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Seeing that he was about to enter the great array, Ximen Lingzhong suddenly shouted loudly.

His voice is like a thunderbolt explosion.

Qin Shaofeng, Li Naling and the others were also shocked by this sound.

Ke Nine Heavens couldn’t hold back his laughter, and he suddenly stopped.

“Eldest Brother, you… why are you in this place?”

“Why would you help those bastards guard the great array of the altar?”

“Should you not inherit the position of Celestial Emperor in the West?”

As soon as Ke Nine Heavens spoke, tears were already flowing.

Li Naling and the others looked over suspiciously.

Compared to Ke Nine Heavens.

For them, Ximen Lingzhong is a Legendary of the year, and all hearsays cannot be taken seriously.

Now that I finally see Daoist, they are naturally curious.

“Celestial Emperor of the West? hahaha……”

Ximen Lingzhong seems to have been poked in a sore foot, laughs facing the sky with a crazy face.

The black aura of the cultivation demonic path spreads uncontrollably.

See this scene.

Everyone outside Qin Shaofeng made a sound of suck in a cold breath.

“Demonic path! He actually bedevilment said?”

Li Naling three people cried out in surprise together, no one can believe what they see with their eyes.

As long as he did not fall, he would definitely become a Western Celestial Emperor. Instead of controlling the Western Heaven, he became the demonic path demonic cultivator now?

This… things are changing, it seems to be too terrifying, right?

“Eldest Brother, you…you bedevilment?” Ke Nine Heavens trembled in shock.

“demonic path! haha…not all thanks to my dear Eldest Brother!”

Ximen Lingzhong still laughs facing the sky: “That bastard deliberately led me to come into contact with the Celestial Emperor…hehe, anyway, you will remember that Ximen Lingzhong and that bastard are irreconcilable!”

“More than that, you are the same, hahaha…”

“Since the bastard cheated me, I will use the same method to report to him. Qin Shaofeng is my good son-in-law chosen for my good Eldest Brother daughter after countless screenings. What do you think of him? ?”

“How about?”

“Is it a good match?”

Ximen Lingzhong asked in a loud voice.

His question made Qin Shaofeng feel a headache.

The people who were still shocking Qin Shaofeng’s good fortune, are full of black lines.


A good match or not?


You are the rhythm of pushing people to the endless abyss?

Nothing but.

For the current situation.

Qin Shaofeng may not really hate him.

After all, without his support, Qin Shaofeng might still be an ordinary person now, and might have died in the hands of a ghost slave.

There are pros and cons, I really can’t tell.

“Ling Zhong Uncle, your emotions are over.”

Qin Shaofeng’s face full of black lines opened, expressing a slight anger, and said: “Your niece and son-in-law are just the shit cultivation base, you’d better take care of your mouth, or you won’t wait for me to talk to your niece The bridal chamber is about to die in the hands of the Daxitian.”

“Not bad! Not bad! Uncle is really wrong.”

Simen Lingzhong who was still in a crazy state just now, hearing this directly began to apologize.

The huge contrast before and after, once again let everyone down.

But they haven’t waited for them to think about it.

The black qi on Ximen Lingzhong’s body escaped and slowly merged into the great array of the altar.

The terrifying pressure immediately invaded everyone’s heart.

“Although you are going to be my niece’s son-in-law, I still can’t fully believe you. Everyone swears by their soul blood. Who dares to divulge the little things about my niece’s son-in-law, the soul blood dries up and died.” Ximen Lingzhong deserves It is the demonic cultivator that enters the road of bedevilment.

Before blinking, it was still an own person’s face.

In the blink of an eye, he started to threaten them with life and death.

Li Naling and the others all have wry smiles.

Cultivation base might as well leave it alone.

Since Ximen Lingzhong can manipulate the great array of the altar to suppress them, they have to choose to obey.

It just doesn’t disclose Qin Shaofeng’s affairs, but it can’t be considered any major event.

Everyone swears.

The horror Demonic Qi on Ximen Lingzhong’s body was then slowly recovered.

Everything seems to be back to normal.

“I need to buy another six months for Little Feng, so I will be responsible for this great array here.” He even explained.

After finishing this sentence, he looked at Qin Shaofeng.

The voice became heavy and he asked, “My dear niece, do you really want to explore the back?”

“Naturally want to explore, don’t I have the ability to explore with the help of the poison fairy and the others?” Qin Shaofeng asked rhetorically.

Anyway, Ximen Lingzhong needs to use him.

Unless Ximen Lingzhong makes peace with Da Xitian, Ximen Lingzhong will not do anything to him before one party loses.

He is not at all worried about what Ximen Lingzhong will treat him.

Speaking is also very bold.

“I have done it.”

Ximen Lingzhong’s voice is very heavy.

After saying this, he became silent, his eyes flashing with thought.

Qin Shaofeng knew he was thinking about the next situation, so he didn’t bother.

It’s been a long while.

Ximen Ling Zhongcai finally sighed and said, “Although the three of them are all martial arts in the shining star position, their level is not very high after all, and they are not pure martial arts, after all, battle strength is limited.”

“Nine Heavens, you continue to follow my dear niece and son-in-law, and take care of the journey behind him.”

“Yes, Eldest Brother.”

Ke Nine Heavens put away the tears in his eyes, nodded said.

“Nie-in-law, I have no objection after you explore, but there are some places you can’t touch in any way. If you can promise me, I will agree with you to explore.” Ximen Lingzhong said solemnly.

“Uncle, please speak.” Qin Shaofeng was taught humbly.

“The first place, you want to explore the abyss of starry sky for a long time, never want to touch it again, unless your cultivation base surpasses me…No! Normal Supreme Expert level, you can’t touch any secrets.”

“The second place is the Tomb of the Dead. When your cultivation base surpasses me, you can explore the Tomb of the Dead. Don’t even think about it before.”

“The third place is the hidden star chaos. Even if your cultivation base surpasses me, at least you must be accompanied by me and find three or five Supreme Expert Wuxiu before you can go and explore.”

“If you can agree, I will let you go.”

Ximen Lingzhong said these three places one after another.

Li Naling and the others don’t know the Yaoxing Tomb of the Ten Thousand Gods, and are just curious about the three places he said.

Qin Shaofeng’s mouth grew in astonishment.

He believed that Ximen Lingzhong was not selfish.

Even if it is selfish, it is to protect him.

putting it that way, these three requirements turned out to be Supreme Expert Realm?

The most horrible thing is the hidden star chaos?

Hidden star chaos?

It seems that when I first came to the Tomb of Yaoxing Ten Thousand Gods, I didn’t see such a place?

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