed in relief.

Immediately, lead the team away.

He didn’t know.

In the few days they moved towards looking for here, another huge disorder occurred in the Land of Bright Stars.

The mass appearance of ghost and corpse slaves has already turned the land of the star into a dead place.

Although is some people who survived by chance, life has become very difficult.

It’s just the disaster caused by the ghost and corpse slaves. If there is no further development, even though it is troublesome, it will not develop into a crisis of extinction.

But no one thought of it.

Half a month ago.

As one after another roar of extreme rage came from the edge of the dazzling star land, more than fifty powerhouses of gods came across the ocean.

As soon as they entered the land of the dazzling stars, they began a merciless massacre of everything they saw.

As long as the ghost slaves who appeared near them suffered the first.

But the real goal of these people is not a ghost slave.

Whenever facing a ghost slave, what they do the most is to use their tyrannical cultivation base to kill a way out.

As for more ghost slaves, they don’t even bother to take a look.

apart from this.

The most they did was moved towards all directions to find alive people.

Only ten days.

The news of the appearance of this group of powerhouses spread in this land of shining stars like the last days.

The most popular news is naturally the people who established Thunderbolt Sect, which is now roughly complete.

It turns out that the place where this group of people landed is close to Thunderbolt Sect.

After searching, there were people who didn’t know anything, they had to find Thunderbolt Sect.

Thunderbolt Sect executives are indeed unwilling to sell Qin Shaofeng.

They saw so many all at once. The cultivation base seems to be far behind Qin Shaofeng’s existence, and the scales in their hearts have started to slowly change.

I knew that it was wrong to betray Qin Shaofeng, but I also leaked Qin Shaofeng’s affairs cleanly.

Even their guesses were all said.

After they said everything they could say but could not hear, all the help they had originally guessed fell through.

These fifty-odd people were originally Death Warriors sent by the Four Elephant Sect and Cloud Sea Sect.

They only have one mission, which is to destroy the foundation stone of the Teleportation Array that was stolen by Qin Shaofeng, and fall together with the land of the bright stars in the future.

They can’t go back on their own. What else did they say to help the people who helped Thunderbolt Sect leave?

I was joking, okay?

Don’t say you can’t go back.

There is really a chance to go back. Who would be willing to waste great strength to help such a group, and turn around to sell the waste of those who promised to help them?

Doesn’t it mean that you find yourself uncomfortable?

When the powerhouse whose cultivation base was significantly higher than the cultivation base of the god star was ordered, more than fifty people scattered in a rush, and the people moved towards Thunderbolt Sect provided the direction to look for the past.

Under the search of the cultivation base powerhouse above the collective god position.

It took only five days to wipe out the peripheral zone, large and small countless countries of the shining star.

On this day, finally came to Fire Cloud Country.

When the first person saw the terrifying barrier towering over the clouds, their eyes widened in shock.

“Sir, here… is it really that small border country?” A powerhouse star stared at the terrifying city wall in front of him with that shocking stare, and the corners of his mouth trembled slightly.

“This Country is indeed weird.”

The person who is called Sir is naturally the person who is the cultivation base of the deserted moon.

This person looked at the terrifying city wall far away, and he also made a voice of suck in a cold breath: “According to the scale of this city wall, even if there is no intrusion of ghosts, at least It takes two or three years for such a small Country to be built, right?”

“Two or three years, maybe I don’t say too much.”

The other person also spoke with a tangled face.

This person is an expert sent by Cloud Sea Sect.

The ninth-order Peak star position.

Cloud Sea Sect, as the influence that still has the Teleportation Array, will naturally take the initiative in some trivial matters.

Whoever comes to the land of the shining stars is the end of certain death, no doubt.

Even if you can defeat Qin Shaofeng and regain the foundation stone of Teleportation Array, you will definitely have no life to go back alive.

In this case, the powerhouse of Huangyue will naturally be dispatched by the Four Elephants.

Although this person’s cultivation base does not have a shortage of months, in terms of the status of the entire group, it represents the leader of Cloud Sea Sect.

At least in terms of the right to speak, he did not lose to the powerhouse of the Yellow Moon from the Four Elephant Sect.

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